New to this fitnesspal

:flowerforyou: I am looking for others that are having a struggle trying to loose weight.. I know I am not alone.. I weight 212 my height is 5 feet.. my ideal goal is 130.. I have high chorestrol.. I have tried from low fat diet to cutting down my foods.. I love and enjoy my foods.. but my hips dont like it... please share some of your experiences and ideas to be able to eat foods and still loose and have fun loosing weight.. I am really excited to get some responds and friends request to be able to share.. thanx


  • Dulxecita
    Dulxecita Posts: 35
    Hi. I joined a couple days ago. I weight 183and I'm supposed to get to 135the doctors orders.
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member

    i am 5 foot 4 weighing 224 currently. i want to be 135. we have simalar goals. feel free to add me! i just started my journey on sunday and i am down 2 lbs.. i have 89 more to go!!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Feel free to add me also . I have lost 48 pounds in 13 months . Started out at 236 and my goal weight is 130 . We can support each other ! I am 5 foot 2 .
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    My experience was less about the fun of diets and more about the fun of fitting into my highschool pants. I started at the end of June 2011 at a weight of 187lbs, today I weighed in at 135 lbs. Everyone can lose the weight but not everyone wants to put in the time and effort it takes to do so. I have faith that you and everyone else on MFP can lose the weight they want/need to. Get into a fitness routine and after the first month you will start to see the lbs/inches fly off of you. Best of luck !!:)
  • weightloss43154
    weightloss43154 Posts: 203 Member
    hi I am 224.6lb at the minute and want to get to about 140, I also have problems with my hips, but can say since i have started lossing weight they are getting better

    feel free to add me
  • jen467
    jen467 Posts: 4
    Im 5'1" and I have to admit that I was up to 220. I now weigh 200.5...I cant wait to get rid of that "2"!
    I have finally reached a point where I am ready to take control of my life!
  • ahrtemis
    ahrtemis Posts: 11
    i'm new too! feel free to add me. lets keep each other accountable :)
  • Trophyyf
    Trophyyf Posts: 218 Member
    At my highest I was 230. When I joined MFP I was 200.8 I'm 189 now. My suggestion is portion control and to do lil things like swap regular meats for lean meats like turkey (if you eat meat). Go whole grain instead of whites (I won't give up breads so this works for me) My waffles are whole grain and tortillas everything, pastas. No soda, I switched to diet but I don't drink it a lot. Water water water. As far as exercise the truth is, if you know yourself and you know you won't go to the gym, don't waste the money. I knew myself and I knew that with 5 kids (your reasons could be different) that I wouldn't go. I do however have a elliptical and I use it everyday 2x a day anywhere from 10 min to 45 min. My norm is 30 2x a day. I do water aerobics 2x a week too rain or shine.
    You have to find your thing and I found mine through trial and error. I spent money on things that were a waste like the gym, dvd's ect.....and I should have went with my gut that aren't gonna do this. That's my input and I will friend request ya!!! Good luck.

    Let me add I'm not saying going to the gym is a waste or dvd's I'm saying it wasn't my thing.