MFP spitfires cycling club week #2



  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hello spitfires!! Did a test run for my tri next Saturday. Hit the pool for a 1,500 yd swim then came home for a very hilly windy 25 mile bike followed by a 2 mile run. Feel ready and prepared!!! :drinker:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Good for you!! And Good Luck!!! I still haven't done a tri by myself. I've done 3 as just the swimmer on a relay team (one was a half Ironman). There used to be a really nice sprint distance tri every year in my area and then, all of a sudden, it stopped. I think, before I turn 40 I'd like to complete a tri. That gives me 4 years to think about it. Hehe :happy:

  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Good job Jess. Hope you do awesome. All this training will help you on race day. Hope you grab another age group. I always like the Olympic distance, it's not too short or too long. Should be fun!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Good job Jess. Hope you do awesome. All this training will help you on race day. Hope you grab another age group. I always like the Olympic distance, it's not too short or too long. Should be fun!

    Thanks, Raymond!! I am feeling more prepared now. This will be my longest tri yet. I really enjoy the sprints, but they seem to go by so fast. This one will not feel as fast I'm sure. :laugh: I'm familiar with the course (I did the sprint there last year, and one in June also) so that helps.

    Had those crazy dreams last night about forgetting my bike shorts, couldn't find my bike, etc. Sort of like the first day of school dreams... :huh:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Ahh yes, what a tour... a real delight. :smile: :smile:

    First, Skywalker, I love the graphic in your ticker... awesome stage eh? The next mountain finish is the day before champs de elysees, so there are only a few chances to sort out the climbers in the GC.

    I plan on adjusting my ticker daily to show each stage profile. Don't know if you noticed, but my main image changes daily to relfect the stage winner of the day (Luis Leon Sanchez today). I had high hopes for Big George today. I hope he wins a stage this year. :happy:

  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Afternoon my cycling pals. I want to do a tri so badly. Will of course start with a shorter one but My ultimate goal I have set for 2013 is to complete an Iron Man. If I keep getting stonger every day I might just be able to do it. I'll just keep pushing myself over the next four years. lol. Trying to balance my running and my riding as I have a couple of 5k's in the next few weeks and I dont want to be too rusty on the running thing. I've only run one 5k before this and came in at 27:13 which I have been told is a pretty good time for my first one. I am just hoping to come in better each time!

    Great weather today so if anyone needs me I will be on the road =)

  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Jess, that's funny. I had a checklist, yes... a dork checklist because it kept me from worrying. So it comes naturally. I'd also take 2 to 3 set's of googles, shoes, and be over prepared. It's amazing the anxiety you get over it... HA. I am curious if you start enjoying the longer venue's, I always thought they were better. SO.. go get em Jess, you rock girl!!

    OK spyguy, as an Ironman vet... that's a serious race. It's a definite long term commitment. For me, it was as much a spiritual journey as physical, because it's just hard to imagine. What a blessing to have done it, I am so thankful. BTW...the race fee is over $500, so beware about that too.

    I am slowly getting back into form myself, which is fun. I am working towards a fall tri but I am just not that excited about it, I just don't have the urge to compete anymore. I guess I am looking for my race mojo..... The only thing that seem interesting is crazy ultra stuff. :explode: :explode:

    OK, back to work. Ugh.. gotta get caught up on office stuff.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Jess, that's funny. I had a checklist, yes... a dork checklist because it kept me from worrying. So it comes naturally. I'd also take 2 to 3 set's of googles, shoes, and be over prepared. It's amazing the anxiety you get over it... HA. I am curious if you start enjoying the longer venue's, I always thought they were better. SO.. go get em Jess, you rock girl!!

    OK spyguy, as an Ironman vet... that's a serious race. It's a definite long term commitment. For me, it was as much a spiritual journey as physical, because it's just hard to imagine. What a blessing to have done it, I am so thankful. BTW...the race fee is over $500, so beware about that too.

    I am slowly getting back into form myself, which is fun. I am working towards a fall tri but I am just not that excited about it, I just don't have the urge to compete anymore. I guess I am looking for my race mojo..... The only thing that seem interesting is crazy ultra stuff. :explode: :explode:

    OK, back to work. Ugh.. gotta get caught up on office stuff.

    I have friends who are regular marathoners and who have done Ironman tris. I just think it's somewhat amusing to have to pay that much to beat the crap out of yourself. :laugh: For me, sharing the expense for a half-Iron relay was still expensive. Our cyclist already had his bike (Cannondale Six13,carbon), our runner had her shoes, but I had to get a full cold water wetsuit to dive into a cold New Hampshire lake. Hehe. At least I have it. Actually, I should try it on. I just realized when I swam that, I was 35 lbs heavier (Athena :grumble: ), but that was 4 years ago :happy: :drinker: :happy:

  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA I have been a clutz all week. Hopefully my toes and leg will feel better tomorrow so I can get a ride in. I did a 5 mile run today and toes hurt bad then my hubs went and hurt my leg so I might just push through the pain. We shall see.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Jess, that's funny. I had a checklist, yes... a dork checklist because it kept me from worrying. So it comes naturally. I'd also take 2 to 3 set's of googles, shoes, and be over prepared. It's amazing the anxiety you get over it... HA. I am curious if you start enjoying the longer venue's, I always thought they were better. SO.. go get em Jess, you rock girl!!

    OK spyguy, as an Ironman vet... that's a serious race. It's a definite long term commitment. For me, it was as much a spiritual journey as physical, because it's just hard to imagine. What a blessing to have done it, I am so thankful. BTW...the race fee is over $500, so beware about that too.

    I am slowly getting back into form myself, which is fun. I am working towards a fall tri but I am just not that excited about it, I just don't have the urge to compete anymore. I guess I am looking for my race mojo..... The only thing that seem interesting is crazy ultra stuff. :explode: :explode:

    OK, back to work. Ugh.. gotta get caught up on office stuff.

    Oh yes, just the mention of the word Ironman in my current condition makes me shake in my booties. That's why I am thinking 4 or 5 years from now. I'm an extrememly goal oriented person and I have a step by step series of goals in place to get me there. lol And I hear you on the spiritual journey thing. That is why I hope to be able to do it in 4 or 5 years. This journey into a healthier life has been even more spritual than physical. I'm glad I saw the light in my 20's and am really hoping to get to the ironman point by my mid thirties.

  • jthibodeau
    jthibodeau Posts: 10

    I am relatively new to MFP and I have enjoyed reading many of your posts and profiles. I have gotten with Spyguy and I would like to contribute 50 miles this week and hopefully more in the near future. I am new to biking and just bought my first road bike Friday. What a ride, I can not wait to hit the road each day.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533

    I am relatively new to MFP and I have enjoyed reading many of your posts and profiles. I have gotten with Spyguy and I would like to contribute 50 miles this week and hopefully more in the near future. I am new to biking and just bought my first road bike Friday. What a ride, I can not wait to hit the road each day.

    Great!!! :happy: Welcome!!!

  • prayerfulmom
    prayerfulmom Posts: 409
    I got in 80 on the road and 5 trail ridding this week but on the mountain bike as my road bike is awaiting a new wheel set from specialized (I'm seriously mourning that loss; its been in for 2 weeks already).
    Looks like my mountain bike needs to go in for a tune up now. May be bikeless. wanted to log and flag this into my topics. Nice to see others who love to cycle.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I got in 80 on the road and 5 trail ridding this week but on the mountain bike as my road bike is awaiting a new wheel set from specialized (I'm seriously mourning that loss; its been in for 2 weeks already).
    Looks like my mountain bike needs to go in for a tune up now. May be bikeless. wanted to log and flag this into my topics. Nice to see others who love to cycle.

    I'm currently without a mtn bike. :frown: I sold it a few months ago and regretted it the second it left my house. I have my eye on a hardtail Specialized, but still need to save up a bit. Thankfully, I have a road bike to get me thru the summer (Cannondale). Mtn biking was what got me hooked though. I was bikeless for a week at the beginning of summer and I didn't know what to do with myself :tongue:

  • dlestermfp
    dlestermfp Posts: 106
    Well, I didn't make my 100 miles this week. I needed a recreational ride of my own yesterday to round it out, but ended up doing family things instead. So, my weekly tally stands at 86 miles.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Well, I didn't make my 100 miles this week. I needed a recreational ride of my own yesterday to round it out, but ended up doing family things instead. So, my weekly tally stands at 86 miles.

    86 is a number you can be proud of :happy: :drinker: :happy:

  • junkgypsy
    junkgypsy Posts: 217
    I'm so slacking this week.
  • quinnybear
    quinnybear Posts: 243
    i met my goal of 80 miles yesterday, but my dad and i are doing another ride today so my weekly total will be over my goal!
  • prayerfulmom
    prayerfulmom Posts: 409
    I got my road bike back today. So setting my goal for the week at 75.
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    OMG!!!! I was just saying this morning that I haven't seen any posts for cycling and then I see this!!! I just bought a bike yesterday. I did 10.5 miles tonight. I love it! So much better than walking, wogging, treadmill...:grumble:

    I want to join the team, please? What do I need to do? Commit to a certain amount of miles? If that's it, I commit to 50 this week...if I can count my 10.5 tonight :tongue: :wink:
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