Newby, trying not to get depressed...

Hi all, I'm not sure how this works, I've tried to post of different groups (ie: 5'1", women of a certain age, etc.) but didn't seem to work. I'm 57 (although yesterday I was carded, go figure, I can't even look in the mirror without wanting $ for botox, etc.)..anyway, I'm 5 feet tall but always had a thin face so when I gained, no one knew in photos. But the tush/thighs have always been a problem (not tummy, wore regular clothes before giving birth to both kids). Hated my body years ago and now look at photos and would do anything to look like that, our self images are really screwed up! Anyway, gained about 20 lbs. over the years until, BAM!, the big 'C' then the dreaded "M'. 5 years in remission from Uterine cancer, Radical Hyster. with 60 lymph node removal in groin area making for tummy and thigh weight/swelling (I look preggers at end of day). In last 5 years gained another 30 or so. It's impossible to lose. I'm a vegetarian, trying to be vegan, was walking 2-4+ miles/day, tennis or hike on Sundays. I've been cutting out the only food I have problems going without, bread (not potatoes, fries, chips, sweets) just my toast or bagel in the morning. Have about 950-1250 cal/day. Nothing's happening. I was a 5/6-7/8 then 'happy' with a 10 but now 12' are tight and even when any size fits, I cannot get it over or button over my enormous boobies....hate them! Can't understand any woman going through surgery and risking their lives for what is such an inconvenience. Most people know I've gained but peg me more at about 140-150, I was 190+ and now 180 but need to be 105-115 and would be thrilled at 130 at this point. Surgical Meno also makes my hair fall out and messed up my nails, bones (one crooked finger so far) and weird skin problems, dsyhidrosis. Hasn't helped love life either since hubby at 52 can eat anything and still have weight he did in high school or lose it in a few days. I know I'm not desirable. Unemployment hasn't helped either and with weight and age it's a bummer.

So any 'middle?' age, meno women out there? I almost bought JM Body Revolution but too expensive and her other DVDs are sitting in a dusty DVD player. I guess this site is all on the honor system so encouragement and honesty is #1. To start, I really have to get off this computer! :-)


  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Sounds like you have come through alot. You have lost 10lbs , congrats on that. This site really does help. Logging calories really opened my eyes. You have to find foods and excercise that works for you. For me I have become competitive with the food diary and also the excercise diary. I have an active job so that is a help to me. I find it fun to cut calories out of recipes but keep it good for my husband and a son still at home. There is a lot of support here because everybody is here for the same reason. Even people who have reached their goals because then you are maintaining. Determination is the best thing you can have. Because you will find ways to get to your goal. I wish you determination because it is not luck that will get you there.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    You sure have been through a lot, sorry for that. I know you are looking for "middle aged" women to be your motivation on here, I'm almost 23 years old, but I can assure you if you want motivation, I got it :) Feel free to add me, and I will try to help you as much as I possibly can. I have faith in you and I know you can do this! Get those DVDs out and start working out girl! Just remember, you are doing this for yourself!
  • GuitPicken61
    GuitPicken61 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 50. Weight has always been an issue. I'm almost never seen consistent progress in this area. I began to work on it again in January. The first month I lost 5 pounds and felt like I was starving. My niece introduced me to this site and I began to wrestle with logging my foods with as much accuracy as possible...paying attention to even the little details of quantities and little tastes of things. The second month showed a much more successful outcome. I'm now ending my third month! What a difference! It is not longer a huge chore to log the food. I've added exercise. I've added water to my regular stuff. My weight loss is consistent for the first time in my life.

    Since you are vegan, you must pay attention to your caloric intake and nutrition. Move away from the white stuff and switch to the things that really carry nutritional value. Keep your protein levels consistent since they help you with muscle and weight loss. A cool thing about the food log is that it gives you feedback on what your nutrition intake is. I found that I didn't eat much of anything that nutritious and was just juggling calories.

    I am on an anti-inflammatory diet which help me with pain, bloating, food triggers and such. But, that is what I do.

    I'm glad you are here and hope you will find the support you need. You've had a couple of very hard times. Be refreshed!
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I'm on here a lot and am happy to be encouraging. You can friend me if you'd like. :)
  • cindy859
    cindy859 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi and welcome. You have certainly been through a tough time. I think you will find logging what you eat will be a great help and the support you will get here will keep you going! Add me if you would like to.
  • prairiedawg2014
    i hear ya on most of what you've gone thru. sorry to hear about the cancer, but CONGRATS on being C free!
    iam 53, and have been overweight for years......until i accidently came across MFP. the best thing to happen to me!
    iam almost 20 lbs down in 2 months. the people on here are wonderful, caring, supportive people, not to mention very motivational.
    they have helped me a great deal.
    stick with it, i know we can all help you and each other. if you ever need to talk or need advice, recipes or anything....just message me. i will be here for you as long as you need!
    YOU CAN DO IT! just takes time
  • prairiedawg2014
    PS. you look wonderful for 51!!
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    as everyone else has said congratulations for making it through all that you did. i couldn't imagine. Also congratulations on making the first step of getting on MFP and already losing 10lbs! I am not your height or age but I just couldn't help but reply to your situation.
    Also about your husband good for him having the great genes it would be nice if he shared..... BUT if he had such a big issue with your look a lot of men would be gone. If your husband is anything like mine and i think he is since he stayed all through your health issues he loves you unconditionally and would probably help you in your journey any way he can.
    Good Luck in your journey and I hope to see more posts in the future from you.