Marine Jake's P90X Transformation Video

Here's a link to my transformation video I put together on youtube!

A year ago I was overweight and depressed when I decided to make a change. I can't believe how much things have changed in the last 365 days. I've done 2 rounds and now I'm working on P90X2!

Hope this inspires you guys on your fitness journey! It never ends, and it's an awesome ride!


  • wolfehound22
    Awesome job, im currently on day 63 of my first round of P90X, and feeling great. I got P90X plus, and P90X2 up next. How r u liking P90X2
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    Good story Jake. Thanks for the motivation.
  • mrsmorgan805
    mrsmorgan805 Posts: 10 Member
    Jake, you are definitely an inspiration!!!! That video was amazing. You will be seeing me on your fit club very soon!!! I am on measly day 4 of P90X and although I have attempted this program atleast 4 times in the last 2 years and only made it past day 3 I know this is the time that I will succeed! I will be keeping in touch! Thank you for sharing your journey!!!
  • ihavethree
    ihavethree Posts: 10 Member
    Wow congratulations! You truly are an inspiration...especially to your son i'm sure :)
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    Wow....congrats on your amazing transformation. The video is lovely and very inspiring. I use the P90x videos as part of my workout DVDs, but haven't done the entire program for 90 days in a row....but after seeing your video....may be I should give it a try.
  • kristypie
    kristypie Posts: 102 Member
    Loved watching your story. Congratulations on taking your life back. Oohrah, Marine! (from a Gunny's wife) :happy:
  • CoachJake83
    CoachJake83 Posts: 108
    Thanks so much guys and sorry I didn't post back sooner! Had a busy weekend! Tim Tebow came to our church!

    It has been an amazing year with P90X and Beachbody. I just decided to become a coach with them recently so I'm new to the whole thing. Everyone told me I should make a video to kick start the inspiration and I had no idea it would be received like this. You're always your worst critic and didn't know if my results would be enough to get people movin'! lol

    I'm trying to put up some helpful articles on my website at so if you guys have any suggestions shoot them my way. So far I have general nutrition tips and my grocery list. I'm working on putting together some videos so people can see how I prepare my meals and track them also. Any video ideas are also appreciated!

    I think my next one will be about the supplements I take.

    Thanks again for all the kind words guys!!!!!!!!!

  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    Very inspiring! Congrats on your success!
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Thanks for the post and your AMAZING transformation video. You have inspired me to go ahead with P90X. I am in my second round of INSANITY and I've always had it in my mind that P90X would be too hard. It looks like a lot of the same routines that I'm already doing. Thank you for your service to our country, for being a great dad to your son and for being willing to help others in their journey to wellness.
  • 5Btieden
    5Btieden Posts: 189 Member
    OMG...I just got done watching P90X commercials and then come on here and see this. I am going to do the 30 day shred first but P90X is definitely in future plans! VERY inspiring! Thanks for sharing!!
  • CoachJake83
    CoachJake83 Posts: 108
    Let me know when you get started 5BTieden! You're gonna love it!

    BTW I just posted a supplements page on my site showing some stuff I've added to the diet recently to really help in the fitness journey. Let me know what you think!
  • Candi8099
    Candi8099 Posts: 178 Member
    *WHISTLES* WAY TO GO!!!!!! I have been through a divorce & I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy!

    I also understand where you're coming from with the food & alcohol thing (nice youtube vid BTW - brought tears to my eyes)

    GREAT story!!! Keep "Living the Good Life!"
  • Gidget86
    Gidget86 Posts: 45
    Great video! Very inspiring ... I think you will make a great coach!
  • mrosem87
    mrosem87 Posts: 31
    WOW!! That is very motivational. =)

    I'm currently on week5 of p90x. I'm trying to think of what I'm going to do next once I'm done with this program. =)

    Good job, everyone!
  • Rockerchick77
    EXCELLENT VIDEO!!! Thanks for sharing and for the motivation!! I just started on MFP yesterday and am ready to get moving! :happy:
  • DaveMXF
    DaveMXF Posts: 52
    WOW! Jake, you blew the doors off brother. Way to go, truly inspirational. But then again that's how we Leathernecks roll.....:D
  • CoachJake83
    CoachJake83 Posts: 108
    Thanks again for the kind words!

    MFP is a big part of your nutrition with tracking. The more accurate and consistent you are with your food the more results!

  • qkidney
    qkidney Posts: 258
    Wow! Great results! :) Very inspirational!
  • lumina0o0
    lumina0o0 Posts: 498 Member
    wow, way to go!
  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,292 Member
    The video made me want to cry at the beginning and cheer the rest of the way through. You are an amazing man - single fatherhood can't be easy, and to parent, work, work out, and now coach takes a huge amount of heart.

    Thank you very much for sharing your story.
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