high protein foods for vegetarians

I am vegetarian and want to loose some extra pounds from belly, what foods are good. Thanks


  • kleighsamboer
    dark leafy greens are great for protein and are low on calories. I eat a high raw food diet and have never had any issues with protein.
  • kimmieyr1
    kimmieyr1 Posts: 189
    I am interested as well. Not a full fledged vegetarian but don't eat that much meat and some days my protein is low.
  • kang73
    kang73 Posts: 12
    is cottage cheese good
  • kleighsamboer
    depends on your foods made of animal products stance. cottage cheese is make of cow's milk. cottage cheese nutritionally isn't bad but you need to look at fat content and calorie content. I really would suggest greens. 1 pound of kale has more than enough of the daily amount recommended by the USDA. I suggest doing some research. Especially if you say your a vegetarian. Research is important!