Simplest breakdown of how to lose a lb. a week...ever



  • JEN0206
    JEN0206 Posts: 3 Member
    The problem is everybody is different and we all lose weight at different rates. One size does not fit all.
    Last week a girl commented on how she was struggling to use all her calories each day but she was still losing weight. Everyone jumped on her warning her about starvation mode and that she must eat them all including any extra gained from excerise.
    Each day I struggle to eat all my calories so after reading these threads and being worried about this starvation mode I decided to give it ago. I've eat every calorie awarded me, continued excersing and guess what this is the first week I've NOT lost any weight at all.
    So maybe my body doesn't work the same as everyone elses, maybe this is only a guide and a tool for each individual to find what works for them because lets face it, we all eat different types of meals at different times of the day and have different medical conditions.
    I suggest you find you find out what works for you, if that means you feel healthy eating 1100 cals per day and have loads of energy and lose a safe amount of weight per week its all good.
    Good Luck
  • teacherspet1
    teacherspet1 Posts: 142 Member
    Bump this for later.......Thanks :bigsmile:
  • l2rell
    l2rell Posts: 88
    How do you work out your daily decifit is it the =net ??

    And if I won't to loose approx 2IB a week does this need to be at 1000-1500 a day ??
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    The problem is everybody is different and we all lose weight at different rates. One size does not fit all.
    Last week a girl commented on how she was struggling to use all her calories each day but she was still losing weight. Everyone jumped on her warning her about starvation mode and that she must eat them all including any extra gained from excerise.
    Each day I struggle to eat all my calories so after reading these threads and being worried about this starvation mode I decided to give it ago. I've eat every calorie awarded me, continued excersing and guess what this is the first week I've NOT lost any weight at all.
    So maybe my body doesn't work the same as everyone elses, maybe this is only a guide and a tool for each individual to find what works for them because lets face it, we all eat different types of meals at different times of the day and have different medical conditions.
    I suggest you find you find out what works for you, if that means you feel healthy eating 1100 cals per day and have loads of energy and lose a safe amount of weight per week its all good.
    Good Luck

    When you up your calories, it's not unusual to gain a few pounds while you're body readjusts. After a month or so, your body's furnace (your metabolism) should start burning hotter and you should start losing again while being able to eat more.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    How do you work out your daily decifit is it the =net ??

    And if I won't to loose approx 2IB a week does this need to be at 1000-1500 a day ??

    You should only go for 2# a week if you're extremely obese (at least 75# overweight).

    I suggest you go to the stickies at the top of this forum and read them. Lots of good information in there that should answer all your questions better than I can.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    I disagree - extremely overweight people can lose 5 lbs or more a week safely.
    How do you work out your daily decifit is it the =net ??

    And if I won't to loose approx 2IB a week does this need to be at 1000-1500 a day ??

    You should only go for 2# a week if you're extremely obese (at least 75# overweight).

    I suggest you go to the stickies at the top of this forum and read them. Lots of good information in there that should answer all your questions better than I caan.