Hey eveyone my first week on 1300 calories and I've lost 7 pounds I no most of it is probably water weight but I'm still happy was just wondering if anyone else is on 1300 calories how is your weight loss going? And most importantly what type of things are you eating ? I'm finding it difficult to know what I should be eating and I've heard a lot about starvation mode and need some reasurrance that 1300 calories isn't starvation mode I am currently 179 pounds and would love to lose 50 pounds by august I am 21 years old and exercise 1 and a half hour 5 days a week any advice would be really really helpful need this weight off badly need support x


  • sfootman
    sfootman Posts: 9 Member
    Hello...there are many many things you can do to eat healthy and feel full. One place to find really good meal and timing He has put menus for the past 40 weeks. they are printable and have really simple easy and normal things to eat. They are extremely healthy and taste awesome. AND you wont be hungry. It isnt a "diet" but a healthy way of eating for a Lifestyle! 30 lbs down in 3 mons and I am on 1200 calories.
  • bikini1234
    hi sfootman great website i was just wondering do you eating any exercise calories back???
  • magenbrittni
    I started out on 1300 calories and am now down to 1200. I plan out my meals in the morning so I know exactly what I can afford to snack on during the day to keep me from getting hungry. I work 40 hrs a week and go to the gym after work about 3-4 nights a week and every Saturday. I don't have a lot of time to cook so I use the crock pot A LOT. There are a lot of delicious low calorie crock pot recipes out there. I'm 24 and have lost 25 lbs in 2 months. I usually don't eat back the extra calories I get after working out (except when I go out to eat for special occasions or sometimes use the extra to have a drink with dinner!).
  • Shanda1987
    what would you all suggest for someone on a 1300 calorie a day diet
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    I'm on 1250 per day and week days thats enough weekends when I have a couple of glasses of wine & chocolate then I do go over and my exercise calories come into play.

    Typical weekday is:

    Breakfast - Slimfast shake (I can't face breakfast & a suggestion by my cousin to try this is working)
    Lunch - either left overs from evening meal or a salad or homemade soup
    Dinner - normally something with either pasta or rice, lots of veg and either chicken or fish. Keep red meats down to a minimum, mainly due to preference rather than a specific decision) or boiled new potatoes and maybe once a week a jacket potato. Also make casseroles with loads of veg.
    Snacks - very rare I snack if I do its normally a piece of fruit or I may have a laughing cow light cheese triangle

    Weekends I'll include things like homemade curry or lasagne something still healthy but more calorific.

    I struggle to eat the calories some days and don't usually eat back exercise calories but reading some other posts yesterday it seems that eating them is better as MFP is based on losing weight from doing no exercise, yesterday after eating a cheese sandwich to get to my base calories. Its a tricky one. But good luck
  • mali240
    mali240 Posts: 126
    you want to lose 50 lbs by august 2012??? doesnt sound too healthy.

    i eat about 1200 (give or take a 100 calories), eat lots of veggies (baby carrots will become your bff), try and limit whire rice, brown rice is an acquired taste but its so much healthier.
    stop the junk food. the amount of calories in pop, chips, cookies is unbeliable...
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Split it into 4, so that's about 300-350 calories each for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

    breakfast - porridge/ oatmeal, eggs, slice toast with peanut butter, natural yoghurt with nuts/ berries
    lunch - salad or soup
    dinner - lean meat with loads of veg
    snacks - fruit, cottage cheese on rice cakes, celery with humous, yoghurt
  • Shanda1987
    Split it into 4, so that's about 300-350 calories each for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

    breakfast - porridge/ oatmeal, eggs, slice toast with peanut butter, natural yoghurt with nuts/ berries
    lunch - salad or soup
    dinner - lean meat with loads of veg
    snacks - fruit, cottage cheese on rice cakes, celery with humous, yoghurt

    hows much of each and do you put anything in your oatmeal etc details lol
  • avt85
    avt85 Posts: 64
    I'm on a 1,000 calorie per day limit for 1.5months now and have lost 15kgs through it. If there was such a thing as starvation mode. It hasn't hit my body yet.
    I suggest having a good review at what you eat daily and substitute them with their low calorie counterpart.
    I have very low calorie jelly to satisfy my sugar cravings, corn cakes and hummus instead of bread in the morning, tuna salad for lunch etc..... Foods that are low calorie but high in nutrional value would help stretch your calorie limit and not make you feel like you are starving yourself.
  • ShrinkingShawna
    ShrinkingShawna Posts: 186 Member
    I'm on a 1200 calorie diet (per my dietitian). I don't eat my exercise calories (per my dietician). I'm averaging over 2 lbs a week since 04/17/2012. My diary is open, I eat from a menu so the majority of it is healthy. You can also add me if you'd like. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • stestut
    stestut Posts: 42
    I am actually on a 1200 calorie diet on "non exercise" days, 1500 on "exercise" days. It's not easy but as I've been going along, it's gotten much easier! My typical diet is: For Breakfast, 4 egg whites and a slice of ezekiel bread, Lunch is typically a big salad with measured out couscous (for the carbs), 100 calorie steak, frozen corn (cooked), maybe some beets, cukes and 1 Tbsp of Balsamic Dressing. Dinner is typically a piece of protien (whatever I'm making that day), measured out, a veggie (fresh or frozen, NO cans), and some sort of measured carb. I also use New Whey Protein every day to help maintain muscle mass since muscle burns fat!

    I also exercise 5 days a week, 3 with a trainer and two on my own.

    Hope this helps!!
  • aghack
    aghack Posts: 107 Member
    I'm at 1250 per day, and I eat a ton of food. Feel free to add me and look at my diary.
    As for eating my exercise calories, I try to eat most of them back. The first time I tried to lose weight I didn't eat my exercise calories back, and I was getting nauseated and vomiting during hard workouts. After spending a lot of time on this site, I realized that I was just not feeding myself enough to be ready to work out.

    Another suggestion- get yourself to the point where you are eating the same thing everyday for breakfast. It makes it a lot easier to budget calories for lunch and dinner if you know that breakfast is basically the same calorie count each day. Everyday I eat 1 small fuji apple (full of fiber), one triple health english muffin with a teaspoon of real butter (100 calories, filling carbs), I hard-boiled egg w/ half a yolk (low cal, lots of protein), and a 4 oz glass of V8 (fiber, fiber, fiber). I drink a large glass of water with it, and I am very, very full.
    My breakfast is right at 315 calories. By making it automatic, I don't worry about not feeling full or overdoing it on any one day.
  • stestut
    stestut Posts: 42
    Hey eveyone my first week on 1300 calories and I've lost 7 pounds I no most of it is probably water weight but I'm still happy was just wondering if anyone else is on 1300 calories how is your weight loss going? And most importantly what type of things are you eating ? I'm finding it difficult to know what I should be eating and I've heard a lot about starvation mode and need some reasurrance that 1300 calories isn't starvation mode I am currently 179 pounds and would love to lose 50 pounds by august I am 21 years old and exercise 1 and a half hour 5 days a week any advice would be really really helpful need this weight off badly need support x

    My trainer and I have talked about exercise and if you arent building muscle, you won't lose as quickly and it will be harder to keep it off. Be sure to be doing weight training as well.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I am currently 179 pounds and would love to lose 50 pounds by august I am 21 years old and exercise 1 and a half hour 5 days a week any advice would be really really helpful need this weight off badly need support x

    That's 50 lbs in 2 months, a goal that I don't think anyone would endorse as safe OR healthy :)

    A better way would be to just eat clean and exercise, and let the weight come off at a safe's not as much fun or dramatic to see, but would be better for your health in the long run!

    Good luck!