very thick mid section

I am finally losing weight but at age 57, I'm not sure it is possible to get a flatter tummy or a more defined waist. I feel like I'm shaped like a hamster. Does anyone have exercise suggestions? I am thinking of joining a gym. What equipment would help me to define these problem areas? Thank you very much!


  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    I did join a gym and the strength training circuit (Life Fitness, 18 machines) is definitely helping with my middle, it is my most stubborn area.
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    45 lbs ago I was shaped like a baby! When the weight leaves, so will the middle! Keep going!
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    Options cannot tone up just one body section at a time.
    The only way to get the results you are looking for, is COMPLETE body workouts!
    Yes...join a gym, if you feel comfortable doing so.
    Machines like the Cybex ARC, any elliptical, or Precor AMT machine will be great for you. My cardio of choice is the Spin Bike!
    Doing a full body weight lifting session for one hour per week, will get your muscles revved up...and keep you burning calories for several hours AFTER completing the session!
    If you do not feel comfortable joining the gym.....may I suggest getting some of the Leslie Sansone Walk At Home DVD's? Trust will be amazed at how quick you break a sweat with just 1 mile with her! It's not your "walk in the park" type!
    I have a Wii, and I LOVE playing Just Dance 3!!! it is a GREAT workout!! I can burn up to 1100 calories in an hour of dancing! I also have Gold's Gym Dance Workout for Wii. It is a combination of cardio boxing and Latin dancing (think Zumba...but not so crazy, and easier to follow).
    Another great suggestion: get a HRM (heart rate monitor) with the chest transmitter! I have a Polar FT4. It is, by far, the BEST tool I have used!!!
    Protein shakes......I have one right after I get up...right after a workout..right before bed.

    Don't focus on ONE thing......eating properly, exercising daily, drinking plenty of water, getting plenty of rest....your body will thank you for it, and the weight will come will shrink..muscles will tighten......just have patience! It will happen.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    "shaped like a hamster" I love that! A hamster is very lovable! More lovable than an apple. Thank you!:flowerforyou:
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    I'm kind of in the same boat, 56, lots to lose, and slowly it's coming off. But I carry most of my excess weight right up front and center. I'm looking at Wii for my fitness, for a couple of reasons. First - we already have the machine, and second because so many people are using it to achieve their fitness goals. Why pay extra for a gym membership when I'm so out of shape, I'd probably be too embarrassed to go work out publicly and make a fool of myself.

    Wii Fit has some good "core" exercises, but I'm looking for some other ideas, too. Will follow this thread with interest!

  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    JIllian Michaels 6 Week 6 pack DVD has definitely helped my midsection. Still have weight to shed to see any muscle tone, but it has made my stomach appear noticeably smaller by strenthening my muscles and helping me keep it pulled IN rather than pooched outward!
  • jouradnik
    jouradnik Posts: 4 Member
    I'm the same age as you, with a similar "hamster" shape. Ya know what's starting to help and is also a LOT of fun? Hoop dancing! It's hula-hooping, but not like you might remember hula-hooping as a child. There are tons of videos on YouTube and there may be classes through a community ed or fitness program in your area. The important thing is to use a big enough hoop when you're first getting started. A bigger hoop is easier to keep up and keep spinning. I'm 5'2" and my beginning hoop was almost up to my shoulders. The hoops that are sold in toy departments are for children and they're too small for most adults who haven't hooped for a while. I made my first hoop out of plastic tubing and duct tape ... there are also directions for making a hoop on YouTube. It's absolutely the best thing I've found for helping to firm up my middle. Haven't been doing it very long (2 months about 3 times/wk), but it's definitely making a difference!
    Good luck!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I've always had a very 'doughy abdomen' as I've had underactive thyroid since birth, though my tummy wasn't always as big and was around 9st 7 at my fittest in teens/early twenties.

    I dropped wheat and lost 13" off my tummy, still got abit to go but its much better than it was! I've gone from size 20 to 14's in jeans.. just getting into some 12's in tops as lost 5" off boobs too and 7 " off waist too. .. now 5lbs off being 9st 7 again at 42yrs old!! :happy:
  • jouradnik
    jouradnik Posts: 4 Member
    Hi -- I also use my Wii a LOT! The Walk It Out Wii game is my number 1 go-to for fun fitness on the Wii. I'm easily bored by the set-type exercise programs (10 situps, 10 jumping jacks, etc), although they probably do give a better full-body or core workout. have joint issues in both my ankles and wrists from prior injuries, so walking is a really good thing for me. I increase the aerobic and strength-building possibilities with Walk It Out by using weights while I walk on the Wii Fit board. :-)