Low Carb/No Sugar

So, I gave up sugar, and boxed foods about a week ago.I feel so great. The pounds are coming off like crazy too. The only thing is that it just seems way more expensive to eat this way. Any tips for lowering my costs for food? It's the only reason why I'm considering going back to eating everything in moderation. It seems like that way, it would work better for my family. However, I have a lot of weight to lose, so I want to do this, and get it off. So, Any tips?


  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Shop at the scary cheap food markets instead of brand name places (like Safeway, Vons, Albertsons, or whatever is in your area). I don't know if they have them in your area, but out here in California, we have markets that cater to different ethnic groups- asian and hispanic mostly- and If you can handle a checker who doesn't speak english and food labels that aren't in english and food from who-knows-where, then it's really really cheep. Meat. Fish. Veggies. Fruits. Things with eyes sometimes.

    Good luck!

    Oh yah... freezer = best friend.

    I've started shopping at Sam's club even though it's just me. I buy in bulk. I break out the zip locks. I break up the humongous packages into individual sized ones. And freeze everything.
  • DivaDiane
    DivaDiane Posts: 73
    Boxed foods are notoriously high in sodium. Roast a whole chicken, cook your own brown rice, black beans, pinto beans, etc.
    Don't buy any "instant" mixes, they don't taste as good as the real thing...and the real thing doesn't take that much more time.

    When you cook "from scratch," YOU control the ingredients. Buy vegetables that are on special and search for recipes online. skinnytaste.com is great.
  • Susan0816
    Susan0816 Posts: 41 Member
    I found that for cod if you buy a box of fillets it is $2.99 a lb and then freeze it, when we want fish I get 2 pieces out. That is enough for 2 hungry growing men and I take a little off of both for me. The boxes are approx 15 lbs.

    I do alot of shopping at Costco and check the markdown meat section first every time I go the store.
  • mamasasa
    mamasasa Posts: 90 Member
    I read a quote once that went something like this...."Buying processed food in boxes is like buying your coffin on an installment plan."

    I try and eat mostly unprocessed food and make my food from "scratch". It is sad, but true, that it is cheaper to eat crap. My food budget is fairly high and I am okay with this. Food equals health. Food equals energy. Food is "medicine".

    One of my favourite quotes is:
    “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
    ― Hippocrates

    I live in Canada and find good sources of quality (organic) foods at places like Superstore and Costco (cheap organic greens). I also belong to a food buying co-op where I can purchase many dry goods and produce for much cheaper than in stores. And I am a firm believer in growing my own food. You don't need a lot of space and if you have children, it is a fun activity for them. Square foot gardening is a great way to grow produce in small spaces. Or container gardening on a patio.

    I find it very hard to go back to processed foods after eating a "cleaner" diet. In fact, I ate poorly yesterday and I am still paying for it today. Lesson learned :smile:

    Here's to your health and fitness :flowerforyou: