
Hi everyone,how are you?I finally posted a body picture.Im trying to find more confidence and self esteem.Anyone struggle with this?Got a shocking comment from my son today about my stomach.He said my stomach looks like a pigs.Now this is very out of character for him-he has been hearing mean comments and trying them out on me to see how he is supposed to react to it.It did of course really hurt my feelings.I have lost almost 50lbs and I'm about half way done.Any support right now would be really great.Thanks,Rose


  • Tanners2202
    Hey there. Don't be disheartened,I hate in when my friends son makes comments about me and she doesn't tell him off. Not really alot you can do other than explain to him that it's rude and judgemental to pass comment on others and just try and reinforce it. Stay strong my lovely and show him the error of his ways,I'm sure he's just going through a phase.

    I'm having confidence and insecurity problems lately too. Last year I found my boyfriend watching alot of porn and after explaining to him how sick it makes me feel and that as far as I'm concerned I see it as cheating because his efforts are misplaced,he did it yesterday morning and yet he has it completely on tap. I always send him pics and nice messages or do surprises for when he comes home and yet now I just think he's a selfish so and so who has no respect for my feelings. Trying to decide how to handle it and whether to say anything is hard,so throwing myself into my fitness will hopefully help me make a decision about what to do.
    Everyone struggles with things hun,it's how we deal with things that help us learn and grow. Hope you get sorted soon :))
  • NeeNee121
    NeeNee121 Posts: 10
    I feel you on the boyfriend tells me all the time how beautiful I am, but when you don't feel it, you don't feel it. You will get to a point that you look into a mirror and actually see what others see. You've lost 46 pounds!!! That is amazing. I don't know how old your son is--if he was being mean, silly, or serious (especially when super young kid, they say the most bizarre things). Don't try to figure out why he said it or what he meant. Just know that he's noticing your changing body and may not know how to express himself about it. I hope you realize what a great accomplishment you done and see yourself as beautiful no matter what! Good luck!!
  • sarahi2009
    sarahi2009 Posts: 285 Member
    Your son seems young and he probably and most likely didn't mean or really understood what he said. Right now I am done losing weight I am in the toning phase starting Monday. My girls are 6 and 4 and have a 2 year old as well. One day my girls said...mommy we want to have a tummy like yours...I asked them why...they said, cause yours don't understand so al could do was laugh. You are well on your way to the body you want so don't let little things discourage will get there and all that confidence will come back as long as you let it!! Good luck!!