i worked out 5 days this week and ate healthy, only to see a



  • rica0111
    rica0111 Posts: 27
    same here! my clothes feel more loose too but the scale..the scale!!! :(
  • AntuanR
    AntuanR Posts: 23 Member
    Stay encouraged though!
  • rica0111
    rica0111 Posts: 27
    same here! my clothes feel more loose too but the scale..the scale!!! :(
    Oh believe me, i feel ur frustration.

    I've been doing 30DS for the past 24days and what i've been eating, well lets just say theres no way i can eat any less. So no i havnt been having too many cals. I've been drinking my 8 glasses of water a day and havnt cheated one bit food wise. I step on the scales today only to have gained 2lbs. WTF!!!! Not only that, same happened last week apart from it was 0.5lbs i gained.

    Everyones been telling me i look slimmer, i feel slimmer in myself and my trousers for work are actualy huge on me now, im constantly having to pull them up so im putting the gain down to muscle gain. There is no way possible that i could have an actual gain cause i deserved a loss tbh and its so bloody disheartening :indifferent: . I actually cried today when i got weighed. Sad i know but its took me so long to get back on track and that just felt like a slap in the face. We just gotta remember, it will come off eventualy.
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    Don't get discouraged, it happens to me, just wait it out, and step away from the scale till next week. Good luck!!
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    Perfectly normal. Sometimes when we exercise hard, we get a TEMPORARY gain (or sometimes just a stall) from fluid retention as our muscles repair themselves. Ever feel stiff and achy from working out? That's inflammation, aka fluid retention.

    Also, some foods are high in sodium and can cause fluid retention, too. Give it time.


    no worries. pauses happen. but sounds like you're on the right track, just keep at it!
  • rica0111
    rica0111 Posts: 27
    It is important to remember that there are many factors to this. Just because the number on the scale isn't what you want to see doesn't mean you aren't making progress. A few months ago I was working really hard and watching everything I ate but in the month I only dropped 4 lbs - however my personal trainer did an analysis and it turned out I had lost 10 lbs of fat and gained 6 lbs of muscle, that's why I only saw 4 lbs on the scale but I actually looked and felt much better. Maybe taking before and after pictures would help you see your progress or just take into account how your clothes are fitting. If you focus on the number on the scale you're focusing in the wrong place. Keep up the great work and focus on feeling great!

    hmm..this made me think..because i've been weight training thrice a week since last week..thanks for your reply!
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    I've heard it said that muscle weighs more than fat. I've lost more than an inch around my waist and similar amounts elsewhere, but only reduced by 1 lb. This leads me to believe that I am gaining muscle and losing fat, which keeps me motivated to keep it up.

    But what everybody is saying is true - drink water, let your muscles repair themselves, and weigh ONLY once a week, max. Once a month if you can stand the suspense (I can't - LOL)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    There's not nearly enough info here for all this off-the-cuff advice.

    Let's see your Diary, how old are you? Female? How tall are you? How much weight are you trying to lose? What do you have your weight loss per week set at? How many times a week are you working out? Are you eating enough? We don't know any of this, so really can't help you dial in a solution to your problem.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I wouldn't sweat only 1lbs...that is nothing!

    However, here are some things to consider:

    Were you eating enough calories? Think of your metabolism like a furnace -- if you don't keep fuel in the furnace, the fire will die down and go out.

    What kind of exercises were you doing? Remember - exercise smarter not harder....

    Are you getting enough sleep?

    Drinking enough water?

    Could be hormonal?
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    same here! my clothes feel more loose too but the scale..the scale!!! :(
    Oh believe me, i feel ur frustration.

    I've been doing 30DS for the past 24days and what i've been eating, well lets just say theres no way i can eat any less. So no i havnt been having too many cals. I've been drinking my 8 glasses of water a day and havnt cheated one bit food wise. I step on the scales today only to have gained 2lbs. WTF!!!! Not only that, same happened last week apart from it was 0.5lbs i gained.

    Everyones been telling me i look slimmer, i feel slimmer in myself and my trousers for work are actualy huge on me now, im constantly having to pull them up so im putting the gain down to muscle gain. There is no way possible that i could have an actual gain cause i deserved a loss tbh and its so bloody disheartening :indifferent: . I actually cried today when i got weighed. Sad i know but its took me so long to get back on track and that just felt like a slap in the face. We just gotta remember, it will come off eventualy.
    I've had enough of the scales. Im not getting weighed for 2 or 3 weeks and just going by what my clothes feel like ect cause i can't take the dissapointment :frown:
  • kolkol
    kolkol Posts: 300 Member
    your doing great, 51 lbs gone forever! im at 21 and im 2 lbs heavier than I was on tues and I have been eating perfect except for today ( i havent ate the best choices, chipotle) although I have not gone over my calories either though and exercising more than normal. One of my other friends has been eating perfect and exercising like a maniac and she said her darn scales are up too. It is depressing but lets give it a few more days or a week and hopefully the scale will be nicer to us all!
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Some of the scientific sides to unexplained weight gain that has been mentioned on here has actualy made me feel a lot better. Glad this topic was posted after my undeserved gain today lol.
  • JohnRalfeo
    JohnRalfeo Posts: 37 Member
    Drink more water it makes a big difference
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    Perfectly normal. Sometimes when we exercise hard, we get a TEMPORARY gain (or sometimes just a stall) from fluid retention as our muscles repair themselves. Ever feel stiff and achy from working out? That's inflammation, aka fluid retention.

    Also, some foods are high in sodium and can cause fluid retention, too. Give it time.
    also it helped me to only weigh in once a month. i went from daily weigh ins to monthly, and its helped me a ton! i dont focus on the scale at all - i look at how my clothes fit, and how i have started wearing clothes i wore in high school when i was actually 50 lbs lighter..
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    I've been doing 30DS for the past 24days and what i've been eating, well lets just say theres no way i can eat any less. So no i havnt been having too many cals.
    Sounds like you're eating too few.
  • BlessedShauna777
    BlessedShauna777 Posts: 118 Member
    i worked out 5 days this week and ate healthy, only to see a 1 lb weight gain?! that's just so frustrating!

    i don't know how that can happen! :(
    are you taking chest, waist and hip measurements also? that could be a pound of muscle you gained....
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Happens to all of us, and worse. :-/ The good thing is if you've been working out really hard it's possible you are just having fluid retention to help reduce inflammation. Good luck!
  • aggie613
    aggie613 Posts: 21
    Same thing happened to me last week! It pays to get your RMR tested by a nutritionist. You could be burning more at rest than average, and MFP only uses an average. If that's the case, you should be eating more of your exercise calories. Mine was about $85 to get tested, but worth every penny because it turned out I was burning 260 cals A DAY more than the average person my size and age! Also, I agree with everyone that muscle gain CAN happen. If you are losing inches, it could be muscle weight offsetting your loss. Muscle doesn't "weigh" more than fat, but 5 lbs of muscle is a lot leaner than 5 lbs of fat. You can gain up to 1 lb of muscle per month if you are training a few times a week.
  • jeremiahcourter
    jeremiahcourter Posts: 3 Member
    It is because of that very reason why I personally stress not just weighing every week, but taking body measurements. My scale once said I gained 4.5 pounds in one week (water weight anyone?!) but my measurements said I lost half an inch off my waist. Numbers don't lie when it comes to measurements.
  • onequirkygirl
    onequirkygirl Posts: 303 Member
    Assuming you already eliminated possible calorie-counting errors.....just sayin when I did an hour of plyometrics (P90x) for an entire week, I lost serious inches and gained 2 lbs.

    And I was eating a calorie deficit.....it wasn't muscle. You're using REALLY BIG muscles when you work lots of legs (did you do that?) ........so you'll notice a jump in the scale. It's water and this is unrelated to eating too much sodium - it's your body's way of protecting you.....and it WILL go away.

    There's an article that really helped me stay focused when this happened, and she does a beautiful job of explaining it.


    The only thing you have to do is make sure you are in fact eating a calorie deficit, and keep it up.