Movies that make you want to hit the gym right then and ther



  • LivieUlchabhan
    LivieUlchabhan Posts: 39 Member
    Underworld because Kate Beckingsale is gorgeous and you just go 'why can't I look like her? Gotta hit the gym!' :D
  • Cwyman1
    Cwyman1 Posts: 72 Member
    Spirit of the Marathon
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Fight Club

    Yes, this!!!
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 978 Member
    Bad *kitten* women in movies are inspirational...

    Demi Moore as G.I. Jane

    Uma Thurman as Beatrix Kiddo in Kill Bill

    Linda Hamilton as Sara Conner in Terminator 2

    Sigourney Weaver as Ripley in Alien

    Whenever I don't want to do anymore strength training, I picture Linda Hamilton doing chin-ups and how amazing her back looks.
  • mally91
    mally91 Posts: 5 Member
    never back down....some great tunes in it as well
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Schindler's List.

    really Beau, the Nazi movie? haha, that's so you. I'm with someone above me, dance movies actually do make me get and attempt to dance and such, nice mini workout, haha
  • childofbodom123
    childofbodom123 Posts: 175 Member
    Enter the dragon!
  • Suckerpunch and tank girl!
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    Definitely the training montage in Rocky 4!

    That movie gets me pumped every time!

    Fo Sho!!!

    Even just thinking about this made me kick *kitten* at the gym today - 6 miles of sprinting intervals + weights!
  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member

    Edited out the picture illustrating why. :) Thought it might be a bit too graphic for some users.
  • Bad *kitten* women in movies are inspirational...

    Demi Moore as G.I. Jane

    Uma Thurman as Beatrix Kiddo in Kill Bill

    Linda Hamilton as Sara Conner in Terminator 2

    Sigourney Weaver as Ripley in Alien

    WOOT!! I totally agree!!
  • Warrior
  • RNMachine
    RNMachine Posts: 17
    Bloodsport...Kickboxer...and, really if VanDamme can look as good as he does at 50, why can't I?
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 615 Member
    Pumping Iron
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Pumping Iron

  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Over The Top - Especially when Stalone is doing tricep extensions in the cab of his rig.
  • Run Fatboy Run
    Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo
    Rocky IV
    Any Zombie Movie :laugh:
    Almost forgot Cool Runnings
  • trmndsblndtte
    trmndsblndtte Posts: 82 Member
    Zombieland (I just have to think about that one and I want to work out)

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer (not the movie, but the TV show)

    Harry Potter (they run a lot and there are tons of stairs!)
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Laura Coft's: Tomb Raider or Resident Evil movies. Women who kick butt! lol :glasses:
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    definately 300 and in second place is Warrior