Vegan Bodybuilding....Question and my personal journey...six

Hey all, so I am vegan. A little backstory...Been vegan for 12 years, used to be raw was 140.

I'm 5'11 by the way.

I ate cooked food after being raw for a few years in 2009 and gained 50 lbs - was up to 220 lbs.

I said enough and I hit the gym every day from last year to recently, still going of course - it was a long journey. I'm down to 169 lbs, and want to start building muscle and also my six pack. I have a four pack, and am starting to get the lower ab parts but I see some phoots of people who are build and have ripped six packs. I wanted to get that, but also keeping up at my 2400 a day calorie goal to maintain my weight.

Here's my typical gym routine recently:

Half hour on treadmill to 3.5 miles an hour - burn 200 calories, whatever, to me that doesn't matter at this point
Leg press on days I do legs
Lower back extension (non machine one)
Hanging Leg Extension Ab Workout (4 sets of 25)
Seated side ab rotator (it's not called that but that best explains the dumb machine lol)
Calf raises once a week

Anyway, I want to build some six pack muscle without doing meat protein, or milk, or dairy, etc. I do the vegan lifestyle for the animals since I can't support the factory farms and killing of animals regardless of "humane killing". I refuse to eat that stuff and I don't really do nor care for protein shakes and those fad powders, etc.

I try to eat as close to nature as I can. Recently been having hummus wraps for lunch and dinner- hummus, wrap, carmalized onions, salad in it, salsa.

Also butter nut squash soups are a snack I have.

And for fat/protein japanese avocado rolls - usually 4 rolls with some soy sauce (not too much though).

Also a banana a day.

To get to my calorie goal, I usually have sherbert mango :)

And because of my neck/shoulder issue, it's hard to really do arms or shoulders.


  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    Wow...I have no idea how to help you with this one. Sorry :(
  • ScottJG82
    ScottJG82 Posts: 34 Member
    Any the icon is from today of me flexing the abs ha so stupid I know.
  • ScottJG82
    ScottJG82 Posts: 34 Member
    I want to build my lower half of the chest and the sides. Any suggestions? I have a left shoulder/neck issue. I can do lower weight more reps, no problem.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    i dunno but i did a google search and came up with this
  • Whinchat
    Whinchat Posts: 84 Member
    Have you been on any of the vegan body building websites? I don't know much about it but I've noticed most vegan body builders supplement with protein powders (soya, hemp, there are others). You might struggle without.

    Do you avoid soya? Tofu is really easy to make and is a good protein source. :smile:
  • ScottJG82
    ScottJG82 Posts: 34 Member
    Yes, I can dig tofu. I did scrambled tofu eggs last week, but have to not made it in a week.... I need to find a way to make it taste better lol you def need to spice it and salt it up....adding salsa to dip it in is always a plus :)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Have you tried things like hemp seed bars? Also chickpea pasta is very very high in protein (20g per serving).
  • Whinchat
    Whinchat Posts: 84 Member
    Yes, I can dig tofu. I did scrambled tofu eggs last week, but have to not made it in a week.... I need to find a way to make it taste better lol you def need to spice it and salt it up....adding salsa to dip it in is always a plus :)

    If I scramble tofu I tend to be really basic and just add turmeric and salt - there are plenty of online recipes though :)

    Also, there's a recipe on the NoMeatAthelete website for vegan 'bacon' which uses aduki beans and buckwheat. I keep meaning to try it but liquid smoke is really hard to get hold of in the UK.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You'll need to follow a protocol just like the meat-eating bodybuilders do, but try to find protein sources that you can eat. That's going to be the real challenege is getting enough protein. For muscle building, you need a calorie surplus with AT LEAST 1.0-1.5 g protein per pound of lean mass, which means getting in probably somewhere between 150-200g protein every day for you. This is going to be very hard to do without resorting to a protein supplement. I believe there are soy-based protein supplements that are not made using any animal products though you'd have to shop around for them.

    The thing you really need to do is start doing compound lifts with heavy weights. This stimulates muscle conditioning (if you are on a calorie deficit), and muscle building (if you are on a calorie surplus). This means hitting the squat rack, doing deadlifts, benchpress, dumbell and barbell exercises.

    Remember, however, that strength gains do not equal muscle gains. So, while you will get stronger, you may not be building new muscle tissue. It's important for you to get an accurate body composition scan done before you start so you can see your progress.

    Good luck to you nonetheless. If you want, you can friend me. I lift heavy 3x per week, but I do eat meat. I'd be happy to help support you along your journey.
  • scubaruby
    scubaruby Posts: 36 Member
    Delicious tofu scramble (made it this morning):

    1 cup bell pepper, chopped (I used orange, yellow, and green because I had them)
    1 cup onion, chopped
    4 oz fresh mushrooms, chopped (more if you have them)
    1/2 Tbsp olive oil
    1 container firm or extra firm tofu, not silken
    1/8 tsp turmeric
    1-2 tsp savory (herb)
    Salt and pepper

    Sauté the veggies in the oil. Crumble in the tofu with your hands, add the spices and a bit of water if necessary to keep it from sticking. Cook for about 5 minutes, until much of the moisture is evaporated.

    I've tried lots of spices in this and I like savory best.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    Ummm...where's your lifting protocol? If all you're doing is those 4 exercises you're not going to hit your goals. Work on your overall physique; not just trying to attack your abs from different angles. This means doing compound lifts as well as exercises you're doing already.
  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    Do you eat lentils? I have a great lentil soup recipe and there is a good amount of protien in there, also I love smoothies, I out a ton of flax oil spianch, spitulina, kale etc in there but also been adding hemp seeds, I believe food for life has a raw protien supplement :)
  • ScottJG82
    ScottJG82 Posts: 34 Member
    I used to do bench a year ago and one arm dumb bell rows, pull ups, curls, etc but because of my shoulder / neck it's hard to it. Every time I do a good amount of weight, my neck/upper shoulder "grinds" (I went to the chiro twice and he fixed it two times in the last year) - sometimes if I over do lifting, it puts me into the chiro for a week straight and makes my mobility hard to move my neck fully to my left side.

    So trust me, I'd be happy to lift, but some things I just cannot do anymore because of a nagging injury.

    One arm dumb bell rows I can probably do once a week if need be. Curls I can do at a low weight.

    Just got back from gym. Did assisted chin ups - 25 of them and tricep push downs and did 2.5 miles running.
  • ScottJG82
    ScottJG82 Posts: 34 Member
    Just made an awesome snack coming back from the gym.

    Two table spoons of hummus and salsa spread on a brown rice tortilla wrap with sauteed peppers and caramelized onions. So good!
  • ScottJG82
    ScottJG82 Posts: 34 Member
    Have you tried things like hemp seed bars? Also chickpea pasta is very very high in protein (20g per serving).

    I started eating Nature's Promise Honey Roasted Snack Bars. Peanut Butter is one, Granola is another one.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You're going to have to lose fat, and for that you're going to need a calorie deficit. You could try a recomp, but that is a pretty slow process and you run the risk of spinning your wheels if everything isn't on point.

    And where are the squats and deadlifts? They will prob do more for your core then a bunch of crunches

    And like everyone else said you're going to need to be getting in adequate protein to maintain your muscle.

    I'd look here for some tips on nutrition
  • ScottJG82
    ScottJG82 Posts: 34 Member
    You're going to have to lose fat, and for that you're going to need a calorie deficit. You could try a recomp, but that is a pretty slow process and you run the risk of spinning your wheels if everything isn't on point.

    And where are the squats and deadlifts? They will prob do more for your core then a bunch of crunches

    And like everyone else said you're going to need to be getting in adequate protein to maintain your muscle.

    I'd look here for some tips on nutrition

    Looking good in your photo by the way brother. I want a six pack like that. As you can see I'm not quite there, but on my way. For you what's been your goal on getting lean muscle in the ab area? Do you do a lot of ab exercises?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You're going to have to lose fat, and for that you're going to need a calorie deficit. You could try a recomp, but that is a pretty slow process and you run the risk of spinning your wheels if everything isn't on point.

    And where are the squats and deadlifts? They will prob do more for your core then a bunch of crunches

    And like everyone else said you're going to need to be getting in adequate protein to maintain your muscle.

    I'd look here for some tips on nutrition

    Looking good in your photo by the way brother. I want a six pack like that. As you can see I'm not quite there, but on my way. For you what's been your goal on getting lean muscle in the ab area? Do you do a lot of ab exercises?

    No, not much at all, from anywhere 5-10 min a week to none for direct ab work. Heavy squats and deadlifts are the way to go, with maybe a few min a week of direct ab work if you really feel you have to hit them some more. And all that is moot if you have a layer of fat covering them
  • ScottJG82
    ScottJG82 Posts: 34 Member
    The issue I had was that for a few years I just didn't give a ****. I just let myself go. I became sort of fat. I rarely ever worked out, I ate at 2 30 am, went to sleep at 5 am or 7 am, ate a ton of cashew cheese stuff, salted foods, etc. This went on for three years in 2008 - 2010. Then in September 2010 I said, "Enough, I need to make a change" and I lost 50 lbs and here I am now trying to build the body I've always wanted.