Overly chunky, disgusted and not real motivated but tired of

New here, my sister told me about this site. I'll try anything (as long as I don't mind it too much, lol). I'm kind of hoping that if I lose a little more weight because of the food log, maybe I'll be motivated to do a few other things to increase the rate. So, here's me (or my weight issues) in a nutshell. (Hmmm, nuts, that sounds good. I think I have some in the fridge....)


I eat well, but too much, generally.

I am twice the size I was at 18--OK I was thin then but not horribly so! I want to drop about 50 lb. I've slowed up on the intake, don't eat fried foods, eat whole grains, legumes, not a lot of meat (less than once a week and then it is very lean).

I have portion control issues.

My best approach so far is to not eat very often. I don't get really, really hungry, so that's good.

I'm fighting Type II diabetes. I barely qualify for the diagnosis but take meds to keep it from getting any worse. I feel fairly well. I have high blood pressure, have for years, have taken meds and finally found one that works very well and is cheap (Edarbi, about $35 a month at Sam's Club with a PLUS membership).

I'm not an exerciser. This is partly because I have never, ever gotten any pleasure from physical activity (unless it was to accomplish some task--exercise is, to me, really boring and pretty much pointless), and partly because I have six degenerative discs that get themselves all revved up if I do much bending, twisting, lifting, standing, leaning or walking. Although walking's gotten better in the past several months (thanks to my chiropractor!)

All this said, I can hardly stand to see myself in a mirror. I wear comfortable clothes, which I think is a good idea anyway (tight clothes never did anyone any good).

There are a lot of positives in my life, but not related to my weight!


  • WELCOME!!!

    The biggest things you need to control are the portions. Eating less is usually worse for you since it puts your body in a starvation mode. Eating smaller meals throughout the day helps get your metabolism going. Eat breakfast, something that will give you energy and get you going. I am a carboholic, so my issue, other than portions is always carbs. Thankfully, I changed the kind of carbs I eat from chocolate cake, to a piece of fruit, or something. (PS. diet coke makes you crave sweets, most artificial sweetners do, stick with water, its your best friend)

    I have more back problems than I want to mention, and I have times where I can't even lay down without pain. I feel for you. I personally avoid the Chiro like the plague. When I went to one it actually sped up the degeneration process, and made my back worse. Im only 25, but my doctor says I have the back of an 82 year old. Exercising with these issues can be hard, but you will find, after a few painful days, and attempts, you get stronger, and it will hurt less. Your core needs to be strengthed, that is very important, it will take weight off your back, and pressure off, you will hold yourself up better, and your back, in turn, will feel better. My favorite form of workout is dancing, all kinds of dancing, including pole dancing. You will not believe the whole body work out you can get. you should explore swimming its so easy on the back.

    Drink water, eat lots, but in moderation, and increase activity slowly, and I am sure you will see results. Remember, you have to work up to a full hour of intense workout, your body needs to build to that point. take your time, you will get there :)
  • Thank you for the warm welcome and for all the info! I'm sorry to hear about your back--my degenerative discs are from a car accident in 1986. I am finally almost pain free just since starting acupuncture with the chiropractor. I don't remember the last time I took a pain pill for my back. It has been a real blessing. I wish you the best with your back--it took me 25 years to find this wonderful woman, so don't give up!
