sugar free vs fat free

bisland Posts: 245 Member
With so many products out there I have been trying to figure out which is best. Do I buy the sugar free of fat free? For example coffee creamer I could choose either the fat free or the sugar free. I noitce this on other products as well and it allways confuses me. I do generally try to stick to natural non processed foods, but the flavored cream in my coffee is an example of a treat I just refuse to give up.


  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Can you not just use straight cream?

    The only fat free thing I buy is Greek yoghurt, because there's no difference in taste, so I figure why not?
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    With so many products out there I have been trying to figure out which is best. Do I buy the sugar free of fat free? For example coffee creamer I could choose either the fat free or the sugar free. I noitce this on other products as well and it allways confuses me. I do generally try to stick to natural non processed foods, but the flavored cream in my coffee is an example of a treat I just refuse to give up.

    If you are tryingto stick to natural non processed foods, then I would think you would want to get rid of that fake creamers stuff.

    Why not buy some REAL cream and some raw, organic sugar. Makes for a lucscious sipping time.
  • bwg5563
    bwg5563 Posts: 3
    Not all fat you intake is absorbed as well as what other people have posted it will increase satiety therefore consuming less. Low sugar is the better route because typically low fat items will contain a lot of sugar. Glucose (sugar) will stimulate insulin release from your pancreas's beta cells which will cause more glucose uptake by your organs. Insulin is an anabolic hormone which stimulates growth. Growth of glycogen (glucose storage form), fat, etc. So essentially you end up with less fat storage when you eat more fat (if that makes sense) due to the fact you will not absorb as much and will consume less.
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    I used to use artificial sweeteners for years but after going on a retreat 2 years ago I decided to give it up and eat more healthily....from what I have read most of the low fat / low sugar / diet foods are actually worse for us and don't really help you lose weight in the long run and can have terrible affects on our health down the track.

    Much better to have the sugar (I choose to use organic honey) in your tea with full cream milk...and just have less ....much better to treat yourself occasionally to a small bowl of that beautiful full fat ice cream than have a diet ice cream on a regular basis...same goes for butter, chocolate, diet pasta, diet drinks, etc.

    There is a huge industry out there making mega bucks from all the diet produce they make...yet the population in the western world is getting fatter and fatter...something doesn't seem right....calories in vs calories out + good fresh food = healthy body healthy weight.

    I am clearly no expert here...this is just my feelings and I feel so much better for making these choices and finally after being overweight for 21 years since having my kids I feel I am on the right track ...with MFP helping me to keep track of the calories in and out I don't feel like I am on a diet at all but am actually losing weight and getting
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    I used to use artificial sweeteners for years but after going on a retreat 2 years ago I decided to give it up and eat more healthily....from what I have read most of the low fat / low sugar / diet foods are actually worse for us and don't really help you lose weight in the long run and can have terrible affects on our health down the track.

    Much better to have the sugar (I choose to use organic honey) in your tea with full cream milk...and just have less ....much better to treat yourself occasionally to a small bowl of that beautiful full fat ice cream than have a diet ice cream on a regular basis...same goes for butter, chocolate, diet pasta, diet drinks, etc.

    There is a huge industry out there making mega bucks from all the diet produce they make...yet the population in the western world is getting fatter and fatter...something doesn't seem right....calories in vs calories out + good fresh food = healthy body healthy weight.

    I am clearly no expert here...this is just my feelings and I feel so much better for making these choices and finally after being overweight for 21 years since having my kids I feel I am on the right track ...with MFP helping me to keep track of the calories in and out I don't feel like I am on a diet at all but am actually losing weight and getting

    I agree. After years of sugar substitutes and low fat products I adopted a clean eating lifestyle and feel tons better. I lost 10 pounds the first two weeks.

    I began my clean eating journey when I purchased a book my masseuse kept talking to me about when we would discuss nutrition by Jillian Michaels called MASTER YOUR METABOLISM. It was quite an eye opener, written for the layperson from an endocrinology stand point. Turns out that specific foods and chemicals IN our foods inhibit or stimulate hormone levels that keep us fat or slim. Her mantra is, "Eat real food. If it didn't grow from the ground and it doesn't have a mother, don't eat it." (Have you ever seen an Oreo or Cheeto tree?)

    The first 4 chapters are the basics of endocrine disruption before you get down to the actual what to avoid vs what to eat. Basically you eliminate everything from your diet that has preservatives or artificial anything in it. She did a great job of explaining WHY each food is good for you or not and how many servings you should eat a day. This book has tons of information, including chemical code words on labels to be on the lookout for, that I will go back to again and again. The back has sample menus, recipes and even a list of brands and resources for healthy real foods. Best part is its all DO-able.