no pain no gain?

I joined the local gym and was taken through my paces by one of the instructors on Wednesday who created a personal fat burning plan for me - cardio machines for 30 mins then weights.

My problem is that its taken me until today 3 DAYS LATER to be able to walk without hurting or move my arms without wincing in pain - is this normal? I feel ok today so need to go back to the gym but am frightened I'll end up feeling like this again for most of next week - my question is what's the point of doing the gym if you can only go twice a week because of the pain it puts you in

Can any regular exercisers give me some advice?

Cheers x


  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I think you should start off a bit easier. It's not going to do you any good if you go all out and injure yourself right off the bat. Did you do any regular exercise or activity before you were starting off?
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    It's been a while since I've been to the gym, and all my working out is done at home right now. But from what I remember, yes you will be sore at first. You are using muscles that you don't normally use. It's a good pain, and you will get used to it where you will only be sore for a little while if any at all. Don't give up, just work your way into it. I can't wait to be able to afford to go to the gym again so I can feel that soreness that comes with a wonderful workout.
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    oh yeah, the i began a new routine and now i can't lift my arms up or walk up and down stairs for the pain....we've all been there. the first time i tried the 30 day shred i was in pain for 4 days and unable to do it soon as i was able i kept trying it. the pain lessened as i got used to using those muscles again. sometimes i would need to take a day or two off for pain, but always got right back to i can do it every day
  • zafferFL
    zafferFL Posts: 402
    That will go away after a few workouts. Can you share your plan, you might get some specific help on that. I'm already skeptical with 30 mins before weights.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I think you should start off a bit easier. It's not going to do you any good if you go all out and injure yourself right off the bat. Did you do any regular exercise or activity before you were starting off?

    I agree with this.

    Yes, some soreness is expected. You are using muscles you don't usually use. But, not being able to function normally for 3 days? That sounds like you pushed yourself too hard. Start off slowly and gradually work your way up. Trying to do too much too soon is a recipe for injury.
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    Yes, this is normal but only for the first couple of times you workout, it doesn't last forever. You used muscles that you have not been using. Since you did some weights, this process tears your muscle and builds it back up. That's why you are sore.
    I recommend you go to your local health food store and buy two things in tablet form, a glutamine tablet and a BCAA tablet. These two things will help your muscles recover more quickly so you won't be as sore. Also find a good protein powder and have a protein shake after your workouts.

    Hope that helps. Don't give up because once your in shape you won't go through the pain again.

  • lhillegass
    You will eventually get to the point where it does not hurt after lifting the same weights. When you stress your muscles with weights they repair themselves and become stronger.

    You will have to up your weights to where you are getting sore again after a workout to increase your strength. You will also be able to run faster and longer as your cardiovascular system improves from the cardio. It is all for the greater good because if you never push yourself to the limit you will never improve.

    If you keep it up I promise you that you will get to the point where you become invigorated by the workouts and addicted to the way it makes you feel both mentally and physically.
  • emmabrackpool
    emmabrackpool Posts: 61 Member
    he started me off on the treadmill. 5 mins walking on the flat with the next 5 mins increasing the incline by 0.5 every 30 seconds
    Next the bike for 10 mins keeping the RPM above 70. I finished the cardio with 10 mins on the cross trainer (5mins forward, 5 mins backwards) and wasnt allowed to drop below 65 RPM

    I was then taken to the weight machines where I had to do 3 lots of 20 reps on 3-4 different machines (legs and arms). He then sat me on a giant ball to lift weights (again 3x20 reps). To finish I did 3x20 reps of sit ups then 3x20 reps of body squats (i think thats what he called them anyway!) all I know is it hurt but he is a professional working at the gym so of course I trusted i was in safe hands - what do you think? if the pain will ease as i get used to it then im happy to stick it out especially if i do end up burning lots of this fat off :-)
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    Wow, he did have you doing a lot for your first time out. In all reality you should have been doing 12-15 reps for each exercise.
    I agree with some of the other posters here. You need to take it slow and not go all out at first. Make sure you are using light weights and don't do as many reps. You should build up in weight but still stay at 12-15 to tone.

  • emmabrackpool
    emmabrackpool Posts: 61 Member
    thanks for your advice Diana - I think I will go back tomorrow and adjust his plan like you suggest x
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    thanks for your advice Diana - I think I will go back tomorrow and adjust his plan like you suggest x

    No problem! If you have any more questions feel free to send me a message or a friend invite.

  • monharri
    monharri Posts: 78
    I agree. Start off slower. Soak in warm Epsom salt water baths. Try yoga to stretch out those limbs. Give yourself little massages here and there. Sit in a sauna to relax limbs (if your gym offers one). Soak in a hot tub. The pain will go away. As you can see, I'm all about getting rid of the soreness. :0) Good luck.
  • clickmaster
    clickmaster Posts: 54 Member
    You're suffering from DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). The problem probably has to do with working your muscles to near failure before you're body has adapted to the new regimen. You need to train light for about 6 weeks before you can do the anaerobics heavy and to complete muscle failure such as high intensity training.

    Your 30 minute aerobic grind isn't going to burn many calories if you subtract your BMR component from the total burned. Aerobics are over-rated. The strength training will serve you much better because muscle is the best metabolic investment you can make. It's the gift that keeps on giving because it raises your BMR (50 cal/day/pound) whereas aerobics does not. And, twice per week is plenty once you get past the DOMS and can train your whole body with high intensity.

    I hope you have a good trainer. I recommend people study and lean about fitness training because it's their body and most trainers are min wage wanabees who are just biding their time until they can get a real job. Had you done your homework and/or had a good trainer you would have known about DOMS and could have prevented all that pain and discomfort.

    Just remember, diet is the key to fat loss, not exercise. You can run all day and never burn an ounce of fat or you can burn fat in your sleep depending on your diet. An average person must run 5 miles every day seven days per week to burn one pound of fat in calories. It's the purpose of calorie control to help maintain a healthy weight. It's the purpose of exercise to create the physiological adaptations required to give you the body that will perform as you desire.

    Good luck and good health!!

    Recommended reading -->
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    As a newbie to any type of weight lifting you're going to want to ease yourself into it. Your muscles, your ligaments / joints all need time to adapt. Every person experiences different levels of muscle soreness.

    Be sure your calorie intake is appropriate for your height / weight. There's going to be nothing magical about eating 1200 calories if you are 5'9 180 lbs (not to say you are). If you plan on keeping with the weight training I would suggest a protein intake of 1g per lb of lean body mass and a fat intake of .35 - .45g per lb of body weight. MFP's standard settings are going to be a bit lower than this.

    In short, your body will adapt and the muscle soreness will not be so severe.
  • jsnearly
    jsnearly Posts: 61
    You got a bad trainer. A good trainer will taper you into your regimen. Expect a little soreness, but not to the point that you can't move. Your trainer is going to get you injured.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Yes, this is normal but only for the first couple of times you workout, it doesn't last forever. You used muscles that you have not been using. Since you did some weights, this process tears your muscle and builds it back up. That's why you are sore.
    I recommend you go to your local health food store and buy two things in tablet form, a glutamine tablet and a BCAA tablet. These two things will help your muscles recover more quickly so you won't be as sore. Also find a good protein powder and have a protein shake after your workouts.

    Hope that helps. Don't give up because once your in shape you won't go through the pain again.


    The BCAA isn't necessary if your protein intake is appropriate.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    You got a bad trainer. A good trainer will taper you into your regimen. Expect a little soreness, but not to the point that you can't move. Your trainer is going to get you injured.

    I agree with this too. I was thinking that they didn't really observe you doing the exercises at weights appropriate for a beginner, instead they just gave you an orientation?
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I'm a lazy couch potato, or I was anyways. So for me just walking would leave me sore at 1st. I'm sore today from a combination of walking steps and then doing Zumba the next morning. My only advice is stretch, stretch, stretch!
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    when you first start out, or start doing NEW routines, you will be very sore.

    this will go away once your body gets used to moving around more :)
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    You're not meant to be THAT sore. It sounds like you either lifted beyond your comfort zone or overdid your exercises. I did the same thing when I got a gym membership for my 16th birthday and would go after school, but then again I had no trainer and I had the stupid notion that the more I did and the heavier I lifted right off, the quicker I'd lose. Wrooooong.

    You have to start off slow and light and get your body used to it, then you can bump it up bit by bit. You'll be a little sore, but not to the point where you need several days to recover and not feel like you've been run over by a car.