Paleo Diet with or without Crossfit



  • BrooksCry
    BrooksCry Posts: 7 Member
    Personally, I would not recommend the Paleo diet unless someone has a lot of grain allergies. Most health experts say that whole grains and beans are good for us, so why eliminate they from your diet unless you really have to?

    Healthgal...I am by NO means trying to persuade you or anyone one way or another. Not my style. I am not a Paleo nazi. But since you asked why people eliminate grains I thought I'd link this for anyone interested.

  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I do more of a primal diet so I can do yogurt and cheese.

    This. I couldn't follow Paleo to a T because I must have yogurt, cottage cheese, and regular cheeses. They are a daily staple for me. I am pretty sure that this, coupled with Crossfit, helped me lose 3-4% body fat. When I started eating junky grains and anything processed again, I seem bloated and my endurance and strength suffered. I am now trying to do primal for at least 80% of my diet. It makes me feel better, less bloated, and I have a lot more energy to complete better workouts.
  • M77308
    M77308 Posts: 183
    AggieCass09 is an amazing crossfitter and is almost strictly following the paleo diet... she's full of information and extremely inspirational. I'd encourage you to look her up :)
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    i'm following the paleo diet and have been for nearly 3 months now. I also am a crossfitter for nearly 2 months now. I've lost 10 lbs and have never felt better. I have tons of energy and don't feel near as bloated. I do still eat yogurt and cheese in moderation but other than that i'm 100% paleo. Dont judge yesterday's diary though, i cheated! I'm paying the price for it today too...

    anyhoo, if you have specific questions feel free to ask or to run though my food diary. I also post my better recipes on my blog. is a great resource as well.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I've followed paleo for about two years off and on, typically a month at a time. I started CrossFit two months ago. I don't eat dairy, grains, legumes, or additive sugar most of the time.

    You can add me if you like, like Aggie I try to post new recipes or blogs that are helpful.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Personally, I would not recommend the Paleo diet unless someone has a lot of grain allergies. Most health experts say that whole grains and beans are good for us, so why eliminate they from your diet unless you really have to?

    "most health experts" where are you getting this from? Those people who recommend 6-11 servings of grains a day are paid very well by the people who grow corn....not experts in my book!
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I don't do crossfit, but the primal diet makes me feel great! I haven't been able to give up dairy :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I do more of a primal diet so I can do yogurt and cheese. For me...eating too many carbs doesnt sit well because I am Insulin Resistant...and the carb bloat can be up to 4 pounds for me. My body treats carbs way different than most others out there...

    I try to stay within 50-100 grams of carbs..which mostly consist of fruit and veggies. Once in a while..if I do bread...I do whole grain...but at the end of the have to do whats right for your body...
    So you eat carbs and gain water weight... Exactly how is that different from everyone else "out there?" Carbs are stored as glycogen in the muscles to assist with quick energy bursts, and one pound of glycogen requires about 4 pounds of water to store. Sounds like your body handles carbs just like everyone else.

    The main problem I have with Paleo diets in general, is that they are based on a lie. They have absolutely NOTHING in common with how paleolithic humans actually ate.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I do more of a primal diet so I can do yogurt and cheese. For me...eating too many carbs doesnt sit well because I am Insulin Resistant...and the carb bloat can be up to 4 pounds for me. My body treats carbs way different than most others out there...

    I try to stay within 50-100 grams of carbs..which mostly consist of fruit and veggies. Once in a while..if I do bread...I do whole grain...but at the end of the have to do whats right for your body...
    So you eat carbs and gain water weight... Exactly how is that different from everyone else "out there?" Carbs are stored as glycogen in the muscles to assist with quick energy bursts, and one pound of glycogen requires about 4 pounds of water to store. Sounds like your body handles carbs just like everyone else.

    The main problem I have with Paleo diets in general, is that they are based on a lie. They have absolutely NOTHING in common with how paleolithic humans actually ate.

    Please explain to us how they ate then?

    I think the paleo diet is way closer to how they ate than any of the processed crap people eat now.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    I crossfit about 5 days a week and metabolic training as well -- I do not do paleo however and things have been working for me. I just upped my protein intake. I don't eat junk food, but if you want to go paleo I think it's worth it. My trainer at my gym is good all week and cheats on the weekends and is fit as all hell.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I do more of a primal diet so I can do yogurt and cheese. For me...eating too many carbs doesnt sit well because I am Insulin Resistant...and the carb bloat can be up to 4 pounds for me. My body treats carbs way different than most others out there...

    I try to stay within 50-100 grams of carbs..which mostly consist of fruit and veggies. Once in a while..if I do bread...I do whole grain...but at the end of the have to do whats right for your body...
    So you eat carbs and gain water weight... Exactly how is that different from everyone else "out there?" Carbs are stored as glycogen in the muscles to assist with quick energy bursts, and one pound of glycogen requires about 4 pounds of water to store. Sounds like your body handles carbs just like everyone else.

    The main problem I have with Paleo diets in general, is that they are based on a lie. They have absolutely NOTHING in common with how paleolithic humans actually ate.

    Please explain to us how they ate then?

    I think the paleo diet is way closer to how they ate than any of the processed crap people eat now.

    Well, to start with, the Paleolithic Era consists of about 2.6 million years, so where would you like me to start? Paleolithic Era diets range from 95% grass and berries, to 95% roots and meat, to mostly tubers, to agriculture, beans, and baked breads. Yes, humans were farming, settling, and baking flat bread on rocks toward the end of the Paleolithic Era, as well as raising and domesticating animals. Also, there's lots of evidence that Paleolithic Era humans were cannibals.

    So trying to market a "Paleo Diet" by eliminating any particular food (usually beans and grains) is based on a lie, as humans ate all of these things during the Paleolithic Era.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    Also, there's lots of evidence that Paleolithic Era humans were cannibals.

    Humans are totally Paleo. :wink:
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    I remember from Sunday School class that in the Biblical times, people made and ate bread, so grain consumption goes back at least that far.
  • darkangel45422
    darkangel45422 Posts: 234 Member
    The Biblical era is NOT that old at all; it's FAR more recent than the Paleolithic Era. And while yes, agriculture began at the very tail end of the Paleolithic era, I believe the Paleo diet focuses more on the majority of the era (aka, pre-agriculture) when it was just meats, veggies and whatever else could be gathered.

    And really, there's a lot of scientific studies backing up the ideas that grains and legumes are not processed well in the body.

    Like a number of Paleo books and blogs say, instead of bashing it without trying it, try it for 2 months and see how you feel. If it doesn't work for you then that's fine, you don't have to do it and you haven't lost anything, but if it does, then what could you gain? There's nothing UNhealthy about Paleo (it's not like it says to eat nothing but cabbage or chocolate every day like an unhealthy fad diet) so rather than taking issue with the historical part, look into the actual diet.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Basically it's the "caveman" diet. No processed foods, lean meat, lean poultry, fish, nuts, fruit, vegetables (w/ some exclusions), etc., no grains, no dairy, no sweets. I must say that since I've started it (even though as I said before, I'm a notorious cheater) I have more energy, I feel better, and my body's functioning better...I'm cutting down on the red meat to see more weight loss though...

    I am a fellow Paleoer, but not cross fitter.

    I am lucky that I lose better with eating lots of grass fed beef and limited raw dairy.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    Basically it's the "caveman" diet. No processed foods, lean meat, lean poultry, fish, nuts, fruit, vegetables (w/ some exclusions), etc., no grains, no dairy, no sweets. I must say that since I've started it (even though as I said before, I'm a notorious cheater) I have more energy, I feel better, and my body's functioning better...I'm cutting down on the red meat to see more weight loss though...

    I am a fellow Paleoer, but not cross fitter.

    I am lucky that I lose better with eating lots of grass fed beef and limited raw dairy.

    For some reason, the Crossfit organization seem to be promoting the Paleo plan quite a bit. lately, pressuring members to take a 30 day Paleo challenge, etc.

    I am not at all a fan of the Crossfit organization, as they are known for pushing everything to the extreme. So personally, I would not put much stock in Paleo or anything else they promote. The gym I belong to has a nutritionist, but they don't insist that members do a certain diet plan. If they did, I would switch gyms.
  • Jenbtech
    Jenbtech Posts: 21 Member
    Ive lost almost 30 lbs since Jan 1st eating paleo. I say if you can do the crossfit, do it. Im still too fat to keep up with the crossfit group near my home. But soon. :)

    And make sure you are eating fat. It should only be lean meat if its not organic to limit the hormones and chemicals the animals are fed that ends up in their fat. If the meat is free range and grass fed without hormones, eat the fat up! Its the best for brain function, cell regeneration, hair and skin health. I eat about 30% of my diet as fat.

    Eating fat does not make you fat. Its a lie.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    Ive lost almost 30 lbs since Jan 1st eating paleo. I say if you can do the crossfit, do it. Im still too fat to keep up with the crossfit group near my home. But soon. :)

    And make sure you are eating fat. It should only be lean meat if its not organic to limit the hormones and chemicals the animals are fed that ends up in their fat. If the meat is free range and grass fed without hormones, eat the fat up! Its the best for brain function, cell regeneration, hair and skin health. I eat about 30% of my diet as fat.

    Eating fat does not make you fat. Its a lie.

    Congratulations on your weight loss. I do not eat Paleo, as I find the food restrictions too limiting, but I do agree that eating fat has a undeserved bad rap.

    Of course it's up to you, but I would suggest staying away from Crossfit. Their fitness routines are so extreme that people who are in excellent shape are sore for days after doing some of their workouts. and I know some VERY fit people that were injured doing some crazy stunt in the Crossfit Workout of the Day. Besides, Crossfit is WAY overpriced!

    This article from the NY Times -- "Getting Fit, Even If It Kills You" has some eye opening info on the Crossfit program

    Instead, I would suggest either a non-Crossfit personal trainer or joining a gym where they have a good variety of fitness classes so you won't get bored.

    Good luck!
  • katiejoycecross
    katiejoycecross Posts: 34 Member
    Crossfit is designed to go at your own pace and abilities.

    Sure, the WOD's have a lot of exercise in them that can be demanding and challenging, but reading any introductory information, or going to an actual gym as a beginner, will show that everyone encourages you to start out where you can and build up your abilities from there.

    I still do push ups from my knees and am nowhere near being able to do a handstand pushup. Does that mean I do it? No, because you scale it to your abilities. If the lift is hurting then stop doing it or bring your weights down. Are you going to do a marathon the day after completing a C25K program? Nope. Should marathons be shot down because they're dangerous and intense? Nope.

    Just sayin'

    Also- where is the proof that crossfit been pressuring people to do Paleo? Off the website or individual gyms run by individual people?
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Basically it's the "caveman" diet. No processed foods, lean meat, lean poultry, fish, nuts, fruit, vegetables (w/ some exclusions), etc., no grains, no dairy, no sweets. I must say that since I've started it (even though as I said before, I'm a notorious cheater) I have more energy, I feel better, and my body's functioning better...I'm cutting down on the red meat to see more weight loss though...

    I am a fellow Paleoer, but not cross fitter.

    I am lucky that I lose better with eating lots of grass fed beef and limited raw dairy.

    For some reason, the Crossfit organization seem to be promoting the Paleo plan quite a bit. lately, pressuring members to take a 30 day Paleo challenge, etc.

    I am not at all a fan of the Crossfit organization, as they are known for pushing everything to the extreme. So personally, I would not put much stock in Paleo or anything else they promote. The gym I belong to has a nutritionist, but they don't insist that members do a certain diet plan. If they did, I would switch gyms.

    Paleo and crossfit go hand in hand. If I could afford it, I would be doing crossfit also.

    You must not put too much stock in clean eating as that is all the Paleo plan is. A very clean eating plan and lifestyle.