New here lookin for friends in similar situations



  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    Omg i did the exact same thing!! a 2 liter of pepsi a day everyday..tried to stop went right back to it, and i finally decided that it had to stop i stopped drinking regular soda and switched to diet soda but cut down my amount and drink more water, right now im having a vita water...its hard but it had to be done.
  • deeanna13
    deeanna13 Posts: 10 Member
    I know how hard it can be to give up pop. I work full-time and besides just really liking pop, I was tired all day and needed it to get through my day. I have drank pop my whole life. I gave it up cold turkey last August and have had maybe a can or so since. You can do this!!!

    I must tell you that I literally had a headache for 30 DAYS!!! A full month of headaches, but then they went away and I am okay now. I have tried it off and on and honestly, I don't even like it now. I never believed people when they told me that, but for me it is actually true. I am still tired at work, but that is because I don't have the best sleep habits, not because I miss the caffeine.

    Good luck!!!
  • cold turkey!! Don't do diet it will keep you as bloated as you were before. It's going to be hard and you will have a couple slip ups when you go out to dinner or pick one up while your in line at walmart but getting it out of the house is a must. Changing that and nothing else you will lose 10lbs in the first month if not more. My addiction was sweet tea my family would finish 2gallons a day(thats the one cup I let my daughter have and my guy works all the time it was mostly me). Good luck
  • pldissy
    pldissy Posts: 5
    I am new her too and also drink a lot of diet caffeine free pop which triggers chocolate. I too have tried to get off and do then go back to it. How do you stay off of it. If you find an answer or I do let me know. Good luck to both of us
  • pldissy
    pldissy Posts: 5
    I just read down the page and saw more suggestions on how to get off the diet pop or any pop. Thank you everyone.
  • zebramama84
    zebramama84 Posts: 64 Member
    i cant go back i recently hit a number that i am very very uncomfortable with and CANNOT go past that !! i weigh myself every night as a reminder of why im quitting, I am going full on no pop, no diet no nothing ! just water :) so far no headaches this time as i am drinking alot of water ( 11 glasses today and still going strong) if anyone wants to add me feel free :)
  • I second trying out the carbonated water. When I gave up diet coke, I needed something to take its place when I went to the fridge in need of my carbonation fix. La Croix makes some good ones (well, they're not sweet so it's definitely an acquired taste). This worked for me! Now I only drink regular water but this helped me during the transition. Good luck!!
  • Tempe729
    Tempe729 Posts: 270 Member
    I had a hard time quitting soda also! My suggestion though... if you want the fizz/bubbles from carbonated soda but no calories... Pick up some of the MiO Energy-Liquid Water Enhancers & add it to Club Soda.. It tastes just like soda, except, no calories or sugar! I mainly have the MiO Energy in my water-bottle, but if I'm craving soda/bubbles I just add some of it to club soda ^_^
  • I have to have coffee every day! I was drinking mochas but I have switched to coffee. I still have cream though. I need to switch to green tea. Have you tried that? also I'm doing the zone diet and after 1 week I do not crave sugar like I was. Amazing for me to not crave sugar and chocolate! I suggest to cut back and slowly get completely off of the Dr. P. Tell yourself, 'I can have 1 can a day', and pick the time of day.
    You can do it! also log everything! when you see whatit does on the food diary, it will help you stop. :smile:
  • I crave pop too. But I have found that the crystal light energy helps with the cravings. Also if you have a avocare dealer around where you live, advocares spark drink (multiple flavors) gets rid of almost all of my cravings for pop.
  • pldissy
    pldissy Posts: 5
    The posts about finding someone to walk/diet with has helped. Just started this and found easier to do now that we walk and chat about how we did today plus getting the exercise. Another help has been the posts about getting off diet caffeine free Pepsi..Still difficult but have I cut down on the amt. and then I also cut down on the chocolate. Just keeping plugging away at it. I like the comments that if I got off track, which I did, it let me know in a few written words and funny thing I responded to it and got back on track the next day.
  • pldissy
    pldissy Posts: 5
    What is avocare, I have never heard of it.
  • I am a big addict to fountain Dt. Dr. Pepper and would do a 44oz two to three times a day not to mention maybe a can of diet coke in between. It's crazy because I do the same thing too...when I was pregnant I didn't touch any diet pop what so ever because I knew it wasn't good for the baby yet after they were born I was back to stopping at Kwik Star daily for my diet dr. pepper fountain pop. Ha! I am back to drinking water (baby 4 on the way) and after I have done it for about a week or two I don't miss the pop. I am also diabetic so I really think I just started drinking pop becuase that was something I could have as much as I wanted without it affecting my blood sugars but it's not healthy regardless so I keep telling myself that:) I'm the same with junk food...the longer I go without the better I feel and don't even want it. Good luck, you're not alone and just keep telling yourself water is the healthy way to go :)
  • Dewdrop24
    Dewdrop24 Posts: 32 Member
    I am addicted to of my cats I even named Pepsy after my favourite drink. I would have 3-5 cans a day. I now am able to limit myself to one (on a bad day I've had 3...oops). I used to drink the 2 litre bottles, one a night, when I was younger. I also worked in a bar years ago and had a glass of Pepsi going during my whole shift. I have cut back quite a bit over the years, but this year I am determined to get to (and stick to) only one a day. That's my goal. I love water too, so that isn't a problem for me.

    I know you can do this! Sure it's hard to kick the habit, but we can help you achieve your goal. Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm Canadian too. :)
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    everyone has been giving suggestions on pop so i will leave that ( i was a pepsi girl ). you mentioned you are not going to focus on the food diary yet but i would suggest that you try it. it keeps you accountable whether you want it to or not. you will be extremely shocked to see what you put into your body and also that way you can figure out what things you can weed out. that's how i did it.
    i would enter something in and figure out if it is worth it or not. does that product do my body any good, does it fill me up etc....
    it has helped me if i go anywhere grocery store, movies, restaurants to look at an item and talk to myself. "Do i really need these GOODIES (my favorite downfall- you might be familiar with them since you live in Canada) Because if i buy them will i just eat the suggested serving even two servings ! will i stop there? for the past month the answer has been no and i walk away proud of myself for making the right choice. i could go on, i can never seem to write a short comment ! lol Anywho welcome to MFP you made the first step in your GET HEALTHY journey and there are thousands here doing the same thing. PS I am Canadian as well (maritimer)
    You are more than welcome to add me as a friend
  • I have a pretty lame caffeine addiction to. Mostly to mountain dew&coca cola. I've tried quitting it cold turkey but I get like, withdrawl systems. I feel like a nerd for it too, haha. Like, am I the only one who has Withdrawl symptoms from soda? lol.
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    the first time i had a pepsi after quitting for at least 6 months i was disgusted. it tasted like thick sludge. i thought how the he%& could i have drank this numerous times a day. i drink mainly ICE cold water now, the odd pepsi especially in restaurants the fountain version gives it a nice crisp taste. i know i'm odd but pepsi is pepsi. you savour it. at home though i can't drink a full 355ml. i'll split it with either my husband or my daughter. i did make a switch to iced capps from tim's but i am finally getting out of that habit. what makes it worse is that i manage one of the locations and whatever we consume is free ! and i like free