SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo July 13

mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
Good morning.
How are you all? I'm okay I guess. I went for a run this morning. Seems like if I take time off from working out, the first day back and I can accomplish a lot. Don't know why. I jogged from the house to the park this morning without stopping. 6/10 of a mile. Oh my! I just realized I ran over half a mile. :laugh: But if I tried that on Wednesday I don't know if that would happen again.
I can't work out tomorrow morning because we are getting fingerprinted at 8am. It's not at the best time because it's on the southside of Fort Worth and will take us at least 30-45 minutes to get there. I will have to get Alex up early. I hope to take the train back, and then Alex has his tumbling class at nine. I sure hope we make it! I'd hate for him to miss it.
Today is cleaning. I don't know what happened. I'm sure my house must have exploded when I wasn't around. The pastor is coming over this evening to talk about the Russian adoption and the new Russian ministry he wants to start. He is such an encouragement, and since things are on hold right now, some encouragement will be helpful. :smile:
Have a happy flappy!


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hi pebbs,

    Today is teaching (the last one of the summer! Woo-hoo!) followed by a day off from working out. I might try to get a walk in later in the day, as it's supposed to be beautiful and sunny and not too hot (all my favorite things!)

    I also want to stick to my food plan, hydrate, and take my vits.

    Other than that, recovery day boogaloo!:flowerforyou:

    Take care.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    I took a day off yesterday, sorta - I only did 30 minutes (mostly walking). I was just too sore from Sat, so I didn't do my normal workout. Today, the plan is to bike to the store, teach yoga, and meet husband at gym. Also need to clean the house - it hasn't been done since before I left for CA.

    Also, I need to find some extra patience for the group exercise coordinator at the gym where I teach. She keeps putting me down for days I'm not scheduled to teach and not for ones I am. I thought I got her straightened out about today, but I just got the schedule, and there I am - starting in one hour! Just heard back, she forgot to change the schedule :huh: . There's another teacher that asked for subs that has yet to email me back whether he wants me to sub his class - so I'm in limbo.:grumble:

    Finding patience boogaloo!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hello SBFers. It occurs to me that I'm not really in weight-loss mode lately, behavior-wise. I'm still having drinks and desserts here and there - nothing crazy, basically good stuff, but I'm not really restricting my eating beyond the norm. So I am basically in maintenance mode in terms of my behavior, but randomly hoping to lose 5 or 10 more pounds. That probably isn't going to work, is it? :huh: But I don't want to go all hard-core and deny myself for a few more pounds, only to gain it back once I return to my current norm, eating-wise. I'm not sure how to proceed.

    Belly dance class yesterday was interesting. The instructor called it a 'spiritual' belly dance class, and got a little new-agey during the warm-up and cool-down. I felt a little awkward. Everybody else there had been coming for a while, I think, and they had a dance that had been working on, so I had a little trouble keeping up. But, I might keep going - it's free with my Y membership, and the instructor was nice enough about trying to explain things to me. I'll stick with the other class, too, at least through this session (8 weeks), since I paid for it, and then see if I want to continue there.

    I am still psyching myself up about trying trail running. There is a group that goes out on Thursday nights, and a co-worker said he might be able to go with me this week if I wanted to go. So I think I will try doing some sort of intervals on the treadmill today, and then see if I think I will be up to it. And, I forgot to do my pushups yesterday again, so I'll do those tonight too.

    Novella boogaloo! :blushing:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Posting here because I haven't gotten around to starting a new pushup thread... I finally finished week 3 on level 2. My arms are shaking!
    22 (min 21)