Switching from Weight Watchers to MFP



  • successiswithinme
    successiswithinme Posts: 91 Member
    I have been on WW for the past seven weeks and I think I am almost done with it again.

    I get started, get myself grounded and then when the food control kicks in then the activity starts to creep into the picture for me. I am more focused on loosing inches instead of pounds and I know WW will only take me so far with it. Now the exercise needs to kick in for me to go to the next level so I will quit WW weekly fees and purchase more home DVD's to get the exercise mojo going.

    I love tracking my stats here because I feel I have more control watching all those numbers line up on my stats page. That to me shows me where I need to restructure what I eat. Love you MFP!!!!!
  • successiswithinme
    successiswithinme Posts: 91 Member
    And Im also getting tired of paying each week to watch my weight fluctuate up and down a pound or two. Like today.
  • lauraver
    lauraver Posts: 6 Member
    Hello all. I am making the switch today from WW to MFP. Fifteen years ago I got great results with WW, reached my goal, and progressively regained the weight. Rejoined almost 2 years ago and have been playing footsie with the same 4 or 5 lbs ever since. I was afraid to lose the accountability and support of the meetings, but now I want to see if I can do this a different way. I am going to set aside the $$ saved to buy non-edible rewards if/when I lose. I am also an enthusiastic Fitbit user and pretty good at exercising in general. The problem is really with my eating habit and lack of portion control.
  • I tried WW for a few weeks. My friend gave me the books and the little point calculator. I gave up though. I agree with the comment about how with MFP if you want to have a portion of a serving it is much easier to calculate. I also like how when I exercise I can log it and it shows me how many calories I've gained for eating. This way seems SO EASY. Now that I'm committed to losing weight, the pounds have been coming off the last few weeks. I also like how there's forums on here, since I wasn't part of WW online, or meetings cause I was doing it myself. Seeing everybody's comments and how encouraging everybody is really helps. I'm kind of new, but I bet I stick with MFP.
  • emmabrackpool
    emmabrackpool Posts: 61 Member
    Wow so many swapping to this from WW - I did the same and was feeling like a failure for not sticking to WW but this is easier, more flexible and saves me money too!
  • NeeNee121
    NeeNee121 Posts: 10
    Wow!! Can't believe so many "switchers" besides me!! I was stumped --maintaining when I need to be losing. I know, I know...maintaining is better than gaining, but dang...I was paying good money to simply maintain!! I felt like I learned what I needed to know about eating--filling foods and such, but needed to just DO IT!! I needed to get recharged, motivated, and moving. When my sister-in-law called this past Wednesday to invite me to go to Jazzercise with her on Thursday, it got me thinking...maybe just what I was looking for. I couldn't afford a gym or program because I was paying for WW. I went with her Thursday and Friday, and even went by myself this morning. I have always HATED working out, but love the results and I needed someone or something to motivate me. I got both. My sister in law AND the other ladies at Jazzercise are so sweet and supportive. And guess what: the price ended up being a perfectly even swap for WW!! It is a very similar website/concept, but so far, I like it better!! Good luck and anyone please add me. I could use the support!!
  • NeeNee121
    NeeNee121 Posts: 10
    Wow so many swapping to this from WW - I did the same and was feeling like a failure for not sticking to WW but this is easier, more flexible and saves me money too!

    I agree!! That was really frustrating!!
  • I did WW last Jan and lost 20 lbs by April, however I find it very tedious to spend 20 minutes a day calculating when I can just plug it into MFP. I love it here
  • jandk09
    jandk09 Posts: 99 Member
    i also have fibromyalgia, exercising is very difficult, but every little bit counts. i am excited on eating a healthier diet. good luck to you and you husband.
  • bettyclv
    bettyclv Posts: 31 Member
    :smile: Congrats on your success hope and pray it will continue....Im on a long journey but taking steps one day at a time. I hope to see progress in 5 weeks i just started today, prior to today I have been working with my nutritionist and have lost about 8 pounds in four months. But I want and need more. I have to work out finding that motivation isreally hard
  • I have been on and off WW so many times I've lost count. I was able to lose some weight but never able to figure you the whole maintaining thing.
    About a year and a half ago I started Nutrisystem and lost almost 60 pounds. In November I had knee surgery and due to lack of exercise for about 6 weeks, I gained back about 10 pounds. I'm back at the gym (although not up the level of workout I used to be able to do...it may take a year to get back to "normal"). I'm still doing NS, but trying to do more of my own food. (NS changed their program and it's just not really working for me as well as it did originally). I'm trying to log ALL my food (don't always log vegetables like I should, but they are so low in calorie I'm not stressing about that).
    Logging food on this site is so easy that I've given up logging it on the NS site.
    I too would like some "friends" to keep me accountable! :)
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    I've done WW off and on for years! But quit again right before coming here. Something about MFP and the actual calories is clicking for me. I could kick myself for not doing this sooner. Would have saved a lot of money.
  • Michelled1919
    Michelled1919 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi there...I've done WW several times. I think the program works, and oddly enough, my leader told us about this site.
    Since being on here, I find the support much better, and there's no cost, which is a bonus! I'm still using the many ideas from WW and incorporating them into my food diaries here...although I could still do much better! Many ideas, many struggles, you really don't feel like you're the only one going through this journey!!
    The success stories are so motivating. I'm relatively new here as well, so feel free to add me, as I'd like more friends for support as well!
  • Jaxster92708
    Jaxster92708 Posts: 84 Member
    Weight Watcher here, too! Bottom line is keeping a food journal in one way or another. I find that I go back and forth between tracking points and tracking here. I do find it easier (most of the time) to journal on MFP and like the feedback I get when I complete my food diary for the day. I also find the message boards here much more diverse and helpful. And, the price is definitely right!!!

  • Nansweetnan
    Nansweetnan Posts: 24 Member
    Stopped WW when the trainer I am using suggested this site. It's only been a week, so I don't know if I lost weight yet. I think this website is easier to use than WW site and it's free--bonus!! Does anyone have any tips or tricks for this site that would be useful!
    Thanks and good luck to all you WW's turned MFP!
  • seanmegrick
    seanmegrick Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Just cancelled my WW account that was charged monthly on my credit card. I have nothing against WW, but lost more money than weight. Just found out I'm pre-diabetic and really need to watch my carbs, which seems to help track that on here. I know on weight watchers, I could have all the carbs I wanted. Anyone have any ideas to help with pre-diabetes and this site. Glad you all are here:flowerforyou:
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 723 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I have to say that I really prefer this to WW, though I was successfull at both. I believe that having friends (or a leader) is important as it helps keep you accountable.
  • tilfordj
    tilfordj Posts: 54 Member
    Hello all. I am making the switch today from WW to MFP. Fifteen years ago I got great results with WW, reached my goal, and progressively regained the weight. Rejoined almost 2 years ago and have been playing footsie with the same 4 or 5 lbs ever since. I was afraid to lose the accountability and support of the meetings, but now I want to see if I can do this a different way. I am going to set aside the $$ saved to buy non-edible rewards if/when I lose. I am also an enthusiastic Fitbit user and pretty good at exercising in general. The problem is really with my eating habit and lack of portion control.

    I think I have found more support here than I ever saw at WW....Being able to track all nutritional facts instead of just points has been eye-opening for me.

    Good Luck to you!!!!!