Mom of two, almost at my goal but can't quite reach it

Hi! Just joined today and I'm hoping this site/app gives me the motivation I need to reach my goal. I'm 29 years ild and a mom of two. I am probably in the best shape since high school right now, but I had a goal and I really want to reach it. I've lost about 60 lbs. since having my youngest (she'll be two in April) and the last few weeks I have totally been slacking. I'm really looking forward to the motivation and support I think I'll get from My Fitness Pal and hopefully I'll actually reach my goal really soon!!!


  • WTG Catherine!!!
  • Hi Catherine,
    Wow 60 pounds, great job!!
    I've been between 5-10 pounds away from my goal weight for about 6 months now, I gain a couple then I lose a couple, and never quite reach it!! It's very frustrating. I was in Weight Watchers before, and the advice they gave for this was to switch up the routine a bit because your body gets so used to your routine that it starts maintaining instead of losing. Maybe try different type of exercise, slightly longer workouts, a variety of healthy foods you maybe haven't tried before...that sort of thing. LOL I'll let you know how it works when I've tried it. Stay positive though, think of what you've lost already...incredible!! You can do it!!
    ~ Katherine
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Welcome. I am a mom of 2 also. My kids are 3.5 and 2. Those last pounds can be really tough, but you can do it. Good luck.
  • rjbrowne
    rjbrowne Posts: 28
    Hi there! You sound like me! I've been going hard for months and these past few weeks, I just haven't found the motivation! I'm getting so close to what I want to see in the mirror. We can't stop now, summer clothes are right around the corner! Good luck!
  • Catherine112682
    Catherine112682 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks everyone! It's great to hear from people walking in the same shoes. I've been a little lazy lately and gave myself a little break and indulged in some very missed treats. I'm thinking that maybe taking that little "vacation" is whatI needed to get back in track. Tomorrow is Monday.... and we all know what that means. Back to the gym and my healthy diet.