Everyday Biking

Hello! I just wanted to pop in and show off my new website (not selling anything or trying to be an expert here :blushing: ). It's just about our family's attempt at driving less and riding our bikes more. We've decided to leave the car at home whenever possible and pedal away. My hope is just to help other people/families do the same, safely. Check it out and let me know what you guys think. I'm happy to hear suggestions since this is my first attempt and a work in progress.




  • eksb
    eksb Posts: 93
    Ouch! I'll try it one more time...:flowerforyou:
  • gcmalone
    gcmalone Posts: 1
    Wonderful idea of being "car-freer"! A set of my neighbors with two little kids does that, as well. It sounds difficult but they've managed to make it work. Carl recently hitched the kids' "caboose" to an Ellipti-go. He loves it and says it's very low-impact on his joints. It would be nice to see what equipment you're using. Darling kids!
  • llitman
    llitman Posts: 1
    Carting two kids around on a bike would be a good way to burn calories--I bet you can eat anything you want. Have you lost any weight?
  • eksb
    eksb Posts: 93
    I have noticed that I am stronger and faster while pulling the trailer (it's about 90+ lbs extra!). I was stuck at the same weight for awhile but since I changed my routine, I've gone down a couple more pounds. I can't quite eat "everything" yet...