Starting Adkins soon



  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I did the 20g Atkins. It works but don't stay on induction long, as soon as you can go to the next stages and introduce more carbs. Don't get caught up in eating as much bacon and fat as you can. There are heaps of low carb vegies that you can eat.
    I always lost weight but then always regained. You have to stay on it but it wasn't a way I wanted to live. So now doing lowish to moderate carbs.
    Remember that even on Atkins calories matter.
  • FedUpWithFlab
    What ever you do don't go on Adkins it screws you over and if you waver from it even once you will put the weight on again and more please take my advise and don't do it I'm sorry to kill your diet plan but ive seen it too many Times :(
  • Longbowgilly
    Longbowgilly Posts: 262 Member
    Low carb is the only thing that really helps to keep my blood pressure under control.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Ketogenic diets work. So do all others. Whodathunkit? Calorie deficits can take all forms. Personally I think you're better off balancing the deficit across all three macros rather than tipping the scale one way or the other to the extreme. That's why I like the zone better than Atkins. But hey whatever floats yer boat.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Well I'm not sure what you did before but you NEED to log your food. You need to hold yourself accountable by logging. I didn't realize how mAny calories I was consuming until I started here.

    Try Atkins. If you can see yourself keeping with it for the rest of your life then stay on it. But be prepared for it not to work. It's not a diet that works long term for most people. Carbs are not the enemy. No micro nutrient is.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Carbs are not the enemy. No micro nutrient is.

    Carbs are a macro nutrient.

    But yep I get what you meant to say and you're right. No single one of the macros can be blamed or exonerated out of context for weight gain or other health issues.
  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    I did Atkins severals years with my then boyfriend. We both lost a ton of weight. I lost about 55 lb on it....he lost a lot more. We restricted carbs completely for the first two weeks (Phase I) to 20 grams. After that we started reintroducing carbs slowly into our diets, first with fruits (especially fresh pineapple), then with low carb whole grain breads, pastas and tortillas. We quickly realized fruit had little to no effect on weigh loss so we kept at that. We noticed even low carb whole grain bread caused both of us to gain, so ate it in JUDICIOUS moderation.......maybe once a week. We were both able to maintain for 2-3 years.

    Fast forward a few years - he broke up (was cheating on me without my knowledge). I walked away (after throwing a cup of coffee in his face at Starbucks where he dropped the bomb on me, and went in search of donuts, my comfort food. I didn't just fall off the wagon, I swan-dove off the thing. Gained it all back and more. He on the other hand married the and has managed to keep the weight off.

    Which is why I'm back here trying to get back on somewhat of a low carb bandwagon. This time, I at least know the things that trigger me......white sugar, white bread, white rice, white potatoes. I can eat bread maybe one slice of whole sprouted grain bread a week. That's about it. More than that causes me to retain water and hold onto weight for dear life. Hey, at least I'm better informed this time around! Pasta is another thing I just can't handle......even the low carb high fiber whole wheat pasta causes me to feel hung over the next morning. Potatoes......I happen to love sweet potatoes, so that's an easy switch. I still eat a lot of fruits and berries. And I eat all kinds of vegetables that contain high amounts of carbs: peas, beans, carrots. Those don't seem to affect me much at all.

    Hope that's helpful.

    ETA: Pardon me about the skank comment.......this was composed while consuming two glasses of red wine.........I'm really not bitter or anything. :wink:

    Also, when I told my physician I was going to do Atkins, she said if followed correctly (2 week intro phase and all), it is the most healthy diet out there. She highly recommends it to all her patients.
  • amycool
    amycool Posts: 57 Member
    I think if you can get past the first bit of the Atkins plan it's really great, I couldn't do it, I fainted a couple of times then found out I suffer from non diabetes related low blood sugar. A couple of years later I just cut bread out of my diet, that's it, I lost weight and my stomach was flat all of the time, but I just missed sandwiches sooo much :-) I don't think I've got the willpower to do it again.

    Good luck!
  • rockinsue285
    yeah dont do it, ive tried that and felt unwell, also tried cabbage soup diet and lost loads but soon as I ate piled weight back on which is why im doing this, the way I think of it is could I live eating this for the rest of my life if the answer is no then just dont do it in the first place, seriously you will lose but will be followed by a big gain
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I had always heard Dr. Atkin's diet was originally designed to help morbidly obese people lose a considerable amount of weight quickly so they would be more likely to survive a surgical procedure they needed. It is generally intended to be done under the supervision of a doctor and is not supposed to be a long-term lifestyle.

    From the article linked below:

    "An Atkins spokesperson points out that a number of studies since 2002, including those funded by the American Heart Association, the National Institutes of Health, and the Philadelphia Veterans Administration, demonstrate some benefits of a low-carbohydrate diet -- especially when weight-loss results achieved with a diet like the Atkins plan are compared to weight-loss results on other diet plans.

    But many health experts remain wary. "The Atkins diet is a viable option that requires more testing," Gary D. Foster, PhD, clinical director of the weight and eating disorders program at the University of Pennsylvania, tells WebMD. "The Atkins diet works at producing weight loss. If you are looking for weight loss, yes, it works. If you are looking for improvement in triglycerides and HDL cholesterol, yes, it works."

    But Foster, like other experts, remains concerned about the long-term safety of the diet.

    Robert H. Eckel, MD, director of the general clinical research center at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver, agrees. He tells WebMD, "Our worries over the Atkins diet go way past the question of whether it is effective for losing weight or even for keeping weight off. We worry that the diet promotes heart disease. ... We have concerns over whether this is a healthy diet for preventing heart disease, stroke, and cancer. There is also potential loss of bone, and the potential for people with liver and kidney problems to have trouble with the high amounts of protein in these diets."

    Source: WebMD:
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    I found the problem with Atking was the stinking headaches...First 4/5 days was hell...After this initial period it was ok...But if your thinking of doing the Atkins, why not also consider the Primal/Paleo diet...A lot more forgiving and in my opinion, much healthier.

    Just my thoughts.
  • Ash_76
    Ash_76 Posts: 186 Member
    Buy the book.

    Read all of it.

    Follow the plan.

    If you don't follow the plan and you quit/fail, don't blame "Atkins". The people that bash it don't understand the science behind ketogenic diets.

    It's easy to successfully lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle following the Atkins plan. It's not a crash diet just to get you to lose weight. If you end up going back to what you did in the past, you will more than likely gain your weight back.
    very well said
    because off bad press and human ignorance people see it as a bad diet were you eat fats to lose weight.
    its actually another version of a low carb diet,
    and the science behind it in is books is really interesting

    it also makes me laugh that people say they gained there weight back,,,,,,, you gain weight by eating the wrong foods or to much foods
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I found the problem with Atking was the stinking headaches...First 4/5 days was hell...After this initial period it was ok...But if your thinking of doing the Atkins, why not also consider the Primal/Paleo diet...A lot more forgiving and in my opinion, much healthier.

    Just my thoughts.

    Paleo is an awesome suggestion. If you eat the foods suggested on the paleo diet and stick to the calorie count on your fitness pal app, that would be one healthy, delicious diet.
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 266 Member
    Biggest advice is to join the low carb group on here. Lots of info and support.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
  • marilou0511
    marilou0511 Posts: 591 Member

    Fist of all, it's "lose", not "loose". Second, you don't cut out a food group. You still eat fruits and low starch vegetables.

    Next you're going to tell me that I should be consuming more sugar because it's not healthy to totally cut it out.

    The ignorance on these forums is mind blowing.

    "FIST of all..." PLEASE DO NOT start correcting spelling or proper use of words by others when you CANNOT submit a reply without an error yourself! Can you see how you started your reply?

    I'm sure you meant to say "FIRST of all..." LOL. YES, to quote you, "the ignorance on these forums is mind blowing" -- so let's start with you at the top of that list. And yes, ATKINS is mispelled by many in this post. Please don't get upset--remember that you're at the top of the list showing "the ignorance on these forums is mind blowing"- your quote. LOL
  • thelowcarbrecipes
    thelowcarbrecipes Posts: 89 Member
    Ketogenic diets are perfectly harmless and work wonders. Best of luck with atkins
  • AnastasiaFox
    Hi, I am on the Dukan diet and found it to be the most effective of all the diets, it is similar to the atkins but healthier and much easier to keep the weight off once you have reached your goal, it means you can also later on introduce all your favourite foods within reason without piling on the weight. This is the diet that Kate Middleton and alot of the stars are doing also. it's also great if you are not heavily into excercising as I am unable to due to my knees and back, so still very effective. I would highly recommend it, buy the book or borrow it and take a leap of faith. My fiancee has lost over three stone on it and I have lost two and half very quickly, but realistically. I did the Atkins long time ago, but it made me quite ill as there is no real balance in the foof you eat or any control on fats. Good luck and I will be happy to help!!
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Fist of all, it's "lose", not "loose". Second, you don't cut out a food group. You still eat fruits and low starch vegetables.

    Next you're going to tell me that I should be consuming more sugar because it's not healthy to totally cut it out.

    The ignorance on these forums is mind blowing.

    "Fist of all?" I'm sure that is what you meant as you do not make mistakes or typos.

    "mind blowing" should be hyphenated, you sarcastic, mean little forum troll.
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    I'm sure you meant to say "FIRST of all..." LOL. YES, to quote you, "the ignorance on these forums is mind blowing" -- so let's start with you at the top of that list. And yes, ATKINS is mispelled by many in this post. Please don't get upset--remember that you're at the top of the list showing "the ignorance on these forums is mind blowing"- your quote. LOL

    My hand is up...I`m guilty of a typo on Atkins... Lol