No more excuses!

hheater Posts: 52 Member
Hey everyone! I'm Hailey. I've always enjoyed working out and eating well, but I've also always been carrying around 20-30 extra pounds. I decided that this would be the year that I would finally get into that never-before-worn bikini! I'm tired of feeling self conscious in the summertime....and I'm done with fearing the scale in the doctor's office. I'm a curvy girl and I'm definitely muscularly dense (I get buff really's a little scary..haha) I know I'll never be itty bitty like some other ladies who have different builds. But at the same time, I'm done with excuses and I want to be the very healthiest and hottest that I can be! :) I've lost 1 pound and 1 1/2 inches so far...and I'd love to make some friends who will motivate and push me. I'll definitely return the favor!


  • kleighsamboer
    hi! feel free to add me :)
  • joeabo
    joeabo Posts: 13 Member
    Nice same here the only hard part for is staying on track. I always find myself getting lazy at one point or another. Hopefully you stay on track good luck
  • jjarrettc
    jjarrettc Posts: 14
    Hi Hailey,

    One way I am staying on track is attending Weight Watchers. Since you have to weigh in every week, it is a real motivator for me. It's like you have to show the teacher you did your homework. Real psychological, IMO. I don't follow the Weight Watchers point system, I actually really do not like it since it does not break down what you eat, everything just contains zero or more points. There are mini-talks after you weigh in which I usually attend. Some are motivational some are not. You do have to pay for Weight Watchers, but it helps me so I am sticking with it and using myfitnesspal to track my food intake/calories burned per day. Great app on the android!

    Best to you Hailey, I am sure you will do fine. :-)

  • amen025
    amen025 Posts: 6 Member
    goodluck!!! i know u can do whatever u have set ur mind to!!!
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    Way to put it to the grind. If you already enjoy eating well and exercising, then you're well on your way. A bit of adjustments, making sure your water is up, maybe uptaking the exercise and downtaking the food (not sure what you eat or exercise right now), and you'll be golden! You can do it!
  • interceptor311
    interceptor311 Posts: 980 Member
    Good luck. Anyone is welcomed to add me