College Student On a Mission


My name is Asha and I am currently finishing up my last course for my B.A. in Psychology at Howard University. I have been fat my entire life but was always raised to love myself unconditionally. In my home, style was not to be jeopardized based on size. Needless to say I am a 5'3 220 pound shopaholic. Throughout college I was always my friends fashion and make-up consultant in spite of the fact that they were all smaller than me. I enjoy being plus sized or "Thick" but not unhealthy. I have been 215-220 and size 14/16 for the past 8 years, It is time for a change. My goal weight is 170 in a size 10/12! My whole new healthy lifestyle initiative is apart of my own personal Eat, Pray, Love challenge which I like to call Eat Less, Pray More, Love Self.

I hope you all will join me in this new initiative as I am super excited about all that comes with it! :smile:


  • PopePopsicleIV
    Hi, Asha! I'm Chelsea, nice to meet you!
    I really look up to the fact that you love yourself even though you're not like... crazy model thin like everyone in the media says girls "should" be! I think that's awesome! i hope to start feeling the same way! Good luck with your weight loss, and feel free to add me if you want. You seem like a lovely person and I'd love to join you on your challenge! :]
  • Ashaeboni
    Ashaeboni Posts: 13
    Hi Chelsea!!! Nice to meet you as well and thank you for such kind words. :blushing: We should def be friends and support each other reach our goals..YAY sooo excited :happy:
  • sunny023
    sunny023 Posts: 4
    Hey guys I'm Sunny,
    I'm a college student too and I have found its really difficult to stick to a plan while in school because everyday is so different with classes, work, friends, and studying. I would really like to join in your challenge too because as much as I love some of my curves, I definitely would also like to lose some weight.
  • Ashaeboni
    Ashaeboni Posts: 13
    Hey sunny!

    I can def relate to the hectic college schedule. My days are a bit different now that I am only taking one course and working most of the time but all night study sessions and 5pm classes are not too distant of a memory. I actually kind of miss it :frown:
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Hi! :) I'm a college student from Texas as well, and you've taken the right step coming here! AMAZING site and support! :)
  • Hollybot
    Hollybot Posts: 108 Member
    Hey everyone, college senior here. Eastern Illinois, Nursing. I feel you all, it is hectic! I've manged to do allright though, feel free to add me for tips and support for eahother
  • Devil_Dawg
    Devil_Dawg Posts: 167 Member
    Awesome :) Stay focused, stay motivated, and always keep God 1st in your life!
    I know you will do it!
  • Ashaeboni
    Ashaeboni Posts: 13
    Thanks everyone! I love all the support here!!!!:smooched:
  • fangbanger87
    Hi everyone! I too am a college student and feel like I barely have time to breathe, much less get motivated to lose weight. I'm 24 and will graduate with my Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education next month thankfully! Feel free to add me as a friend and let's all shed these unwanted pounds!! Best of luck to you all!
  • timaeus_drache
    timaeus_drache Posts: 104 Member
    Also a D.C. student (for a few months more, anyway). Friended!
  • Ashaeboni
    Ashaeboni Posts: 13
    Girllll keeping up with toddlers is a workout all within itself! I was in Jumpstart while I was in school and understand the loveliness that is 3 and 4 year old children.