

  • mykahlio1
    mykahlio1 Posts: 40 Member
    ThE rule I stick by for weighing is it's always first thing in the morning before you eat, drink, exercise, or shower. It must always be naked and using the same scale and right after you have had a bowel movement. This way there is nothing adding to your weight and I feel it's my truest possible weight.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,969 Member
    Scales LIE! Your scales (the one at home and the one at WW) are also STUPID! They should have got their stories to match when they are trying to pull off such a HUGE LIE. Like surfrgrl said put your scale in the closet until it promises to behave.

    Don't worry, you didn't gain weight in 5 minutes. Good luck.
  • rsmblue
    rsmblue Posts: 353 Member
    I've learned that when I'm weighin in on more than one scale, and it's consistant, just to go by each one seperately.... Just pick one for on here (I use the one from home) and be consistant using those numbers.

    I've done the same thing... I go once a month to my Surgeon' office and I was always pissed off when their scale was 4-6lbs higher. Last month I finally asked them about it and know what they said?! They said yeah, we know it's about 5lbs off!
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    My weigh in day was yesterday, and NOTHING. I was weighing myself daily and knew I was trending the right direction, but the day of--nothing. Very discouraging. So I checked again this morning and I'm down a pound. Then I asked my husband to hide the scale until next week.

    STAY AWAY FROM THE SCALE the rest of the week. If you make this *JUST* about the number, you'll drive yourself crazy.
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    I haven't read every single post yet but I had a trainer who once said we should take 2-3 lbs off to account for clothing. Also - I never ever ask what my weight is when I get weighed in by my trainer because I know that scale will be completely different from mine and I don't want it to mess with my head. if the scale that you regularily weigh yourself with is down - then you are down, end of story.

    Also - try to focus on what a great week you had nutrition and exercise wise....that is an accomplishment and something to be happy about. Hope your day gets better!
  • giantsfaninvt
    giantsfaninvt Posts: 26 Member
    I weighed myself on Friday, no weight loss - sad. I weighed myself on Saturday, lost 2 pounds - happy. I don't really think that all the weight loss occurred between Friday and Saturday, unfortunately that's the nature of the beast. A lot happens in your body during a day's time.
  • privatetime
    privatetime Posts: 118
    Mainemom, I know EXACTLY where you're coming from! :-)

    My old scale could vary several pounds just stepping off and getting back on.

    I went out and bought a brand new scale, and the same thing would sometimes happen. Once, I weighed myself and then sat down at the computer to "quickly" check email. Before I knew it, 2 hrs had gone by. Out of curiosity, I weighed myself again, since nothing had physically changed in the interim. Sure enough, the scale indicated I'd gained 2lbs from just sitting there at the computer.

    Later I learned that while scale manufacturers boast about accuracy, they actually consider a 5lb variance to be acceptable. 5lbs!!! Five pounds is depression-inducing when you're trying to lose weight. My new scale was $100, and touted as being very accurate. It s co-branded by WeightWatchers.

    I'm not talking about weight fluctuations throughout the day. I'm talking about readings within minutes, even seconds, of each other.

    I typically weigh myself under the same circumstances: after my morning workout, naked, before I've had anything to eat or drink.

    But, once I started to lose weight predictably, I stopped the daily weigh-ins, and switched to generally once a week. Now I'm not only less emotionally affected by the reading, but even more likely to be stoked about the 7-day cumulative loss, which is usually 2.5lbs.
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member

    I think you should focus on how you FEEL, not so much on the scale. You said you had a great week, so keep that in the back of your mind and keep doing what you are doing! You will see results - I weigh myself once a week or even every other week because anything more than that just makes me crazy. Best of luck to you.
  • Cheryl943
    Cheryl943 Posts: 83
    Next time try this. Don't weigh before going. Weigh there only, then step off and step back on but stand in a different spot on the scale. Now step off and on again and change your posture. You will be amazed how much that can add or subtract. Each time you will probably get a different number. It's all subjective so don't let the number get you down. Trust how you feel and how your clothes fit. Keep your chin up. Good posture makes us look thinner!:laugh:
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I weigh myself a lot just to figure stuff out. It doesnt bother me if I loose or gain a bit. Anyway. I usually go up about 5 pounds from just after waking up to supper. I know for a fact a cup of coffee in the morning moves me up a few pounds. Or a cup of yogurt with some fruit or water etc etc. This is not a bad thing. You need food to live and feel good.