Making Gym Friends

MissVCI Posts: 277 Member
Has anybody made friends with a person that goes to their gym? Did you approach them, did they approach you, did you find it weird of difficult.
There are a couple people I take classes regularly with that I think are could but to shy to introduce myself. So I'm just curious.


  • Deinonychus
    Same here, I want gym friends. Quite a bit too shy though.
  • MissVCI
    MissVCI Posts: 277 Member
    no one.... bueller, bueller???
  • gtwin
    gtwin Posts: 290 Member
    I have several gym friends...I think we started through small talk, they commented on how much weight I was lifting or simply just asking if they could work in with me. Just make small talk about the class or compliment them on something and go from there.....

    Gym friends are always an extra motivator when you see the same people being consistent and making progress everyday.
  • ImJDLookatME
    I wish...I am too shy to approach but am jealous of the regulars that are friends.
  • Simmie69
    Simmie69 Posts: 72
    Has anybody made friends with a person that goes to their gym? Did you approach them, did they approach you, did you find it weird of difficult.
    There are a couple people I take classes regularly with that I think are could but to shy to introduce myself. So I'm just curious.
    I just started going (again) in January and I went up and said hi, I think new members are just as nervous as I am so why not break the ice. I realize we have a lot in common and we motivate each other at the gym. She introduced me to spinning which I love now and I introduced her to dance (Group Groove) class.
    We are very competitive which I think keeps us both motivated.
  • Iamachocaholic
    I tend to work out during "off hours" so there's less people (late at night) ... so when I come in and there's someone in there, I usually smile at them and mumble a small "Hi" the first time. If I see the person repeatedly, it grows to a "hey how are you?", then small talk about weather/upcoming events like races, etc ... takes a little while, but I've found they miss you when you suddenly aren't there, and then the real conversations start. Key is patience, you don't want to rush and look like a weirdo ... LOL
  • ChrisRN75495
    I only joined this group yesterday but one of the first things I did was search to see if there was anyone in my area about my age. I sent messages to a couple of them to see if they wanted to work out together. I hate exercising and part of it is, it is so lonely! The people who are there either know each other (and seem disinterested in meeting anyone new) or are solitary and barely respond to "hi."

    I figured if there were a couple of us who met up for the purpose of supporting each other through this process, maybe it would be more pleasant and we might be more successful.

    Nothing to lose but weight, right?

    So, you might try using the search tool on this site (click on find members) and see if maybe one or two of us might be a potential gym friend!

    The only down side is, you can't search for any smaller an area than 25 miles from your zip code. I'm rural and that brought up way, way too many people to search for. Also, can't search by location, distance or age, which would also be nice.... Maybe I'll suggest it...

    Good luck!
  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member
    Ok everyone move to CA and I will be gym friends with you. :smile:
  • limestang
    limestang Posts: 24
    I would love to go to the Gym but i'm to shy to go by myself. So if anyone lives close to Glenpool, Ok and would like a gym buddy I would love to gol
  • donnabullen
    donnabullen Posts: 47 Member
    I know a few people at my local gym and met them by just saying "Hi" but to be honest I work out better listening to Greenday on my i pod ( 600 calories burnt in 60 Mins )
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    i know about 5 guys or maybe more by names and we talk from time to time. I wish i could do the same with girls, but not many hang out in the weights area...
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Has anybody made friends with a person that goes to their gym? Did you approach them, did they approach you, did you find it weird of difficult.
    There are a couple people I take classes regularly with that I think are could but to shy to introduce myself. So I'm just curious.

    You guys tell me if this would seem to weird.... if maybe you posted something on the gym's bulletin board about fellow MFP members wanting to workout together... Most gyms have a bulletin board in which business cards are allowed to be posted and "want ads" are posted.

    I would do that if I still belonged to Fitness First (quit just a few months ago.)

  • bloodguilt
    bloodguilt Posts: 126
    Has anybody made friends with a person that goes to their gym? Did you approach them, did they approach you, did you find it weird of difficult.
    There are a couple people I take classes regularly with that I think are could but to shy to introduce myself. So I'm just curious.

    Yes, definitely. But I don't spend most of my time chatting with them during my session though. I always make sure I stay focus in my workout and I don't try to talk or disturb my friends while they're busy pumping iron as well. I believe that there's time and perfect place for everything. We only get to chat at the bar lounge or reception area.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I'm pretty outgoing so I'll talk or joke with people at the gym and after a while we're just buddies. I don't interupt their workouts and I don't spend a lot of time chit chatting. Just a hey man, how you doin'. Sometime in the locker room, you have a little more of a conversation and get to know people. Made a couple of nice friends this way. Not forced or anything. Just casual. You call tell whether someone is open to it if you say hi and they make eye contact and say hi back or not. If not, no biggie!
  • missym357
    missym357 Posts: 210 Member
    I make a lot of gym friends. I go to classes and when I see someone pretty regularly I will make small talk with them while waiting for class or smile and say hello when they arrive. From there it usually goes pretty naturally- I try to learn names and say hello by name next time. This hasn't turned into outside of the gym friendships, not yet anyway, but I can't tell you how nice it is to know the people I am working out with. It makes the gym feel like more of a community.
  • amhey11
    amhey11 Posts: 1 Member
    Many years ago the Wall Street Journal had an article on how gym friends tend to be people you know from the gym, but don't know really well. Our gym has just closed and one class has been going at least 27 years. In that class we know people, but it took probably 5 years to get to know people. Our teacher has an email list of most of the regulars and since the gym closed we are sharing our experiences. So I think many of us will keep in touch.
  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    I find that most people going to the gym to be very friendly and helpful. Making small talk is easy...simply ask them what they are working on today is a great opening question.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    sweet necro.
  • SimonCypher
    SimonCypher Posts: 254 Member
    I keep telling myself that I'll approach some of the guys in my gym and ask them how they got their physique and any tips they could give me, however I feel that they wouldn't appreciate it and would just bat me off. I wish I had a 'gym buddy' as feel that I'd push myself even more with someone there kind of 'cheerleading' me on. Glad to see I'm not the only one who is reluctant to approach people in the gym.