MY NSV (non scale victory)!!!

Jordynnsmom Posts: 88 Member
Before I started MFP I had tried on wedding dresses. I was in a size 26 and NOTHING looked good on me. Everything made me look huge or feel like a stuffed sausage. I don't want to be the "fat" bride that everybody looks sideways at with a fake smile while they say you look beautiful. So, yesterday I went wedding dress shopping after losing weight and lots of inches for the last 2 months. I thought I had gotten down to a size 20 dress, so we pulled a few in that size. I was so nervous! I put the first dress on (all the while terrified it wouldn't fit), and my Maid of honor and the sales girl are pulling the back of the dress really tight and saying to each other "yeah, it's about two sizes off" then the sales girl says she is going to have to hold the back of the dress when we walk out to look at it. So inside I am freaking out and starting to feel upset because the dress is too small. We get in front of the mirror and ....IT"S TWO SIZES TOO BIG!!! I fit a 16!
Every thing I put on looked great and I BOUGHT A DRESS!!! It is a size 14 since I am still losing and they said they can make it two sizes smaller if need be. I feel amazing and my special day was the best ever!
I started on my weight loss the first week of January of this year (after totally falling off last year). Thank you Jillian Michaels! 30 DS is working. I LOVE MY DRESS!!! It is better than anything I ever imagined I would be able to wear :happy:


  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    Your post gave me shivers. When I tried on wedding dresses I had to keep in mind I'd need to make it bigger...cuz I was pregnant. I would love to have been told that it would be needed to be held back. Good for you!!!!! What a wonderful NSV :-)
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Awesome NSV!!! Starting your married life healthy will be so wonderful and you will be an even happier bride because you earned it!!
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    Nice story - so happy for you!
  • Dewdrop24
    Dewdrop24 Posts: 32 Member
    Way to go!! Your post brought a smile to my face...I'm so happy for you and would love to see the pics of you on your wedding day. I know you will be a beautiful bride. :)
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Your story had me from the beginning. I am so incredibly happy for you!! Almost brought tears to my eyes...haha :):)

    I myself am getting married in July. I bought my dress a year ago... due to a family death we had to post-pone the wedding. Anyways, over the last year I gained some weight and it is my fear that I will put that dress on again and won't be able to breathe! haha I have set a goal that by the end of this month I will go and try it on again.... I have already dropped 8lbs and I am hoping that by the end of the month i will have dropped at least 4lbs more... Fingers and eyes and toes crossed for me!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    WOW, WOW, W:heart: W, this is such an inspirational and encouraging post. I'm and soooo proud of you and I just am so GLAD and happy for you too. Your story warmed my heart , made me smile and just gives me so much HOPE!!!! You ROCK--period!
  • Jordynnsmom
    Jordynnsmom Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you so much! It has been a battle and a nightmare since I lost my Thyroid in Nov 2010 and put on a bunch of weight. I refuse to give up.
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    So happy for you!!! You deserve to feel beautiful on your special day. Keep up the good work. So worth it.
  • busyblkgirl
    busyblkgirl Posts: 264 Member
    I'm so happy for you that I literally have tears in my eyes!!! As a former bride, I know the anxiety that can come along with dress shopping. Your hard work is paying off big time, and on your special day, when people are telling you how beautiful you are, you'll know it's the truth! Congrats!!!
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful story! What a great moment for you! Your hard work is paying off. Great job taking care of YOU! :flowerforyou:
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    This is just awesome! I can imagine how fabulous this feels, it made my day too! You have made excellent progress for such a short time, and I'm sure you are going to look amazing on your special day :happy: Well done!

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  • stitchinggirl
    From one bride-to-be to another, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Yes, I did scream the, 'congratulations'!
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    THATS SO AWESOME!!!! I had a similar thing happen..,, my hubby and I are re-newing our vows in South Africa at the end of this mont (most of my family couldnt make it to our wedding, including my dad)... and I had put on my wedding dress from when we got married... and it didnt fit.. NOT EVEN CLOSE! So I bought a new one in December, and now its too big!! The seamstress who is altering it was like "Wow, why did you buy a dress thats 2 sizes too big?? This is going to be hard to take in so much"

    Congrats to you!! Its a wonderful NSV and you should enjoy every moment of it! Keep up the hard work!
  • RileeMarie
    RileeMarie Posts: 113
    Congratulations with your continue success in your journey of weight loss and starting a new life..
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    That is a wonderful feeling!!!! Congrats to you, my dear! You will be a beautiful bride! :)
  • Guardien
    Guardien Posts: 109 Member
    WOW!!! That is an amazing victory. That "never give up" attitude is one huge thing that helped you accomplish this. Keep going like this and you'll be trading in that 14 for a 10 in a month. Congratulations on both your accomplishment and your upcoming nuptuals. Best of luck with both endeavors. :flowerforyou:
  • LFlowers2
    LFlowers2 Posts: 3 Member
    Wow...what an amazing story. I had chills down my spine, tears in my eyes, and a smile on my face when I read this. Thank you so much for sharing your inspiring story. I am new to MFP, but it is stories like yours that make me want to be a part of this great big wonderful community.
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    WOW! Congratulations!
  • msjones2831
    msjones2831 Posts: 126 Member
    Wow, 26 to a 14!!!! That's Phenomenal!!!! Great work
  • Malrose01
    Malrose01 Posts: 25 Member
    This post is fabulous! It reminded me of when I was at my heaviest, and going shopping for prom dresses. My best friend and her wonderful mother kept bringing me size after size.. I finally fit a 22. The first one that kind of fit was a red one, and I distinctly remember telling them I felt like a stuffed sausage. Ugh, what an awful day that was. What a fantastic thing that you fit into your dream dress! From one post-sausage to another, I say CONGRATULATIONS!
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