Calling all 5'9" ladies!! (:



  • kludgood
    kludgood Posts: 147 Member
    5'8 1/2 --- started at 286 currently 246 would love to be around 170-175 maybe a little lower. I won't truely know though until I get there. I'm just eatting ALOT better and healthier and working out mainly on my elliptical and have a bunch of DVDs. Also another thing I've noticed that gets me burning a lot of calories is my Xbox kinect.

    Oh yea I'm 246 and am probably about 5-6 pounds away from a size 14
  • At my highest I was 198.5 the day I had my son almost 12 years ago. I am now 140 lbs at 5'10"
  • NikohlMariee
    NikohlMariee Posts: 30 Member
    Helllloo :) 5'9".
    Current weight is 198
    Started at around 206
    My goal is to be around 155
  • candicemaechling
    candicemaechling Posts: 152 Member
    Hi all! I'm 5'9" I started at 318 which was a 3x top and tight 28 bottoms I'm now 206 and a xl/l top and a nice fitting 16 my goal is 159 for now but it may change as I get closer I haven't seen that weight since grade school. I just try to make good food choices most of the time and I love being active.
  • CandylandChel
    CandylandChel Posts: 7 Member
    I am currently 224lbs and 21yo. I've lost 25 lbs last year and gained it back now I've lost 10lbs and I'm gonna keep it off. My long term goal weight is 130lbs. Glad to see so many of you losing so much :) very inspiring.
  • Lisamba09
    Lisamba09 Posts: 20
    Height 5"9

    current weight 180
    weight before children 135
    highest weight: 230

    Goal weight 140-150
    BodyFat Goal: 20-22%

    so currently I am down to 31% bodyfat. I have dropped 7% bodyfat over the past 4 months. While my goal weight is 140, I consider my bodyfat (for myself personally) to almost be more important. I think we women get so caught up in the 'scale' we forget that it is bodyfat that truly tells the story.
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    I'm 5' 9" and CW is 156 on a good day, and I wear a size 6. I have fitness goals of bench pressing my body weight and doing a pull-up by July. Body Fat % is more important to me then the scale number, would love to get to a 20%, I think I am about a 24% now.

    I have enjoyed pushing myself in ways I never thought possible. I became a runner using the C25K program and now I am lifting heavy and loving it. At 42 I can almost squat my body weight. Food is not the enemy for me anymore. I eat 1700-2200 calories a day and am losing at a nice slow and steady pace. If you let go a little bit and trust it is so much easier. I hate the lying, cheating scale and can't believe I ever bought into it's crap! We are all worth so much more than a stupid number on a stupid scale:smile:
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    Wow, this has been SO encouraging for me!!

    I am 5'9" and I started at 250. I'm currently 171 and my body fat percentage is around 20%

    My original goal weight was 145, but after getting my body fat tested I realized that I didn't have 25 lbs of body fat to lose, since I only have 35 lbs of fat, and 10 lbs of fat on a 145lb person means their body fat is WAY too if I did see 145 it would mean a loss of lean muscle mass, and that is definitely not what I wanted.

    I'm sitting fine at 171, but I have areas of my body I want to tone up and look differently. I want to run in a sports bra without my belly jiggling. I could probably lose 15 more, leaving me with 20lbs of body fat, and hopefully most of that in my boobs and rear end.

    I think I would probably look my best at 155-160, long story short.
  • ruthnor
    ruthnor Posts: 35
    5'9" girl here. My highest weight was somewhere in the 320's, and I started my lifestyle-change at 314. My short term goal weight is 220, just because that was the thinnest I can remember being in high school. (I'm currently around 240.) Ultimately I want get below 200, and just see what's comfortable for me as I slide down the scale. I can't imagine going below 170, though.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Oh! That's me!
    Right now I am 108 pounds. Very bad. Don't EVER get that low, or even close to it. As to not overwhelm myself, my baby goal is 115 for now.
  • emmamcblain
    emmamcblain Posts: 342
    I'm 5'10'' with a larger build D: and I started at 232, and currently at 212. I'm aiming for around 170-175 right now, but it would be a dream to reach 145-150, however I'm waiting to see how I look by the time I get there. :)
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I'm 5'9" and 145 lbs. - which is right around my goal weight. I think anywhere between 140 and 150 is good for me. :-)
  • adriawall
    adriawall Posts: 16 Member
    Like many on here I'm also 5'10" and athletic. I was a college athlete with an eating disorder which left me at a paltry 127 pounds, a sack of skin and bones, but like for real. I've been all over the place, but where I felt best and could maintain honestly, you know without killing myself to work out or starving myself ... also allowing myself wine with dinner, etc was at 160. I was a size 8/10. I looked and felt healthy.

    As ladies we always are fighting that urge inside of us to reach an unattainable and perhaps unhealthy weight just so we LOOK a certain way. I agree with many of you here that the number is not so much the qualifier as is the FEEL of what I am. Is my confidence level healthy? Then my number doesn't matter. I have to feel good about where I am and have the energy to get through the day. In this sense I have matured; but it's taken me a long time to get here. Someday I hope we can all come to grips with the fact that we are all beautiful, unique and amazing..the human body is a machine. How much do you need to survive and thrive? What is your version of healthy? Then get and stay there.

    Good luck ladies.
  • bbysars
    bbysars Posts: 36 Member
    I"m 5'9 and currently 155 and started at 169. My ultimate goal weight is 135 but I might like what I see at 145, it's not a matter of pounds but how I feel and look I suppose.
  • adriawall
    adriawall Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you almost exactly! Be kind to yourself you are a lovely girl and I am sure you will hit your goal in your heart. Good luck! I'm eager to watch your journey. Be safe!
  • ms_alana
    ms_alana Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks ladies - this has been really interesting for me as well.

    I started at 180, and am now at 171 - with my final goal being 155. I think what's motivating me more than a number on a scale, though, is to rock some size 8 jeans :) So as most of you have mentioned, I'm planning to re-evaluate as I go. And actually, reading this thread has me considering focusing on a % body fat goal rather than a weight goal.
  • msjones2831
    msjones2831 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm 5'9 and my
    starting weight 247
    highest weight 257
    goal weight is 147
    current weight is 227.
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    I am 29, I have a apple shaped body, 5'9 and a half and the smallest I remember being in "adulthood" was 232. I was in a 16 and happy. I was not healthy, but I was on the right track. My first goal is to get back there. I am at 290 right now. After that goal it will be to get under 200. After that I will start looking at things different.
  • jayne_mel
    jayne_mel Posts: 173 Member
    5'10 and a HALf. I'm 114 with the goal of 120.
  • mommyrox05
    mommyrox05 Posts: 238
    I am 5'9...I am currently at goal 130lbs(have been maintaining for about 2 months now), and started my weight loss journey at 198lbs (April 29th,2011). I wouldn't be opposed to gain 5 or even 10 lbs in lean muscle though. :) That is my new goal!
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