accomplishing the first 10...

I am a former fitness competitor and work in the fitness Industry. I have competed in figure shows, collegiate athletics, and have helped hundreds of clients lose weight.

Unfortunately, I was injured in a car accident in June and put on 15 lbs. My wonderful fiance had proposed a month before and was very supportive. However, I think the comfort of our upcoming marriage and a new life in a small town has caused me to hit a slump. I workout hard (not as hard as I used that I am at 80%) but I can't get myself to really lose the weight.

I need the motivation to eat the hardcore diet my body requires. Do you guys have any will power tricks that you use? Now that I am juggling my work schedule, our home duties, and cooking for him...I respect my parents a lot more for what they put up with having 3 athletes in the house!

How do you get yourself to take the extra trip to the gym or the extra run you have time for...when your significant other just got home from work?



  • fessler
    fessler Posts: 23
    I am a former fitness competitor and work in the fitness Industry. I have competed in figure shows, collegiate athletics, and have helped hundreds of clients lose weight.

    Unfortunately, I was injured in a car accident in June and put on 15 lbs. My wonderful fiance had proposed a month before and was very supportive. However, I think the comfort of our upcoming marriage and a new life in a small town has caused me to hit a slump. I workout hard (not as hard as I used that I am at 80%) but I can't get myself to really lose the weight.

    I need the motivation to eat the hardcore diet my body requires. Do you guys have any will power tricks that you use? Now that I am juggling my work schedule, our home duties, and cooking for him...I respect my parents a lot more for what they put up with having 3 athletes in the house!

    How do you get yourself to take the extra trip to the gym or the extra run you have time for...when your significant other just got home from work?

  • pamelawh
    pamelawh Posts: 162 Member
    will he run with you?
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    First, welcome fessler! Glad to hear your back on track (even without the results yet!), and congrats on your upcomming nuptuals!

    Personally, when I need to be motivated, I try to picture my goal in my head. Sounds silly I know, but it works for me. My goal is walking into that first baseball practice next March and everyone looking at me and saying "Banks, wow, your looking lean!" Yours is different, but I'm sure if you think about it, it should be pretty easy for you to picture yourself reaching that goal.
    Just make sure you don't sacrifice your health to reach those goals. I'm not sure what a "hardcore diet" is, but it scares me just hearing it.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    My take on working out (even if it means time away from your SO) is that it makes you feel better when you're with them, and this makes the time you spend together better. I think in order to love others, you've got to love yourself first.

    Also, Pamela makes a great point...ask him to run, too.

    And I'm all for the visualization as well.
  • time2wrk
    time2wrk Posts: 773 Member
    My husband and I don't workout together because we like to work out differently. He is solo, I am a gym rat who needs a class. When I used to work full time, we would work out at the same time when we could. I would leave the house for my class and when I would get back he would be finishing up his Bowflex or exercise bike. So, you can workout together or maybe even just at the same time so you are both done at the same time and ready to relax in each other's company.
  • tdroseler
    tdroseler Posts: 165
    When i realised how far i had let things out of hand, with my health, i wanted everyone around me to feel sorry for me and "help" me. I learned however, the only person that can do anything for me to get better is me. It is wonderful to have the support of friends family etc, but in the end, you have to just get up and do it. I asked myself, how much is it worth to get better? What was i willing to do to take back my life. Since then, i do little things when ever i can. I find myself actually looking for things to stretch my limits safely. It is almost a game now, it has become fun in itself, and i am motivated in that way.
    No matter what you end up doing, the greatest part is you want to do it...keep on, keeping on.
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    I am with you on this one. I am an athletic trainer, so I spend my life telling athletes to push through it, keep it up, don't cheat on rehab, etc. You obviously have the same mentality (I ran cross country in college & am trying to return to pageant competitons after having a child and gaining 35 pounds). For me, I put pictures in key places. I keep my "red dress" picture in my wallet so that when I reach for money to splurge on junk food, I think twice. Also, my husband and I use "our" time as we choose. He's a track coach, so he works out with the team. Instead, he may catch a game on t.v. or go fishing (right now he's in bed so I worked out). It's great to workout together, but if it's not for you, let him have "Me" time. It's critical to a successful marriage! Best of luck & congrats!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 33,969 Member
    Sorry to hear of the accident. You should bounce back to your pre-weight quickly with your history, no?

    Maybe you and the husband-to-be could take turns cooking. If you're both working, seems fair....

  • fessler
    fessler Posts: 23
    I appreciate everyone's support. I'll take all the the advice to heart.