Iron Chef - Mis-Matched Combinations

katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
Husband and I were joking about our daughter not wanting to eat any of our snow crab legs because she just ate some junior mints.

That got us thinking about some of the odd food combinations they make sometimes on TV, especially on the Iron Chef America - such as ICE CREAM made with anything SEAFOOD. Ugghhh, the thought of it...

Has anyone else seem strange food combo's that just didn't seem right or strange combo's that actually did taste good together?



  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    That's a good one!

    I saw a recipe for olives and oranges. It sounded strange, but I tried it, and now making a little salsa with olives, orange, onion and some lemon juice is one of my favorite fish toppings.

    I had corn ice cream one time. That sounds crazy, but was really good. Another weird one: strawberry and pink peppercorn. I've had that combo in ice cream and jam and it is amazing. (Strawberry and black pepper is pretty good too)
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Such as ICE CREAM made with anything SEAFOOD. Ugghhh, the thought of it...

    We spend every summer in Maine, and a lot of ice cream shops up there make 'lobster ice cream'. It's not my flavor of choice, but I have tasted it. Surprisingly, it is not awful!

    Read about it:
  • katgirl985
    katgirl985 Posts: 212 Member
    That's a good one!

    I saw a recipe for olives and oranges. It sounded strange, but I tried it, and now making a little salsa with olives, orange, onion and some lemon juice is one of my favorite fish toppings.

    I had corn ice cream one time. That sounds crazy, but was really good. Another weird one: strawberry and pink peppercorn. I've had that combo in ice cream and jam and it is amazing. (Strawberry and black pepper is pretty good too)

    One of my fave "splurge" lunches right now is Panera's Mediterranean Salmon salad which contains both kalamata olives and oranges and a citrus vinegarette. Sooooooo yummy.
  • Strawberry jam and some sharp cheddar cheese on a piece of fresh bread. Mmmmm.

    Blueberry jam and havarti is also good.
  • I was a doubter in cottage cheese and fruit, and now one of my favorite snacks is Purity 2% cottage cheese and fresh pineapple! Deeelicious.
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 479 Member
    When I was pregnant I ate bananas with Miracle Whip all the time! It was sooo good. I also like Fritos with strawberry ice cream. :) Oh, I also had pineapple with melted marshmallows once...that was pretty good.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    I don't think seafood ice cream would be bad if you didn't think of it as dessert, but an additive to a main course. Maybe you could have lobster, and instead of using clarified butter, you can use a frozen cream with lobster and buttery flavor processed in the way ice cream is. Just don't go into it expecting sweet.

    It may be easier (assuming you are watching the original Iron Chef, and not Iron Chef America) for Asians to eat non-sweet ice cream, because there ice cream includes a wider variety of flavors. I went to a buffet in Korea once, and my brother, being a very vanilla type of guy, grabbed the whitest looking one. Unfortunately, he expected common, creamy and subtly flavors of vanilla, but was greeted with ginger ice cream. Yuck!
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I eat all sorts of crazy food combos.
    Egg whites and ketchup, yogurt and pretzels, cottage cheese and sweet cereal... mmm :)
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Unfortunately, he expected common, creamy and subtly flavors of vanilla, but was greeted with ginger ice cream. Yuck!

    I *love* ginger ice cream. It's one of my favorite flavors. :-) Sometimes I make it from scratch, sometimes I find it at ice cream shops, and in a pinch I'll mix ground ginger and little chunks of crystallized ginger into softened commercial vanilla ice cream (like Breyers)

    I also love mixing fresh minced basil into vanilla ice cream! So refreshing!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member

    It may be easier (assuming you are watching the original Iron Chef, and not Iron Chef America) for Asians to eat non-sweet ice cream, because there ice cream includes a wider variety of flavors. I went to a buffet in Korea once, and my brother, being a very vanilla type of guy, grabbed the whitest looking one. Unfortunately, he expected common, creamy and subtly flavors of vanilla, but was greeted with ginger ice cream. Yuck!

    Yuck? No way! I love ginger, and find ginger ice cream to be delicious! I like avocado ice cream too. I've had ube ice cream which was yummy, basil ice cream and even cardamon ice cream! I love spicy flavors of ice cream.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Strangest Iron Chef dish I had heard was lobster brain and shark fin soup...or something made from whale tongue.

    Iron Chef is much better than the American version.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Yuck? No way! I love ginger, and find ginger ice cream to be delicious! I like avocado ice cream too. I've had ube ice cream which was yummy, basil ice cream and even cardamon ice cream! I love spicy flavors of ice cream.

    Jadedone - you and I should have ice cream together! LOL - I really like cardamom in ice cream, too!
  • AlexPflug
    AlexPflug Posts: 132 Member
    My best friend got me onto Doritos and Cottage Cheese. You just use the cottage cheese as a dip. It's delicious, but I am not eating Doritos now as I'm trying to focus on healthier foods and I could just sit and eat a bag of them. I also love mixing KFC's mashed potatoes and gravy with their cole slaw. It's kind of an addiction.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    if you want some weird food combinations, check out anything by heston blumenthal.

    he does some weird crap.
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    My favorite food when I was pregnant was grilled cheese with pickle slices grilled in.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    One of the weirder things I used to do while pregnant was wrap cheese around a banana and eat it.

    I've have had bacon ice-cream and it was delicious! I didn't go into it thinking about the sweet ice-cream we all know and love. I thought it was awesome! Had it with some melon I believe. Salty cured meats and melons are awesome together.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Yuck? No way! I love ginger, and find ginger ice cream to be delicious! I like avocado ice cream too. I've had ube ice cream which was yummy, basil ice cream and even cardamon ice cream! I love spicy flavors of ice cream.

    Jadedone - you and I should have ice cream together! LOL - I really like cardamom in ice cream, too!

    Sounds like a plan! There are 3 "crazy ice cream flavors" places near my house. One only does sorbet. One only uses local ingredients and the other one is just cuckoo. They make jalepeno and other super strange flavors. :D
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    One of the weirder things I used to do while pregnant was wrap cheese around a banana and eat it.

    I've have had bacon ice-cream and it was delicious! I didn't go into it thinking about the sweet ice-cream we all know and love. I thought it was awesome! Had it with some melon I believe. Salty cured meats and melons are awesome together.

    I haven't seen this yet! I did have a bacon donut once. Oh and bacon candy. It was awesome. They took bacon, covered it with maple syrup and then crisped it up in the oven!