Starting again with 100 lbs to lose looking for buddies!

Hi I started at 260lbs last year and started mfp all was going well and had started to exercise and diet and got a exercise buddy and we were both doing well we both got a doctors referral to exercise at the gym for 12 weeks we both did really well and I lost 35 lbs all was going well until the gym finished. I joined a gym and then the summer holidays came round and found it difficult with my 2 children off school and nursery and it all went pear shaped. I lost my exercise buddy as we both joined different gyms so I lost support and my weight plateaued I kind of gave up then!!! And my weight slowly crept up up until February this year when I weighed myself last week Wednesday at 257 lbs eeeek that was that and I started mfp and started going back to the gym hubby joined the gym and my mum joined too so I now go with them. I've also got in touch with my previous exercise buddy who has also gained all her weight too and started going to hers to do some exercise DVDs and we walk 2 miles together with another friend in the mornings 3 to 4 times a week! I'm looking for like mined mfp who also have a lot to lose to support on our journey to lose all this weight. I currently weigh 253.4 lbs so its starting to come off thank God! So if your interested and need some friends for support please add me as a friend thanks bye!


  • cmcpherson123

    I am new to the site but I am also looking to loose 80-100 pounds. I am a mom of 3 girls twins and my youngest is 4. Its hard for me to go to the gym especially working full time and also working at home part time. I would love to chat and keep both of us motivated. I did Herbal Magic and lost over 80 pounds but with work and the kids its hard. I started to work out, walk to work and lost over 40 pounds. I was eating right working out and I felt great. I started to treat myself more than I should have and I notice that I am gaining some of the weight back. I want to loose weight and feel better about myself and also eat better for my kids.

    I hope you would like to do this let me know

  • jms3533
    jms3533 Posts: 316 Member
    Feel free to add me, I have lost 36 pounds and have another 70 to go
  • mbkrol
    mbkrol Posts: 21
    I'm new too and have 30 lbs. to lose. I definetly need all the motivation I can get to get the exercise part of this going. Glad to be here and I will help to motivate you all too!
  • hunni70
    hunni70 Posts: 57
    Thanks for all the add ons and messages and replies!!
  • strawberrylooker
    strawberrylooker Posts: 2 Member
    Add me too, I've 100lbs to lose, I'd be grateful for all the help and support I can get.
    Just bought a Wii fit........The rhythm boxing's quite good.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Welcome back. With this journey, the trick is when you fall. You gotta pick yourself up,dust yourself and continue marching FORWARD. I started with 48kg to lose, i have lost 17kg all together of which 11were with MFP. I have another 31kg to go.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Welcome to mfp. I have 71 lbs. to lose and will be on here for a while. Please feel free to add me. I am on here several times a day and can off motivation and support to you.
  • Mymy101
    Mymy101 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there. I know exactly how you feel. I too was big, went small and have gone back to being big again. I definitely prefer being small. Two weeks ago I decided enough is enough, less complaining and more action. So feel free to add me to your friend list. I promise to encourage you if you promise to do the same for me. :)
  • lapointemarie
    Hello, I have approx. 90 lbs. to lose. I find it difficult to exercise & do what I can at home. I love walking, but have a son who has Autism, so getting out is sometimes a challenge and I have to motivate myself when the chances arise. Maintaining a routine is usually what works for me, but my son's routine has priority. I am trying very hard to incorporate exercise into his routine. Wish me luck & add me as a friend if you would like.
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    I was well beyond where you are right now a year ago, and I can attest that if you stick to it, if you work MFP, you'll get where you want. I'm still working, but getting there!
  • lapointemarie
    Less complaining & more action, I like that quote.
  • Carolynne1
    Feel free to add me. I have lost 25 so far and still have around 90 to go. I would love to have some buddies for support and encouragement!
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    I still have over 75 lbs to lose. Feel free to send me a friend request.
  • debstanley4
    debstanley4 Posts: 208 Member
    I have over 75 lbs to loose so feel free to add me. I like freinds that inspire me and I can help to.
  • Julesbriff
    Julesbriff Posts: 39 Member
    Hi -welcome back to MFP. I have a lot of weight to loose and have lost weight in the past - only to put it all back on (and then some!!). Feel free to add me - I love having the support of friends on this site to keep me going through good days and bad - and anyone else who could do with a friend for support xx
  • andid713
    andid713 Posts: 3 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me as a friend also. I have about 160-ish lbs to lose! That is a whole other person that I am carrying around. I have been doing MFP religiously everyday (for the most part) and I love all of the support and motivation from my friends on here! I am going in the morning after work to join a gym with my partner who is also going down the weightloss road with me. I do not have any kids, but I do work full time and I am a full time nursing student. It is hard. I tell myself that if I can do nursing school at my current age, then I can do anything, including lose weight!!! I also tell myself almost daily, I didn't put it on overnight, I am not going to lose it overnight either. It is a process, and one I finally (and truly) understand.

    A quote that I saw recently by Shakespeare, hit home to me and I thought I would share it in case it helps anyone else in this journey:

    "Be great in act, as you have been in thought."
  • somerman
    somerman Posts: 17 Member
    I have over 200 lbs to loose. You can add me as a friend.

    I started this site a week ago, and look forward loosing.
  • hunni70
    hunni70 Posts: 57
    Hi guys thanks for all the friend requests and I've added everyone it's so great to see so many positive mfp's I'm sure we all achieve our losses that we want with the help of mfp and all the friends we make here. Just a little update my weighin date is on Wednesday's so far so good pounds are coming off hope to have a good loss come Wednesday so far just under a 5 lb loss so hope I can stay good till wednesday good luck everyone!!!!
  • Mymy101
    Mymy101 Posts: 23 Member
    I just love your positive attitude. If you can pass some of that on to me, I'll be your friend for life. :)