Looking for friends for support! :)

Hi everyone!

I'm getting back on track here starting tomorrow. :) I'm ready to do this for me.

Just looking for some friends for support! I'm 24 years old and my goals are really just to tone up and losing 10-15 lbs by summer would be a nice added bonus.

I just haven't felt good for awhile now, and I just want to get back into shape and feel good about myself again.

Some of my interests include: nutrition, chiropractic, gluten free diet, cats, going to the beach, reading, cooking, and listening to music.

Add me! :)


  • Hi! I'm in the same boat as you. I'm 26, don't have a ton to lose, but I want to feel better and get healthy and would love some support and to go through it with others.
  • Hi guys!!! I am 41 years old/young. I have a bit more weight to lose than you guys though. I want to lose 20 lbs total. I started on this website on March 1st, but have been exercising consistently for several weeks. As of today I finally dropped down 2 lbs. I just hope I can keep headed in that direction. It took forever to drop those 2 lbs but I am determined as I am sure you are too!!!! :)
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 671 Member
    Hey girl! Welcome back! I have lost a decent bit already, just have that last dreaded 5-10 lbs to go! My goals are to improve my cardio fitness and endurance and to tone my abdomen, arms and legs! I added you!
  • jkqb
    jkqb Posts: 2
    hey girls, I have a lot to lose close to 30 pounds. bad food choices and little exercise when I was in my 40's has caught up with me. But trying to exercise everyday and make better choices with food is my goal right now. I lost 4 pounds this first week and hope to keep going in the same direction.
  • aray1107
    aray1107 Posts: 75
    Thank you for responding! I will add any of you. Any questions- I'm always here for answers or support or just to chat. :)
  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    Hey everyone I'm in a similar place - I'm 25 I have around 10 - 15kg to lose by the end of this year (still not sure what my UGW is). I'm starting back properly tomorrow and this time I've decided that I don't just want to lose weight I want to be really healthy so no processed junk or diet soft drinks etc.
  • J4yTea
    J4yTea Posts: 1
    I'm the same, I just wanna drop 10-15 and look good for the summer =] Just looking for support and encouragement to keep me on track!
  • aray1107
    aray1107 Posts: 75
    Me too! I accepted your request. :) Thanks for the add! Keep in touch!