portion sizes

mcohan Posts: 116 Member
does anyone have any suggestions to prevent over eating? i am very good about staying within my calorie range but sometimes i get very hungry and eat a bit too much at one sitting.


  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Measure out what you're eating with a kitchen scale (if it's a food that's measure in grams or ounces), or by counting if the serving size is the number of _______ (crackers, etc.) I've been known to count out the number of soy crisps, put them in a bowl, and then leave the kitchen and go to the living room to eat them. That way, the bag is not in front of you and you're not tempted to eat more.

    Also, if you log your meals for the days in the morning or the night before, you see exactly what you're "allowed" to eat for the day. If you really want to eat more than your portion size, head to the computer and you'll have to add in the extra calories (and therefore take them from somewhere else) so that you don't go over your calories for the day.

    Hope this helps :flowerforyou:
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    well if you are cooking, you could only cook enough for one serving. That's what I do.
    I you are eating out, as soon as your plate come out, ask for a to go container and put half in it.
    Or you could add loads of salt or something that you don't like to your plate after you finish your food so that it would taste really nasty to eat any more off of that plate.

    Just a few suggestions.

  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    I find controlling portions is very difficult also. But to prevent over eating in one sitting you could drink alot of water regularly (it works for me sometimes) and make sure you eat regularly (every 3-4hrs) so you find your less inclined to binge eat. Have smaller meals or snacks frequently.

    And like the other members say, plan out your meals ahead of time. That way you know what your allowed to have..

    Hope that helps

  • jennafer32
    jennafer32 Posts: 40 Member
    Fill up on protein, it seems to keep you full longer so you don't reach the starvation mode which makes you over eat because it feels like you need more "fuel" to fill your "tank". Also the small meals 4-5 times a day works best-then you are never deprived.