I can't get motivated!

Before I had my daughter I weighed 120, I figured it was ok to gain weight during pregnancy. I thought I'd just lose it right away. Well I was so wrong and I gained more than I should have. I look back at pictures and I get so upset because I don't like myself at this point in my life. Even people closest to me have told me how fat I am. It breaks my heart. Every time I get on an exercising rampage I love it..then I slowly just stop doing anything. I love cooking and I've tried to do healthier meals but then the next day my husband will come home with take out and I give in :(


  • jdancer369
    I am in the same boat. I had my first daughter and actually the weight came off great but now I have some extra lbs from my second, and even more lbs from my third. No one told me it was harder to lose after each child and the older you get so I didn't watch it at all! Now, I get ramped up, do great and then it gets to hard to keep up or just life gets in the way-and I let it! I have decided that even when I mess up and give in, I need to start over the next day and don't give up.
    Keep fighting and don't give up! It is hard but don't think of it in terms of x amount of pounds in x amount of time, rather, healthy choices and small victories when you don't eat the cake and you will notice it.
    You can do it!!!!!!!