do u NEED to work out??



  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    Is a personal choice... I work out because I dont want to just loose weight, I really want to look AWESOME... and in my 2.5 months of working out and eating better, perhaps I havent lost as much weight because Ive built muscle, but I know Im leaning out and toning up... and look better!! Which is the ultimate goal right?

    However only you can decide whats better for you.. I like how my body is starting to feel and look, and I LOVE when my husband goes to tickle me and he remarks how strong my abs feel now!

    Good luck reaching your goals though! Its wonderful that youve started down the right path.
  • annissa19
    annissa19 Posts: 16 Member
    I hate working out however it is the lack of exercise and eating incorrectly which got in the boat I'm in right now. I think the first thing you should do is see your doctor to make sure there is nothing medically wrong (lack of energy could be a sign of something else). Once you are cleared you should try to find some sort of physical activity that is conducive to your lifestyle and liking. I like to walk but after working 9-10 hours a day I was too exhausted after work to do anything physical. You just have to find what works for you and start off slow maybe on the weekends and slowly increase to 4 days a week or more. Don't beat yourself up about it. You will get there.Good luck!!!!
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    You can lose weight with just portion control. You can also lose weight with just working out. I am proof of the latter - I lost well over 40lbs before I started using MyFitnessPal - it was all exercise, and all at home. The healthier eating just came to me gradually, and naturally, as my mind shifted towards wanting to protect my exercise effort investment... I worked hard, and didn't want to undo it all by making stupid choices.

    If you have the room at home, spend your monthly gym membership on some gear you can use at home. You don't need tons of space; I have not set foot in a gym yet, and do not plan to. I have slowly amassed a collection of exercise stuff in my basement, including a treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike, weight bench, two different punching bags, etc. I don't like the idea of the gym, nor did I enjoy PE class in high school. But these days, I started off on my journey with two dumbbells and a cement floor...

    You don't need to go to a gym, but I'd say it's best to not skip on working out entirely. Just do what you can, when you can, where you can.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I guess when I think of working out, I think of the gym.. would wii boxing or tennis be ok?? I have the danceling games too... that way, I can do it alone, in the comfort of my own home
    Absolutely. Start with where you're comfortable, and work on incorporating exercise into your daily routine. Then work to keep challenging yourself.
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    Going to the gym is intimidating for someone who doesn't know their way around. And I agree...i get in these ruts where i don't work out, and thinking about working out after an exhausting day at work is just the last thing i ever would want to do. When i get in those ruts, i have to dig my way out, and sometimes it takes weeks of thinking about going back to the gym before i actually do it.

    Now that I have been going for a few months, its all i want to do after work! I look forward to it, and have so much more energy. I used to be so tired after work, all i would want to do is come home, lie on the couch and rest. Now, i work out, come home, make dinner, do some cleaning, etc. Its not just straight to the couch.

    Now, i do know my way around a weight room, i've been in the gym since high school. However, i just recently discovered the classes, and they are addicting. Zumba is my vice now...I never would have thought I would love a fitness class!

    Anyways, you are not alone. Yes you can lose weight without working out, but working out, at least for me, makes it all much more enjoyable and rewarding. Good luck to you!
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    After 7 workouts in 12 days I posted a side pic go to my profile yellow shirt vs white...same diet for 5 weeks but 7 workouts made a bigger difference in my opinion. I'm just starting though
  • Lrizz2012
    I lost weight too just by cutting down how much i ate before and i wasnt exactly exercising but i was walking around my college campus which is pretty big haha. But now that im home thats just not enough for me. Im too scared i would get a gym membership and waste it so ive made up a plan: I have a wii and i have Zumba and The Michael Jackson Experience. Zumba is a great workout and so im going to do that for the next couple of weeks and see how that helps me out. You should try zumba, its crazy but fun. I also have a bike that im gonna ride around my neighborhood. Its like i read above somewhere you dont have to go to the gym you can workout at home but i guess if you are targeting a specific area then a gym is better. I think its cool that your gonna wait to start bringing in exercising. You will see a bigger difference :) good luck
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Honestly, I HATE working out.. I pay $25 a month for a gym membership that I don't even use.. ive lost weight by just eating better before, and I plan to get back to the gym eventually, but I feel like tackling two things at once will cause undue stress and set me up for failure. Is it OK to wait a bit before getting into an exercise routine and to get used to rating better first? Please don't be mean

    You don't have to work out to lose weight. I personally disagree that your program needs to BEGIN with both diet and exercise. You can work on the diet part first, and then incorporate the exercise. Physical activity is very important for long term health - however, if you do not enjoy going to the gym look at some alternatives (off the top of my head):

    - sports, adding in some light competition can make it more fun
    - dancing
    - hiking or bush walking
    - boxing
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I workout because I love to eat (My own cooked meals atleast) and 1700 calories aint cutting it for me. So I workout and make it around 2500 and now we're talking. I'm a food addict and I'm making working out my fix!
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    After dealing with two year olds all day, then dealing with getting their parents to pick them up on time, part of the problem could be that you just need time alone, with no one bugging you. They gym might work out for you if you've got headphones on and no one knows you, so you can work out in your own little bubble. You can see videos on Youtube to learn how to work the machines, so you can just go in, use them, and go home, and skip the personal trainer stuff.
  • Lrizz2012
    I was just talking about that. I have Zumba for the wii cause im too self conscious to go to the gym and its a great workout i havent played in awhile so im excited to get started and watch the weight drop off
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    A change in attitude from "I hate working out" to "I really want to learn how to workout and find something I like" will take you a long way in this situation...
  • tulip07
    tulip07 Posts: 167 Member
    I think you are doing very well already!! I have heard from so many people that 90% contribution to weight loss is from eating right. If I were you (and I have been where you are and probably still am :-) ) I would concentrate on eating right at the moment, if that is what you can handle.

    Once you start getting a grip on eating right (eating clean food - lean protein, more veggies & fruit, healthy fats, whole grains and staying under calories), you will start realizing that you have more energy than before which will make you naturally add exercise. I would say if you find exercising boring, you can consider adding a 15 minute walk most days of the week (and absolutely wii counts!!). Before you know it, the walk or exercise will become a habit and it won't be so boring or hard to do anymore.

    Eventually you will get to what the others are all talking about. But what you are considering doing is just great :-) Way to go!! and kudos to you for handling that many toddlers! If you don't have enough energy at the end of the day, make sure you check your diary again and make sure you are indeed eating enough and eating clean food and cutting out sugars etc :-)
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    I can understand how you feel since I also do not feel comfortable in a gym and instead workout in my own home. I don't even feel comfortable on a treadmill so I just do dancing at home and jogging in place in front of the TV - and it's been helping me! And the great part is, it only takes me a few minutes to start working up a sweat.

    If you have a Wii dancing game like Zumba that will get you to work up a sweat, it's definitely worth it. If you feel like you don't have a lot of energy, tell yourself you'll just play for 5-10 minutes every night for a week. Then the next week, trying boosting it up to 15 minutes, then 20 minutes, etc. until you get to at least 30 minutes. Or break it up and do 15 minutes one hour and 15 minutes a couple of hours later.

    Set small goals to start so that when you achieve the 5-10 minutes the first night, you are able to say, "I can handle that every night". As you get into a routine like that, you'll become more accustomed to it and will be able to push yourself to do more as you go. But start with small goals so you meet those goals, feel proud of yourself, and feel confident that you can make those goals a routine.

    Another suggestion is to try a beginner's yoga class. It's a great de-stressor and will help give you some peace after a hectic day with little kids. I'm not sure if it's good for burning calories or if it's just good for strengthening muscles you never knew you had, but sometimes stress can cause people to retain more weight - so if stress is an issue, yoga could help.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    I guess when I think of working out, I think of the gym.. would wii boxing or tennis be ok?? I have the danceling games too... that way, I can do it alone, in the comfort of my own home

    Wii boxing, tennis, any of the Wii fit "games" and definitely the dancing games will all burn calories. Exercise doesn't have to be the gym. Dancing, walking, whatever gets your heart rate up will work.

    If you do feel like trying the gym again, see if you've got a friend who can join you. Not being alone in the gym might make it less intimidating. As for being tired, once you get into a consistent exercise routine you will see your energy level increase after a couple weeks.

    As far as a trainer goes, sounds like the one you got was not very good. If you do ever try hiring a trainer again, don't be afraid to make them listen to you. If they don't listen, kick them to the curb and get another. You pay that person to help you get in shape. Part of that job is to help you push yourself, but they can't force you to push to far.
  • bobbinalong
    bobbinalong Posts: 151 Member
    I've asked myself that question and I look at it as I am in this for a long time. This is not a quick fix and I want to be able to do what I need to do for the rest of my life. Realistically would I go to a gym, no. Would I do a 30 day whatever workout, maybe but not likely. It is exhausting I don't want something that sucks me down.. Would I walk, yes, would I ride a bike, yes, would I swing in a swing, yes. Find what works for you so that you feel good about getting that extra movement. It doesn't matter what everybody else is doing, you are doing this for yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I've lost weight without really working out before myself. Then lost some weight with added cardio. Personally, I feel and like the way I look better, when I lose weight by eating less, cardio and weight training. I really don't like exercising, but I think of the trade-offs.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Most of the way through my weight loss journey I've done it with no exercise. Right now I'm focusing more on exercise just because I'm close to my "goal" weight. I absolutely hate everything about exercise...It's just boring...I do workout DVDs (30DS, 6W6P) at home because I'm terrified to go to a gym. :/ But anyway, it IS possible to lose weight without exercise, anyone who says you can't is incorrect. If you have a calorie deficit weight will come off.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I should add - if you want to work out at home, and since you have a Wii (also available for Xbox 360, or PS3 like I used), then I have to recommend you go and buy EA Sports Active 2.0 (the Wii has several others in the series, but I have only used EASA2). I basically used ONLY that until I got a treadmill, and now I feel comfortable enough to work out on my own, but I still do EASA2 sometimes because it's good. And no gym!
  • LoveAngie23
    I hate working out at the gym. You need to find something you enjoy. I just started belly dancing and i've always enjoyed yoga because it is relaxing. I know a lot of people love Zumba and it looks fun. I don't think you HAVE to work out because you obviously aren't sedentary. 2 yr olds are a handful, but honestly, working out will make you feel better mentally and physically. And you will be proud of yourself for it. Just find something you enjoy!

    Your gym probably offers several different types of classes, but if you prefer to do it alone there are a lot of videos on youtube you could try to see what you like doing.