I think I met someone *famous* on Thursday night.

munchkinhugs Posts: 278 Member
Does anyone know Tin Sparrow? They were opening for Matt Corby at the Oxford Art Factory on Thursday night. I didn't really know who they were. During intermission, I went to get some water from the bar. There was a guy there, drinking plenty of water. We discussed being thirsty, water, and how my shirt was cool.

Went back to where my sister was holding our spot and when Tin Sparrow got up on stage, realised that the guy I'd been *talking to* was one of the band. The dude who killed the electric guitar. FFS. I could have totally played it a little cooler, and pretended like I wasn't a creeped out zombie after a ridiculously long week at work. Plus, I could have got a photo and made my friends totally jealous.

My sister said it was probably cool that I didn't treat him like someone famous.

Similar stories people?


  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    About 6 years ago, I was taking kickboxing classes. One day, in walk two women. One of them had participated in sessions in the past. The other woman...none other than Gwenneth Paltrow! Nobody made a big scene, nobody said anything out loud. People noticed, but politely didn't ambush her. It was a normal 1 1/2 hour session. Ok, not so normal! My daughters and I were mouthing to each other "That's Gwenneth Paltrow!" "Yeah, I know!" She is so naturally pretty and friendly, even seemed a little on the shy side. When the session was over, as she and her friend were walking toward the door, she looked back and said "Bye everybody! It was fun! Thanks!"
  • Dilfster
    Dilfster Posts: 434
    I've met a handful of celebs over the years and worked for one. But I most recently met DJ Ashba who is lead guitarist for Guns n Roses & Sixx AM.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I went to a Redsox vs Yankees game at Fenway and sitting behind us was former Pitching great David Cone, night before that me and my buddies were getting fitshaced at a favorite bar in Providence, RI and who happened to walk in, none other than Tom Brady with a few of the other players, but that was before he was The Tom Brady. And more recently I met Kevin Faulk while working out with my trainer, my trainer trains his whole family and he was picking up his son.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    My twins have been in a movie... so. I've met Gus Van Sant, Michael Pitt, and the other guy from the movie...

    I've also met Mike Farrell - really, really nice person. His book rocks, too.

    I'm well acquainted with a variety of state-level politicos in my state.

    I know Robert Cheeke (go ahead... look him up), and I've met Kevin and Annamarie Gianni (truly gorgeous people)...

    I met a "christian" recording artist, once... boy, was SHE a stuck up **tch! Most of the rock stars I've met have been much, much nicer, and personable.
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I found Geoffrey rush is my cousin 3removed does that count? Haha
  • munchkinhugs
    munchkinhugs Posts: 278 Member
    I found Geoffrey rush is my cousin 3removed does that count? Haha

    :laugh: of course!
    I'm not sure what 3 removed means though? Was he removed from your family three times? :noway: that can't be right..
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    I've met a few celebs in NYC over the years. The last one was Seth Rogen. My mom, sis, and I went to see The Book of Mormon and after we were at our seats, I turned around and there he was a few rows behind us.. He had just hosted SNL the night before. During intermission my sis and I got up to just say hey to him and he went for the men's room and we ended up just waiting outside amongst all these people lol. So he came out and a couple people said great job to him, and he was genuine and said thanks, so as he went back to his seat I was right behind him, and tapped him on the shoulder and said, pretty much in one breath "Hi I'm sorry to bother you I just want to say I think you're great and really funny." I know I sounded like a complete idiot as I just got totally nervous but he said thanks and did the same when my sis got the nerve to go up to him after the show.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    practically swimming in them in London, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham carter & Tim Burton were filing in my local park this past summer, see loads of brit celebs around the station (alot of the genuine normal ones take public transport) once got in a lift at the Park Meridian in NYC & Marky Mark (he was still MM then not Mark Wahlberg serious act-or, lol) & his body guard got in, man is he short. Was at the gym a few months back admiring the very fit blokes doing training (running up & down etc) in the shallow pool, I thought they might have been some kind of swimming team but didn't care as they looked good & were encouraging me to stay on the treadmill longer in order to admire some nice looking totty, finally me & my sister left & it turns out they were the whole of Crystal Palace football team. I had no idea but totty is totty
  • elcyclista
    elcyclista Posts: 393
    I met someone who knows a friend who's teacher went in the same class as a kid who dropped out of high school but met a man who grew up with a dog who barked at this guy who met Stephen Hawking.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I met someone who knows a friend who's teacher went in the same class as a kid who dropped out of high school but met a man who grew up with a dog who barked at this guy who met Stephen Hawking.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • AlbionLass
    AlbionLass Posts: 136
    Jodie Whittaker, Jason Isaacs (more times than I can remember), Mark Strong, Lee Evans, Viggo Mortensen, dozens of bands in the late 80's when I was a shameless groupie (but hey, you're only young once).:embarassed:
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I have to say... When the previous poster said Michael Pitt, I almost fell off my chair.

    I went to Middle & High School with Mike.... he starred in all the school plays.
  • OrionMama
    OrionMama Posts: 19 Member
    Several years ago, while working at a national wildlife refuge, I represented our refuge at a booth at the FFA convention. All the booth holders were there early setting up. I finished early and decided to walk around and talk to other booth people. A guy walked up and said Hi, I started asking his name and what booth he was with. He said his name was Jason Aldean, and he was "playing" at the convention. We chatted for a while, then I went back to our booth. The other guy running the booth with me asked if I talked to anyone interesting. I said I met a guy named Jason Aldean that had a booth. He started cracking up....I had never heard of Jason Aldean in my life. He was very nice!
  • krissypea79
    krissypea79 Posts: 362 Member
    Several years ago, while working at a national wildlife refuge, I represented our refuge at a booth at the FFA convention. All the booth holders were there early setting up. I finished early and decided to walk around and talk to other booth people. A guy walked up and said Hi, I started asking his name and what booth he was with. He said his name was Jason Aldean, and he was "playing" at the convention. We chatted for a while, then I went back to our booth. The other guy running the booth with me asked if I talked to anyone interesting. I said I met a guy named Jason Aldean that had a booth. He started cracking up....I had never heard of Jason Aldean in my life. He was very nice!

    I am unbelievably envious of this. I have an extreme, major, serious crush on Jason Aldean, lol. I have seen him as close as I could get (4ft or so) from the pit at his concert last year, and just paid $132 for decent (but not pit :frown:) seats to see him in NJ in 3 weeks. Ahhhhhh that is cool :happy:

    I've met the cast of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition - they did a home in my area, and I was bartending at The Cheesecake Factory at the time - I recognized Paige Hemmis from the show...I went over to her, told her how much I loved the show, and she invited myself and a friend to come help on the home!!! What a cool experience!!! We got to help out for 2 days, saw some of the filming, and got to participate in "move that bus!!" Very cool.

    Saw many random celebs in passing while living in NYC a few years ago, but nothing too exciting :smile:
  • craigers13
    craigers13 Posts: 241 Member
    Steve Nash, Tommy Lee, Ricky Williams, Brett Boone, Tragically Hip, Janice from Friends (don't know her real name lol)
  • aahluwalia
    aahluwalia Posts: 19 Member
    I have to say... When the previous poster said Michael Pitt, I almost fell off my chair.

    I went to Middle & High School with Mike.... he starred in all the school plays.

    I almost fell off my chair too...but out of jealousy! I have the biggest crush on him!
  • Firefighter_Jay
    Firefighter_Jay Posts: 426 Member
    I met someone who knows a friend who's teacher went in the same class as a kid who dropped out of high school but met a man who grew up with a dog who barked at this guy who met Stephen Hawking.

  • crabbyvirgo
    A couple of weeks ago, Jon Lovitz came in the Starbucks where I work and I took his order, coworkers tell me that later that day after I was gone, Jon Heder came in. Also awhile back, I can't remember how long, Rainn Wilson came in and I took his order, too. :D hee hee. This happened in Portland, Oregon.
  • zephyrionitis
    I met Gabe Newell of Valve fame at an art gallery once. We sat in a room and talked video games and art for a while and took a picture together and I gave him my email address. Next morning I had a Dungeons and Dragons session with my friends and they were all jealous.
    I didn't even realize it was him.
  • heatherrkayye
    I would love to tell a story about the time that I met Daniel Radcliffe, but sadly that hasn't happened yet. Lol. -__- I've had a crush on him forever. Haha.