MFP spitfires cycling group week 3!!!!!!!!

Looks like a bunch of us had a great week last week but alot of us all went negative on our goals. Lets go folks. Get out there and hit that number. If you don't I might have to have Lynnie sing bicylce races again. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Over 1300 miles in two weeks. Alright spitfires!!!!!!



  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Woohoo!!! :bigsmile:
    I'm taking a rest day today :smile:

  • jthibodeau
    jthibodeau Posts: 10
    Some great miles were posted, and I know that I won't be down next week I rode half my miles today and plan on doing more tomorrow if the weather holds out.
  • jthibodeau
    jthibodeau Posts: 10
    Some great miles were posted, and I know that I won't be down next week I rode half my miles today and plan on doing more tomorrow if the weather holds out.
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    WOW YALL LOOKING GREAT GOOD LUCK WITH THAT:smokin: :smokin: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • artichoke
    artichoke Posts: 73
    HI! I just joined MFP - is the cycling group one that anyone can join?!
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Andy, you know I will sing BI-cycle anytime, anywhere, and completely out of tune!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    HI! I just joined MFP - is the cycling group one that anyone can join?!
    Yep! Everyone is welcome! :smile: Just msg Spyguy and set a weekly goal and then msg him on Sunday nights with your actual miles ridden. We track Monday thru Sunday. Welcome :smile:

  • junkgypsy
    junkgypsy Posts: 217
    Okay, so I'm sorry I have been so absent lately.
    I've been slacking the past week, exercise wise.

    I'm actually alternating biking and running right now, so I'm going to pledge a measly 10 miles this week.
  • dlestermfp
    dlestermfp Posts: 106
    I am sticking to my 100 mile per week goal. I will also likely make up my deficit from week 2.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    WOW YALL LOOKING GREAT GOOD LUCK WITH THAT:smokin: :smokin: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Hey there Shanta!!! You and I started this club!! :wink: How've you been? Did you get your bike fixed yet? :happy: :drinker: :happy:

  • junkgypsy
    junkgypsy Posts: 217
    I just finished 15 miles!
  • prayerfulmom
    prayerfulmom Posts: 409
    Yester day got in 26 on my commute. Half of that was in 102 degree weather. Doing it again today and just as hot. Brought more water today and will hydrate well at work.
  • jthibodeau
    jthibodeau Posts: 10
    I am really feeling inspired to break a 100 miles per week like some of you. I pledged 55 miles this week and have already completed them. I have always enjoyed riding but never on a road bike, now I can't get enough. I look forward to reading everyone's posts almost as much as going for a ride. I am so glad that my friend sent me to MFP and that I am able to participate in this club. Thanks to everyone for your inspirations.
  • dlestermfp
    dlestermfp Posts: 106
    I did something a little different yesterday. Instead of a road or standard trail ride, I took my son up to some single track trails up in the mountains near here. We didn't get in as many miles as usual, but we got a lot more into each mile. Dirt, sand, rocks, mud, stumps, logs. It was great. It was also very hot yesterday, so being out in the forest and able to take advantage of all the shade from the pine trees made it all that much more fun.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    I did 35 last night on an organized ride with a bunch of Tri-jerks with ego's bigger than their chainrings. Not sure why it has to be testosterone fest with them. I took a buddy to this ride and these 3 guys open up pulling 26-28 mph into 10-12mph headwind to prove they are good riders.

    After a few miles only 4 of us were left in the lead group and the rest of the 12 were obliterated. I looked back and my buddy was in a group of 3 riders already 1/2 mile back. Of course, I am the only one on a road bike and the other 3 have $5k+ TT bikes. I would have LOVED to hold my own the entire ride and find some time to make em hurt. Instead, I let off the gas and hooked up with the guy I invited and happily stopped my contribute to testosterone fest. That's rude to invite someone to a ride then dump em in a mile.

    Sorry for the ranting :explode: , but that's why I don't like group rides with the Tri club. They are all out to prove something and don't have skills about holding lines and no idea how to ride in a pack. Lesson learned. :mad: :mad: I'll hit the Cat racer group next time I want a hard ride, no aero bars allowed and pack riding is about precision (hold a line, constant pulls w/o acceleration, smooth rotations)
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I did 35 last night on an organized ride with a bunch of Tri-jerks with ego's bigger than their chainrings. Not sure why it has to be testosterone fest with them. I took a buddy to this ride and these 3 guys open up pulling 26-28 mph into 10-12mph headwind to prove they are good riders.

    After a few miles only 4 of us were left in the lead group and the rest of the 12 were obliterated. I looked back and my buddy was in a group of 3 riders already 1/2 mile back. Of course, I am the only one on a road bike and the other 3 have $5k+ TT bikes. I would have LOVED to hold my own the entire ride and find some time to make em hurt. Instead, I let off the gas and hooked up with the guy I invited and happily stopped my contribute to testosterone fest. That's rude to invite someone to a ride then dump em in a mile.

    Sorry for the ranting :explode: , but that's why I don't like group rides with the Tri club. They are all out to prove something and don't have skills about holding lines and no idea how to ride in a pack. Lesson learned. :mad: :mad: I'll hit the Cat racer group next time I want a hard ride, no aero bars allowed and pack riding is about precision (hold a line, constant pulls w/o acceleration, smooth rotations)

    The few clubs that are around here are like that. I went on one group ride where one of them showed me her bike and told me to pick it up, so I could see how light it was, even with 2 full water bottles. Is that how she normally introduces herself? It just turned me off to the groups in my area. I'm doing this to have a good time and improve my health. I enjoy going alone. That way I never get dropped and I don't have to wait around either. I do some events, tri relays or bike events, but I'm not out to prove anything to anyone... :happy:

  • quinnybear
    quinnybear Posts: 243
    I did 35 last night on an organized ride with a bunch of Tri-jerks with ego's bigger than their chainrings. Not sure why it has to be testosterone fest with them. I took a buddy to this ride and these 3 guys open up pulling 26-28 mph into 10-12mph headwind to prove they are good riders.

    After a few miles only 4 of us were left in the lead group and the rest of the 12 were obliterated. I looked back and my buddy was in a group of 3 riders already 1/2 mile back. Of course, I am the only one on a road bike and the other 3 have $5k+ TT bikes. I would have LOVED to hold my own the entire ride and find some time to make em hurt. Instead, I let off the gas and hooked up with the guy I invited and happily stopped my contribute to testosterone fest. That's rude to invite someone to a ride then dump em in a mile.

    Sorry for the ranting :explode: , but that's why I don't like group rides with the Tri club. They are all out to prove something and don't have skills about holding lines and no idea how to ride in a pack. Lesson learned. :mad: :mad: I'll hit the Cat racer group next time I want a hard ride, no aero bars allowed and pack riding is about precision (hold a line, constant pulls w/o acceleration, smooth rotations)

    The few clubs that are around here are like that. I went on one group ride where one of them showed me her bike and told me to pick it up, so I could see how light it was, even with 2 full water bottles. Is that how she normally introduces herself? It just turned me off to the groups in my area. I'm doing this to have a good time and improve my health. I enjoy going alone. That way I never get dropped and I don't have to wait around either. I do some events, tri relays or bike events, but I'm not out to prove anything to anyone... :happy:


    we have a pretty great group around here with a few bad apples. the rides on the weekend split into two groups: the crazy fast guys and the more relaxed group. the tuesday and thrusday rides are just one group. we always get a little annoyed when we see a certain few guys show up because we know the ride will be intense. i'm all for doing sprints and pushing myself, but i also agree that part of training should include riding in a group with the goal being keeping the group together and tight. this one night the group was pulling 31 mph with a pretty strong headwind for a 6 mile stretch. i held on to a wheel as long as i could, but i got dropped and there was no way i was catching up!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    One more rant about Tri-dorks riding. I had a HARD crash last fall with a Tri-dork at the front who just decided to stop pedaling on the lead. I guess he got tired :ohwell: . I was just off a pull rotation and moved to the back. The entire group hit the brakes and I got into the wheel ahead and flump :sad: . Cracked helmet and tons of road rash. But I was so blessed to be OK!! I usually try and do the pulling because it's safer and alwyas keep space with unpredictable riders.

    I know I am not alone, but just miffs me :mad: :mad:
  • junkgypsy
    junkgypsy Posts: 217
    I always feel so good about myself when I ride like 10, 15, 20 miles.
    And then get on here and read someone posting 'I rode roughly 1.3 million miles today!'
    And then I feel like I REALLY need to get a new bike already. :bigsmile:
  • junkgypsy
    junkgypsy Posts: 217
    One more rant about Tri-dorks riding. I had a HARD crash last fall with a Tri-dork at the front who just decided to stop pedaling on the lead. I guess he got tired :ohwell: . I was just off a pull rotation and moved to the back. The entire group hit the brakes and I got into the wheel ahead and flump :sad: . Cracked helmet and tons of road rash. But I was so blessed to be OK!! I usually try and do the pulling because it's safer and alwyas keep space with unpredictable riders.

    I know I am not alone, but just miffs me :mad: :mad:

    I've never ridden with a group, but I can see how annoying that would be.

    I'm glad you didn't get hurt!