Any Suggestions on making it easier not to snack...??

Hey there!
I have just signed up and im looking forward to working with the site and becoming more healthy. I have always been smaller but in the last year i started gaining weight and now i am really not happy with how i look. I recently got engaged and i woudl love to be able to lose a little weight before i have to order my wedding dress. I have a huge problem with snacking...especially chocolate ( ladies you will understand ) im looking for any suggestions that you may have on how to resist the urge to devulge in this.. please help ! :smile:
Thank you and good luck to you all on reaching your goal weights !!!


  • OhioMade
    OhioMade Posts: 48 Member
    I am a big snacker too, so i do two things: 1. Allow for snacks in my calories each day and 2. Find a low cal replacement for the things you crave...weight watchers ice creams arent bad...i love SnackPack fat free choc puddings....once you find new go-to snack foods you like, you wont feel deprived. I had a WW ice cream tonight and enjoyed it without any guilt.
  • Thanks for the reply and i will definatley try the pudding!
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I don't avoid snacking.. I embrace it! I eat like six to seven times a day, mostly snacking.. but by snacking I mean small portions of healthy things. I don't buy things that are going to temp me (I'm like Snoopy with that chocolate chip cookie just *calling* me if it's in the house) so it's easy to avoid them. If I get a major craving, I give into it and go buy *a piece* of cake instead of letting the craving get so far out of hand that I dive face first into a whole cake. I like the way I feel, and so that's incentive enough to not break the habits I have now of healthy eating. As for chocolate, IF I need some, I keep a bag of chocolate chips in the pantry.. odds are good that I only need a handful, eaten one or two at a time, to stop the craving, instead of eating a whole candybar or something worse. I make up snack bags of veggies, I keep a bowl of fruit on the diningroom table. I keep protein bars in my purse, in the pantry, in the car, anywhere handy. I like fresh deli meat and reduced fat cheese sticks with honey mustard. I love salad. I make eggwhite wraps that are to die for, filling, loaded with protein and nutrients and are only like 250 cals. There are about a billion ways to plan it out and eat well. The key is to think before you lift anything to your mouth. Is it fuel? Is it worth the calories? I also am extremely active, I'm currently in training, so everything that goes into my mouth fuels my workouts in some fashion, be it on a macro or micro level.
  • Akaiken
    Akaiken Posts: 1
    I agree with OhioMade, but if you can stand it the best solution would be not having 'snacking' foods around in the first place! If that's not possible then as previously stated try for low calorie replacements. When I was having choco cravings really bad I started using a chocolate protien shake (as a meal replacement.) which worked well for me but I know it wouldn't be good for everyone.
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    Snacks are so fun! Just be sure that they are the right kinds of snacks. The 100 Calorie snack packs are great. It's also a good idea to keep some fresh veggies in your fridge that are easy to grab. Also when you get the urge to snack have a drink of water or green tea or something first.
  • PinkLinda
    PinkLinda Posts: 16 Member
    snacking is important to keeping your blood sugar level throughout the day and also keeping you full. keep in mind, there are snacks and there are snacks that are better for you. ice cream - not really a snack if your goal is to lose weight. better is 10 almonds, 1 mozz string cheese stick....or if you want that crunch try a 100 calorie pack of pretzels too. sure, snack and have a donut but there is no nutritional value in a donut or even ice cream. my nutritionist says if you want ice cream, she uses the artic zero - no sugar/calories but you get the ice cream feel. what about having a snack of a celery stick with PB2. PB2 is peanut butter w/o the oil. you just add a little water to make it creamy. we get that from all peanut butter no oils. that would be a healthy snack. Have breakfast, small snack, have lunch, small snack, have dinner. i usually finish with a cup of green tea w/slice of lemon as nightime 'snack' simple rule, no carbs, sugars, starches after 4pm.
  • Thank you all so much for your suggestions!
  • deegeyspazms
    deegeyspazms Posts: 56 Member
    I'm on a no-sugar diet and have discovered diabetic chocolate. In the UK, Thornton's diabetic choc is the best - you can't tell the difference! It satisfies my cravings but doesn't leave me wanting more... Google for reviews to find the best diabetic chocolate where you live.
  • sexysize12
    sexysize12 Posts: 105 Member
    i don't avoid snacks, I eat healthy ones such as my snacks are usually fruits, nuts, non fat latte, mozzarella cheese sticks. There are a ton of healthy snacks without eating processed foods but if you must wheat thin crackers are good, pretzels, popcorn and some veggies slices or etc, you get the point. I hope this helps you. Best of care on your journey.
  • What's your water intake like? Fresh veggies and fruit is great for snacking. A little treat my wife like is chocolate lighly covered strawberries.
  • I try not to keep snacks that I crave around. I try to replace with better choices. If there are chocolate chips in the house. I WILL it them. lol So better to not have them on hand. That being said if you deny your cravings it makes it worse. Soooo if I am really craving chocolate I will WALK down to the grocery store and buy the smallest chocolate thing I can get! The bulk aisle is great for that. I have bought only two bulk hersey kisses. I think the check out girl thought I was crazy. Oh well. Oh and I am diabetic (type 1) watch out for those sugar-free chocolates they can give you the runs. Better to have a little piece of the real thing! Hope this helped.
  • honestly... i dont really drink water too often, sure if its in something but i dont go out of my way to drink a glass of water. I used to work out hard in the military and drank alot but since then i really cut back. And unfotunatley i really dont like raw veggies...does it make a big differnce if they are cooked?
  • I like sugar-free Jello, it's pretty fIlling and it cures the sweet tooth pretty well. Usually they vary from 5-10 calories. But well worth it. =]
    I also like vegan ice cream sandwiches? Theirs one brand I particularly like, Tofutti? They make 'cuties' which are little ice cream sandwiches you can get in vanilla or chocolate. 130 calories each and not bad!
    Skinny cow makes a DELICIOUS ice cream sandwich as well! I believe it's somewhere between 100-150 calories?
  • slimlifter
    slimlifter Posts: 61 Member
    Anyone that knows anything about fitness & nutrition will tell you that you should be eating regularly, about every 2-3hours.
    Your body needs fuel throughout the day to survive. Forcing it to process 3 big meals every day is no good.
    Regularly eating small amounts keeps your metabolism working, speeds it up, and can aid in weight loss. It actually makes a lot of sense when you start doing it.

    Replace snacks like chocolate or whatever your vice with something tasty but healthy. I drink a chocolate protein shake which I actually really enjoy as a treat :)
    Make your main meals (breakfast, lunch & dinner) foods that will keep you full. A tuna wrap for lunch will keep you full and not thinking about food for hours.

    This is how I try to eat. I get hungry every 2hrs which I know is my body asking for more fuel, which is only a good thing!
    I'm training 3-4 days per week, strength (weights) training and cardio days in between.

    Breakfast (bircher muesli with breakfast booster )
    Morning Snack (protein shake mixed with pure carb supplement after gym)
    Lunch (if I'm out it's sushi, if at home tuna wrap)
    Afternoon Snack (protein shake, some nuts if I'm hungry)
    Dinner (steak, chicken or fish with veggies)
    Evening Snack (Slow release protein shake - keeps me full overnight)

    Keep it smart, simple, clean & easy and you'll succeed :)
  • slimlifter
    slimlifter Posts: 61 Member
    honestly... i dont really drink water too often, sure if its in something but i dont go out of my way to drink a glass of water. I used to work out hard in the military and drank alot but since then i really cut back. And unfotunatley i really dont like raw veggies...does it make a big differnce if they are cooked?

    Start drinking water. You need to be hydrated for energy. If you don't drink water, what do you drink?

    Cooked veggies are fine, just get them into you whatever it takes ;)
  • slimlifter
    slimlifter Posts: 61 Member
    I like sugar-free Jello, it's pretty fIlling and it cures the sweet tooth pretty well. Usually they vary from 5-10 calories. But well worth it. =]
    I also like vegan ice cream sandwiches? Theirs one brand I particularly like, Tofutti? They make 'cuties' which are little ice cream sandwiches you can get in vanilla or chocolate. 130 calories each and not bad!
    Skinny cow makes a DELICIOUS ice cream sandwich as well! I believe it's somewhere between 100-150 calories?

    5-10 calories? Are you serious? Your body will burn that up in about 5 minutes.

    Chose snacks that actually fuel your body & give you nutrients. Not icecream sandwiches.
  • slimlifter
    slimlifter Posts: 61 Member
    I don't avoid snacking.. I embrace it! I eat like six to seven times a day, mostly snacking.. but by snacking I mean small portions of healthy things.

  • chocolate was my downfall, but ive been on here 12 days now and havent had any, make sure you have a supply of healthier snacks at hand, if you like chocolate alpine light bars chocolate and orange are only 62 cals and can ward off that craving, good luck
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I don't avoid snacking.. I embrace it! I eat like six to seven times a day, mostly snacking.. but by snacking I mean small portions of healthy things.


    ^^^ditto!! I also find substitutions. If I want Doritos, I have an 80 calorie pack of cheddar rices cake snacks. If I want sweet, I have fruit. I also allow myself small indulgences so I don't go completely bonkers. Be careful with diabetic chocolate though...too much and you will get to know the bathroom walls reaaaaally well. One peice = whole package = a day in the can.
  • tonlynn
    tonlynn Posts: 23
    whenever I am tempted to satisfy my sweet tooth with unhealthy foods, I ask myself "is that going to be worth watching the scale go up, instead of down?" and then I try to find an apple or choose a cup of tea instead.