Disgusted with myself :-(

Went out on Saturday, lunch & drinks with some friends, when I calculated it all the next day I had 4999 calories! :-(

I usually weigh myself on a Monday morning but now I'm wondering to bother..

Does anyone else ever have a bit of a blow out, and if so, how do you deal with it afterwards?


  • texancountess
    I drink water and eat healthy and get back on plan. It happens, especially when you eat food and have drinks out. Don't beat yourself up about it and just get back on the band wagon.

    I try to look up food/drinks before I go out now to keep myself aware of the actual portion sizes within restaurant servings. It's helped keep me on better track.
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    hey there! Sorry you're having such a rough time looking at those numbers but that's all they really are... numbers.

    I have a saying that really helps me through times like this. "nothing is done or UNDONE in one snack one, one meal, one day, one week or even one month". You don't fix everything in one weekend and you don't ruin everything in one weekend. Weight loss (and even maintenance) is a compilation of all of your efforts over a period of time. Don't fret!

    And actually look at how much more AWARE you are now of how many calories you ingested! I bet before you never would have guessed it. Look at this as a huge success for future awareness and planning!

    big hug to you!
  • beckyskeens
    beckyskeens Posts: 16 Member
    Part of this journey is taking away excuses. Learning who you are in relation to food. Stick to your schedule, don't be upset with yourself, and be prepared for what your body and the scale tells you. Accepting who you are even when you make wrong choices - very important. We all make choices we aren't proud of. Just promise yourself next time will be different. You can do this - you are worthy.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    weigh in anyway. I see you are set to about 1700-1800 calories but eat about 1500. This means the whole week you had an extra 1800 calories to spare. Many of us who are losing consistiently have spike days 1-2 days a month. You'll be fine, and just be extra good this week
  • katiej122
    katiej122 Posts: 125 Member
    Not to worry! Don't feel disgusted with yourself, you're not disgusting at all (even though I can empathise with the feeling all too well) It sounds cliche but everyone makes mistakes. I wouldn't weigh yourself for a couple of days, you'll probably still be a bit bloated and who knows what the scale is really weighing. Drink lots and lots of water, have some light meals and a good workout, you'll feel like yourself again in no time :) sometimes we need a big blowout just to get it out of our systems and then we concentrate again and not feel deprived.
    I'm sure you're doing really well, forgiving yourself is really important :) you can always bounce back. Hope you're having a better day today!
  • traceyjolli
    Dont beat yourself up about it, we all do it sometimes, the trick is not to let this stop you.

    I would weigh myself anyway because, if you have put on, you'll know what you need to do to get back on track, and also, its a good reminder for next time you go out and eat, you'll remember how much you put on.

    well done on achieving what you have already x
  • redvelvet_cake
    Think of it this way, you either get discouraged and give up and the 4999 cal turns into an unlimited amount in the long run, or you put it down to a little blip and pick up where you left off and maybe lose a pound less than planned this week! At least you're more aware of how many calories are in things like alcoholic drinks and snack foods now, even if it was a short, sharp shock.
  • simples88
    simples88 Posts: 51
    I think every day is a new start. We all have off days. Weigh in, log it and work your *kitten* off this week to compensate. If you don't weigh in and log you'll only be fooling yourself, plus it'll be a reminder and motivation as this feeling you have right now is a feeling you don't like to have, you want that good feeling you get when you do exercise or loose a pound etc so mark it down to one of those days and move on!
    Your always going to have days like this even when you get to your goal ie social events/lunches etc that you enjoy so you just have to work around them. Don't let them get you down.
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    weigh in anyway. I see you are set to about 2000 calories but eat about 1500. This means the whole week you had an extra 3000 calories to spare. Many of us who are losing consistiently have spike days 1-2 days a month. You'll be fine, and just be extra good this week

    ^^^^ This

    I too have spike days and zig-zag my calories the rest of the week between 1000 - 1400. Seems to work for me and a lot of other people.
    Don't beat yourself up, get back on track and you'll be fine.

    I usually weigh a couple of lbs heavier the day after spike day but it falls off over the next couple of days. By next WI it's usually taken a couple of friends with it.

    Good luck x
  • OsiViper
    OsiViper Posts: 65 Member
    I used to think like that, that if I cheated on the diet all my work was Undone.
    But in reality slip ups happen, its how you deal with them that matters.

    The only way all your work can be "undone" is if you let it get to you and go back to your old way of eating and give up.
  • JessicaHoskins
    I know exactly where you are & just how you feel, my friend.
    I had a weekend from hell--from binge-eating the whole time--because I am also mentally ill with Bipolar Disorder & forgot tom take my meds twice in a row. I thought that nobody cared; until I posted my true feelings on this site. the results?
    People cared & gave me reality checks on just exactly I was feeling.
    That's what I love @ this site: You can vent your feelings 100% & you will not be judged for it; People here really DO care @ each other's progress & struggles. So what I guess I'm trying to say is: You are NOT alone! Please add me; I could really benefit from having you as a friend;
    Most Sincerely-
    Jessica :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Yep - had a bit of a blowout as well on Saturday .....got up on Sunday morning - and got right back into just being on top of my eating.... I was not hungry the whole day, but made sure I drank some green smoothies - just to get some raw goodness back in my body - and then a normal meal last night....

    And went to the gym tonight for a monster workout - it felt soooo good!!

    A one day blow out is not a train smash - just get back on the wagon the next day - don't let it drag out!!
  • Ash_76
    Ash_76 Posts: 186 Member
    i havent drunk since new years eve, but when i do have a drink, i will drink 8 to 12 pints of lager 2000 -3000 cal,,,, if you are eating well then the occasional night out aint going to destroy you, if its 2 -3 times a week then its a different matter
  • michael300891
    Same thing happens to me every sunday on my cheat day. Almost amuses me when I click complete entry and it tells me how fat im going to be if everyday was like today. Remember, daily energy balance is obviously important but more important than that is your weekly energy balance. I.e. if you overeat one day but are under your calorie goal every other day so that on a week your still making a loss you will lose fat. =)

    I find after eating to much ill be super strict rest of week and think hey ive GOT to do the cardio cos ive eaten that - helps me quite a bit =)
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    "nothing is done or UNDONE in one snack one, one meal, one day, one week or even one month". You don't fix everything in one weekend and you don't ruin everything in one weekend. Weight loss (and even maintenance) is a compilation of all of your efforts over a period of time. Don't fret!

    This! One meal is not going to undo all of your hard work and if this is a lifestyle you wish to maintain forever, there are always going to be odd days where you just have a blow out. Just get back on the horse. Drink lots of water, eat healthily and exercise. If you do get on the scale, you might see an increase in weight, but it's just water weight and will drop right off if you resume your healthy habits again.
  • jeniffereb
    Went out on Saturday, lunch & drinks with some friends, when I calculated it all the next day I had 4999 calories! :-(

    I usually weigh myself on a Monday morning but now I'm wondering to bother..

    Does anyone else ever have a bit of a blow out, and if so, how do you deal with it afterwards?

    yes i did too.... birthday party on saturday and my daughters party on sunday i had all that yummy food that we not suppose to have:laugh: but i got up this morning and worked really hard ...there will always be one of those days, dont kick yourself just keep up the good work its better you continue with your diet and exercises then giving up completely.....good luck !
  • Witchmoo
    Witchmoo Posts: 261 Member
    Not last Saturday but the one before I had nearly 6,000 so I just got straight back to normal the next day and at weigh in I stayed the same. No point beating yourself up you'll just sabotage even more, we are actually allowed to be kind to ourselves.....
  • roseymacdoo
    roseymacdoo Posts: 113 Member
    hey there! Sorry you're having such a rough time looking at those numbers but that's all they really are... numbers.

    I have a saying that really helps me through times like this. "nothing is done or UNDONE in one snack one, one meal, one day, one week or even one month". You don't fix everything in one weekend and you don't ruin everything in one weekend. Weight loss (and even maintenance) is a compilation of all of your efforts over a period of time. Don't fret!

    And actually look at how much more AWARE you are now of how many calories you ingested! I bet before you never would have guessed it. Look at this as a huge success for future awareness and planning!

    big hug to you!

    ^^^^^ THIS!!
  • Whatamilike
    Awwww don't be disgusted with yourself. You had a lovely time with your friends and enjoying yourself is what life is all about (partly at least!) As everyone else has said - one big blow out hasn't ruined anything.

    One difference between a slim person and a bigger one can just be how they deal with these 'slip-ups':

    Slim person would say 'Ooooops' and carry on with their healthy eating.
    A bigger person could be so disappointed with themselves that they give up and go back to unhealthy habits.

    You're a SLIM person now - if not quite on the outside, then on the INSIDE...

  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I diet (well cut) all week at 3500 calories (i'm big lump). At the weekend, for one meal in a day, I have a massive calorie intake increase of anything I like. It spikes my metabolism ensuring that leptin keeps being released and triiodothyronine is released as well, keeping my metabolism is ticking over at full speed, burning fat. Typically I hit 6000 calories for that day.

    You're body works the same. Don't sweat it at all. It will help fat loss. Only thing I'd say is cut out is beer. Its a waste of space and adds nothing to your diet whatsoever.