who manages single parenting, working midnights and exercisi


  • ME..You just described my life. I work midnights, am a single parent, and try my hardest to squeeze in my exercise time. It is very hard,, but once you get a routine going, it gets easier.
  • radioraven
    radioraven Posts: 89 Member
    Is this the kinda person your looking for?
    I work 11p-7a
    Get kids ready for school/daycare 7a-8a
    "nap" from 8-11a
    Wakeup/workout 11a-12p
    Shower/get ready for day/pick up kids - 12p-1p
    On my own with 2 little kids from 1p-6:15pm (other half is then home from work by this time)
    "sleep" from 6:30p - 10:10p

    I wanna cry too.
  • YES! thank the lord im not alone!

    Ok so radiorav you workout after your 1st nap....hmm i didnt think about that!
    heres my sched

    kid A goes to school at 830
    nap 900-1130
    kid b doesnt go until 1239
    kids a & b has to be picked up from school at 342p
    homework, dinner, after school activities etc frm 4 until 8p
    bath 830-9
    bed 930-1030
    back to work 1130
    and chimp i thought it would get easier after i got a routine going but it hasnt! ive been at this going on 2 years and still cant commit to 5-6 days :(
    I have to figure out how to get more sleep

    or maybe on my off days work out longer?
  • radioraven
    radioraven Posts: 89 Member
    It might be me, but I find that the workout after my nap gives me enough energy to get thru most of my afternoon. I'm usually worn out by 4:30, but I have a better half I never see so I can actually get some sleep in the evenings. I feel like a single parent most of the time since he's gone 10 some hours a day.
    I've been trying to double up my workouts on my days off, which sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't, depends if my 3 year old cooperates with me. :). I'm about to finish week 2 of Body Revolution, but wanted to add in either a 30 minute shred workout to it, or do step aerobics on the Wii.