getting back on track after a bad day



  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Bad days are just part of the learning curve of managing a healthy lifestyle. I don't look at them as bad days, but days where my body needs a little satisfaction in order to keep me going. I'll eat what I want in probably a larger quantity than I should have, log it, and move on. No sense in getting upset about it because I know that my life is changing for the better and that every now and then, my old self will emerge. But then it's put back in the box and the 'new me' is back in control.
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 468 Member
    I give myself a free day every week, I still log, but if I am over never sweat it and the next it is back to business. I feel like I am human, and depriving myself of things only sets me up for failure. So I don't call it a bad day, because I give myself permission to take a day off a week and it works, I have consistently lost weight since starting in January. I drink tons of water and just know that one day is my day to eat what I want with no guilt.
  • rubygarcia86
    rubygarcia86 Posts: 73 Member
    Back to my usual.

    2 cups of coffee with creamer, a light string cheese, and a 0 calorie energy drink for my morning. (Approximately 160 cals)

    Lunch is often on the lighter side, either a salad from the nearby bakery/cafe or a protein shake from the protein bar near my office.

    And dinner is when my husband pounds down most of his calories, so then I just focus on eating within my allotment. (Plus whatever treats I think I need that night.)

    I think it makes a difference when you've been at it for a while and have a "normal" day to fall back into. I know I went nuts today at the sushi bar... so tomorrow I'll try to stay under. Sometimes you have to work on looking at balancing the entire week, or a few days at a time, and it will all come together for you. That seems to be the only way I can get the pounds off - being all over the place, but over a week's time being consistent.


    you need to just go back to what you normally eat and what you find enjoyable/filing in order to get back on track. Ive been bad all this week but i KNOW that i need to make an effort to just say NO to sweets and going out to eat...since thats what kills me the most. Dont beat yourself up for one day but dont let the rest of the week pass you by!
  • kanmuri
    kanmuri Posts: 112
    Bad days happen. I usually just start over the next day, as if nothing had happened. Feeling guilty is useless.
  • decerva
    decerva Posts: 11
    After eating badly for a day (or two, sometimes), I just start over. I look forward to the next day, knowing that I'll feel better once I'm eating healthier foods again. I try not to beat myself up about it either; that'll make it worse.
  • decerva
    decerva Posts: 11
    I've done really well since I started tracking a few weeks ago, and generally I did reasonably well before then, too. But last night and this morning I made some pretty bad food choices, and ate way too much. (Why did I agree to help my boyfriend bake cookies last night, and why on earth did he want to make doughnuts this morning?!) I feel awful. Now, I know, today/tomorrow/whatever is a fresh start, and one bad day won't ruin my hard work. I'm not beating myself up emotionally about it, but my body just feels disgusting! I'm bloated by at least a few pounds, my workout was exhausting and dragged out, and I just want to sleep.

    What do you do to get yourself back on track after a bad day? I'm thinking of trying to make myself a couple of meal smoothies over the next couple of days, skipping heavy things and just downing a lot of blended strawberry/spinach/blackberry/protein powder smoothies instead for some of my meals. Drinking a ton of water. What else do you do to physically feel better after a bad food day?
    It does feel really awful going to the gym after you've eaten something not-so-healthy...been there,done that!