5'4", in college!

Hi, I'm new! I've put on 5 pounds since the holidays, so I decided to crack down and make NOW the time to get to my goal weight. I'm hoping to reach 118, which is where I've felt most comfortable in the past, and go from there. Any suggestions would be amazing!


  • teenyinparis
    I would love some friends or support... kind of lost on here. Forgot to mention, I'm 135 pounds. Anyone with a similar weight and height to mine would be really helpful!
  • kellyh2
    kellyh2 Posts: 64
    Hey im 5'5" and I started at 152lbs and now currently weigh 134lb's. I would ideally like to get to 126lbs but my weight loss has slowed down a lot now. feel free to add me, on most days so happy to support x
  • teenyinparis
    Thanks for the add! :)
  • dhansen88
    dhansen88 Posts: 22
    im 24 & looking for motivating friends as well put on some weight since i had my son (3 YEARS AGO! ) LOL.
    It is now time to crack down!
  • teenyinparis
    Excellent, let's motivate each other!! Added you :-)