all my sweets lovers: any tips on night time munching?



  • twilight4ever124
    twilight4ever124 Posts: 6 Member
    I love mini carrots. At first they were just ok, but now they satisfy my cravings. You can get several bites out of each carrot and they are little calories. Yum yum!!
  • Great advice!!:wink:
  • The 100 calorie snack packs are good and they have cookie ones. Or try sugar free jello. Angel food cake with fruit! And drink water with it to help keep your blood sugar from spiking. :)
  • -make home made trail mix with lots of dried fruit so you can just grab a handful.
    -frozen grapes i agree -- phenomenal
    -air pop plain popcorn and drizzle some natural honey and cinnamon on it ...messy...but yummy!
    -fat free vanilla yogurt with some fruit
    -take a tsp of extra virgin olive oil, fry up an apple in very thin strips with some cinnamon and a sprinkle of brown sugar... soo tasty and a nice warm treat --like applie pie without all the guilt!

    hope that helps! xx
  • I buy the arctic zero ice cream pints.
  • jody0726
    jody0726 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi. I hear ya about the sweets addiction. Some days I use a Fiber One Brownie (90 cal) and skim milk for my evening snack. Also, after reading some food recommendations I found on this site, I went shopping this weekend and found "Arctic Zero Ice Cream" at my local Hyvee. 150 calories per pint, 37 calories per 1/2 cup...and protein to boot!! It was actually good!!!
  • Eat Muller light Fat Free Yoghurt with a meringue birds nest broken up into this with a sprinkle of fresh fruits ie blueberry's or strawberry's kills the hunger and satisfy the sweet craving :-))
  • I also suggest Fudgsicles, low cal and so so good!
  • dhansen88
    dhansen88 Posts: 22
    love this advice ! i try gum alot, maybe i should try the dessert extra gum i seen on biggest loser it helps cravings lol. & doing some workouts is a great tip, i normally stay away from anything that will make me feel huge after a workout!
    Pudding = my favorite :)))) mmm i want some right now haha
  • MsFitn2012
    MsFitn2012 Posts: 14 Member
    i eat sugar free jello, pudding, candy and i also eat honey roasted peanut butter or honey roasted peanuts...I dont really have night time munchies itts daytime munchies i have during WORK hours that i crave sugar munchies.
  • dhansen88
    dhansen88 Posts: 22
    Eat Muller light Fat Free Yoghurt with a meringue birds nest broken up into this with a sprinkle of fresh fruits ie blueberry's or strawberry's kills the hunger and satisfy the sweet craving :-))

    that sounds so good!
  • I keep a bag of fun size chocolate (m&ms, snickers, etc.) in the closet of my guest bedroom and not the kitchen. I also have 5 sleeves of thin mints in the back of my freezer (all of which were bought last year). Both are out of sight so I dont really think about it. When I am craving something, I have to make an effort to either dig in my freezer or go to the other side of my place, open the closet door, and grab what i feel like it. I also like the fun size becuase if I am really bad and eat 2 pieces, its still less than if I were to eat one regular size bar or bag. Plus, at the end of the day i see how many calroies, fat, etc. I have left and it helps me to determine what I can eat. Not depriving myself of the sweets that I love to eat has been a big help over the past few weeks.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I just make sure to allot the calories (and macros) for it when I plan my diary for the day. I LOVE LOVE LOVE ice cream, so I've been making banana "ice cream" for myself lately and this way I'm getting some extra fruit in me and still enjoying a sweet treat.

    Cut up a banana into slices and freeze for about 2 hours. Then put in the food processor and it will blend up like ice cream. I add a tablespoon of peanut butter mixed in because I love the taste together. It's a sweet treat, but it's a fruit :)
  • weight2go
    weight2go Posts: 92 Member
    try chewing gum. When all else fails I eat 100 calorie yogurt. If you dont have them in the house you wont know they are there and having to go to get them will make you think twice. It does me.
  • jessicaacampbell1
    jessicaacampbell1 Posts: 133 Member
    I just tried over the weekend making 73 calories chocolate cupcakes. They actually taste great and you're cutting down on the crap that make regular cakes so delicious and fattening. I figured it I can't kick the habit, I'll make something that hit my craving.:smile:
  • dhansen88
    dhansen88 Posts: 22
    I just make sure to allot the calories (and macros) for it when I plan my diary for the day. I LOVE LOVE LOVE ice cream, so I've been making banana "ice cream" for myself lately and this way I'm getting some extra fruit in me and still enjoying a sweet treat.

    Cut up a banana into slices and freeze for about 2 hours. Then put in the food processor and it will blend up like ice cream. I add a tablespoon of peanut butter mixed in because I love the taste together. It's a sweet treat, but it's a fruit :)

    that sounds so good! i am def going to need to try it ! :)
  • dhansen88
    dhansen88 Posts: 22
    I just tried over the weekend making 73 calories chocolate cupcakes. They actually taste great and you're cutting down on the crap that make regular cakes so delicious and fattening. I figured it I can't kick the habit, I'll make something that hit my craving.:smile:

    how exactly do you make them?
  • dhansen88
    dhansen88 Posts: 22
    I was using the 100 cal packs of caramel corn, mini choc cookies. etc. but thats really not the best choice. I had a handful of sliced strawberries last night. that worked well. hubby has been doing berries with yogurt for a little more indulgence.

    i live by those 100 calorie packs, but cant just eat one. maybe its my boredom talking?!
  • char982
    char982 Posts: 21
    The best way to not have any is not to have any in the house. Then, a cup of unsweetened sweet tea such as chrysanthemum or licorice tea hits the sweet spot.

    Definitely a good idea not have them around. I've been keeping sweets out of the house for a while now (except for if I'm in a baking mood, then I eat some and give the rest away!). They call to you from the kitchen if they aren't there!

    I love sweets also, and I've found that a banana is a good substitute. It's satisfies the need for sweetness (assuming it's ripe enough) and it has a soft, comforting texture, not quite like a cupcake but close enough.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    I was in your shoes as well, hell not even that long ago! Eat fruits and vegetables during the day. Seriously! Just by eating healthier foods I don't crave all the simple sugars and desserts anymore (except maybe for cake...I love cake). It's such a relief to not be bound by those things.