Birth Control and Weight Gain

Okay, question for all the ladies out there...have you noticed certain birth control methods cause you to gain weight? I know all the recent studies say birth control pills do not cause weight gain, but I swear I puffed up like a balloon while I was on it. I decided to stop taking the pill about a month ago and I think it has really made a difference. I was wondering if anybody has experienced this same thing and/or has tried any other methods (ie: IUD, patch,etc.) without this unwanted weight gain?? Thanks for your input! :flowerforyou:


  • KimberlyKurtz
    I have been on four different types and the reason I swich each time was my doctor couldn't belive how much weight I gained for it. I gained 20 pounds using the pill. My doctor swiched me to Nuva ring (spelled that wrong) and I didn't gain any weight.
  • Shinemaria
    Shinemaria Posts: 107 Member
    i'm not on birth control but i think you can safely bet that anything that messes with your hormones is going to affect your weight at least for a little while - i know my antidepressants have that warning on the label, and many other medicines do as well. whether or not its just because your body has to get used to it, and therefore temporary, i have no clue.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    My sis is an ob/gyn. She says that the new b/c "pills" like Jazmin and Nuva ring have such low doses of estrogen that there really is no way to cause weight gain....a lot of patients have psychosomatic weight gains where they think that b/c they are on birth control that it is making them eat more. I guess the proof is in the amount of estrogen, if it's a low dose, there should be no reason to gain. It depends on the type!
  • kattiek
    kattiek Posts: 83
    I've been on the pill for about a while now. I did gain weight a few years ago, but that was most likely due to being a freshman in college. I'm now actually below the weight I was before I started the pill, so I don't think it did a whole lot to me weight wise, either that, or just took a while to get adjusted. I did come across a little blurb about birth control in this month's issue of Women's Health (July/August 2009). It states that the Depo-Provera shot led to an average weight gain of 11.26 lb over 3 years and an average of a 3.41% body fat increase. The pill, on the other hand led to an average weight gain of 3.2 lb over 3 years and an average of 1.63% body fat increase. So maybe take that into consideration if you're thinking about switching methods and of course talk to your doctor first. Hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    I have an IUD - the 10 year no hormone one. I got it bc the pill made me so moody and bloated and so I switched. Its been 3 years now. The first year or so is rough, my periods came quicker and heavier, and cramps were awful. They say its normal bc your body is getting used to it. Now, its calmed down quite a bit, and i dont have any spotting in between periods. I love that i dont have those hormones going into me anymore, and i never have to think about it.

    But its a foreign object in your body, so that has its drawbacks too. Why can't men be the ones to be on the pill? That would make things so much easier!! :laugh:
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    It matters. I was in a long relationship - and then not. I decided to break from the pill and all my cellulite (my bumpy thighs) went away. I was also getting healthy at the same time so I thought maybe that was the cause and not the pill. I started a new relationship 3 months ago and I started the pill back up. Within a week the cellulite (lumpy bumpy :grumble: ) was back! I weight4 lbs less now than I did when I started the pill again and just the cellulite alone makes me look much fatter. :sad:
  • VeganGal
    VeganGal Posts: 26
    Thanks so much for the advice ladies! :flowerforyou: I think I am going to discuss a new method (not the pill) with my doc.
  • VeganGal
    VeganGal Posts: 26
    It matters. I was in a long relationship - and then not. I decided to break from the pill and all my cellulite (my bumpy thighs) went away. I was also getting healthy at the same time so I thought maybe that was the cause and not the pill. I started a new relationship 3 months ago and I started the pill back up. Within a week the cellulite (lumpy bumpy :grumble: ) was back! I weight4 lbs less now than I did when I started the pill again and just the cellulite alone makes me look much fatter. :sad:

    This is basically exactly what happened to me! I was doing everything the same, but my legs started developing cellulite and my tummy was always bloated. yuck! I figured there just has to be a way to avoid those results.
  • sbennett23
    sbennett23 Posts: 35 Member
    I've never had a good experience with birth control and unfortunately I've been on off and on it since I was 12. Each time I would gain 20 to 40lbs and come off of it, then the weight would come off and I'd be okay. That didn't happen the last time for me so here I am. My doctor continued to tell me that it wasn't the birth control but this pattern has happened everytime I take/come off of it. Fortunately, right now I don't have to be on any form due to the fact that hubby and I want a child. The best advice that I can give you is to listen to your body!
  • kryoung
    kryoung Posts: 10
    When I became really serious about loosing that last 10 pounds, and getting firmer - I did every thing I could, including going off the pill and switching to condoms. My intimacy with the hubby needed some getting used too, but its all good now.
    It is a controversial topic, but the pill "tricks" your body into thinking it IS already pregnant - and women who are pregnant store more fat around the hips, thighs tummy to make a baby. Also your ability to build muscle significantly decreases when on the pill because of the estrogen and decreased testosterone. I realized this when working out 4 times a week and seeing little results. This means your gonna be softer and a bit flabbier on the pill. Science is starting to prove that years on the pill, especially these new progesterone pills, do cause some weight gain, and it aint muscle, its baby fat.

    I say, talk to your DR about taking a pill break. You can always check back in 6months and see if it was worth it.
  • blink14
    blink14 Posts: 57 Member
    There's an article in the latest Cosmo about how a study that was done on how BC relates to muscle tone, showing that it is harder to gain and keep muscle tone while on the pill, it was very interesting.

    Since being on the pill, I've gained a few pounds, but more likely because I am at a more sedentary job now. I did notice that the "chest area" LOL did get bigger for awhile, but that went away about 6 months after I had started.

    I'm on it for additional reasons besides the obvious, but if you're looking strictly for a birth control method, maybe try something else?
  • Booze
    Booze Posts: 14
    I was on the Nuva ring for awhile and I din't gain any weight while I was on it but when I stopped taking is when I gained weight.
  • rkwestfall
    rkwestfall Posts: 37 Member
    I too noticed when I was BC that I blew up....I think it was water weight or something...idk.
    My chest size was nice, but that wasnt the only area

    I now have the IUD (copper one=no hormones). I have had it for almost 4 yrs....and I love it. Yes it wasnt fun getting it put in & the first 3wks were painful, but I would do it again.

    There are many risks that go with having an IUD also....check with ur MD.

    Hope u find something that works for u!:flowerforyou:
  • VeganGal
    VeganGal Posts: 26
    Thanks so much everybody! I really think the IUD is the way to go. I am a little bit concerned with the process of having it inserted, but I think it would be worth it. I think in some ways it is healthier to avoid adding all those hormones to my body.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I use Yaz and love it. The weight I gained was all on me, not the pill's fault. I lost weight when I first started using it, and working out. I just wish it wasn't expensive...:grumble: