

  • katrinalarocque
    katrinalarocque Posts: 20 Member
    I'm stuck in a plateau as well. It's been about 2.5 months since I've lost any weight. I've lost a few inches through toning, but not much. I generally eat between 1200-1300 calories per day and don't usually eat back my exercise calories. As some people have suggested, I have been trying to increase my calorie intake. My problem with that is that I'm really not hungry! I don't want to force myself to eat when I'm not hungry! Does anyone have any other suggestions?!? This is so frustrating!!

    I'm the same. It's tought to eat more when you just aren't hungry. That being said, I'm thinking there must be something to this advice as so many people have suggested it. Good luck on smashing that plateau!
  • Crystal155
    Thanks for the tip! Ill try to start taking a day off between workouts. Which will be hard, I look forward to the 20 minute alone time everyday lol
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    1200 calories is NOT ENOUGH for you!

    You are already in the healthy weight range for your height. Set your goals to "Lose 1/2 pound a week" then eat that amount.

    I'm 5'7", a few years older than you and I eat 1700 calories a day and still lose 1/2 pound a week, and I eat additional exercise calories. Every day. So I am eating 2100 calories on 4 days a week, and 1700 on the other days. I'm not even working, and live alone, so not a high maintenance life.

    YOU DO NOT have enough weight to lose to continue to try to aggressively cut calories. Please read the sticky threads at the top of this category in the forums "General Diet and Weight Loss Help".

  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    What is muscle memory? I do two sometimes three hour and a half body pump classes at my gym. Then I do the 20 minute 30 day shred workout video the days I don't make it to the gym. I normally take one day A week off. I've been sitting at 135 pounds give or take a pound since The end of January. I don't count calories, I just eat 3 protein, 3 fruit, 3 veggies, 2 fats and 2 carbs a day. I'm also a vegetarian. Should I be switching my workouts? Anyone know a good quick 20-30min video I could try at home? I've got two little girls so not much time in the mornings.

    Muscle memory is when you do the same routine so much your body gets used to it. Try throwing something you don't normally do in the middle of your week and see if that helps.
  • Sarena3
    Sarena3 Posts: 49 Member
    I did a few things when I hit a plateau in October;
    Started working with a personal trainer. I exercised a minimum of 30 minutes, 5 times a week. I eat back my exercise calories.
    Make sure I get at least 7 hrs of sleep. This seems critical to my weight loss.
    I stopped watching the scale. Weighed in once a week at WW mtg and just asked them to tell me if I gained anything. That was my safety net in case my approach wasn't working/
    Ate wide variety of fresh, clean, nutritionally potent foods.

    Lost between October and now a total of 14 inches and 13lbs. Went from size 16 to loose size 12's.
    Kept a weight loss wisdom journal. I now look at a plateau as a good thing. This is my body stabilizing at a new low. By giving my body time to adjust to a new norm it re-energizes the next stage down. I also did some hard thinking about goal weights and what is weight loss for health and weight loss for vanity.

    Good luck. Believe in yourself. You can do it.
  • Crystal155
    Okay thanks! Ill go out and buy a new workout dvd to try out to switch things up!