I Need A #(@$& Burrito!!!



  • emfilomena
    emfilomena Posts: 120
    oh - i ate one a little while ago and blogged about how i made love to it ...


    What a truly beautiful story :") My stomach is crying right now hahahah. I hope you enjoyed it!!
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    OK, I'm a Chipotle FREAK and I still enjoy it. Here are my suggestions:

    1) Go to http://www.chipotlefan.com and play with their nutrition info generator. You tick off your ingredients and it tells you how much your burrito is. Tweak the ingredients and see if you can sacrifice something to minimize the impact.

    2) Ditch the tortilla and get a bowl. Tortillas are nearly 300 calories, or almost a third of the calories of the whole thing.

    3) Get soft tacos (preferably corn, they're half the calories of flour tortillas) instead. The same taste as the burrito, but smaller quantity. Supplement your appetite with other healthy goodies. (I don't think the nutrition generator is right on that site because there's no way you get as much contents in 3 soft tacos as you get in a burrito.)

    Some of the other suggestions are very good, too. Personally, I am kinda picky so I can get a salad that works out to only 400-600 calories which fits fine into my plan.

    I haven't had a burrito in a couple months, either, so I totally feel your pain. But we do need to plan an indulgence once in a while so we can learn how best to control it so we don't fall down the slippery slope into weight gain again.

    [Edit: To the post above mine, nice try... they sprinkle crack on the meat along with the other spices. There's no substituting. :D]

    Nice suggestions, thanks. I'm not sure this is as much a health and nutrition gathering in this thread as it is a 12 step program. I agree, they definitiely put something in there to create addiction. There's no way something that simple can be so psychologically consuming. Just look at the lines in those places and the look on the faces of people standing in line and sitting there eating. They might as well be sitting on the floor in the corner with a surgical tubing tied to their arm.

    _snm_ that isn't a good analogy in my case as I'm going to destroy that thing. I'd belong on a sex offender website.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    A hint from a fellow MFP friend:

    As soon as you get your meal when eating out, put half or more in a to-go container and finish :)

    Far less guilt and much easier than trying not to eat your whole plate while in front of you.
  • WanderingMe
    WanderingMe Posts: 216 Member
    If you want it, have it!

    And you better freakin enjoy it, because Im all jealous now...lol
  • heavenlyhazel
    heavenlyhazel Posts: 89 Member
    Have it...but now you have me seriously thinking about the Chicken Cruchwrap Supreme at Taco Bell I have been craving...and only 540 calories! LOL! Only!!! Sounds delicious and oh so bad for me. Maybe I will work that in one of these days...not like I can eat half and save half, though.

    I believe that any eating plan needs to be realistic. If you want something, have it and don't feel bad about it...but make it work for you.
  • MellyMartinson
    MellyMartinson Posts: 43 Member
    Friend you can still splurge and not be off the wagon. The danger is you restrict, restrict, restrict and that’s when you jump off the wagon head first into old eating habits. It is important to have "treats" No all day every day but every now and again is good for you. Also, budget it into your daily calorie intake. :) You deserve a treat for all of your hard work!:smile:
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    Thanks, Melly, Wednesday will be my burrito day. I'll work it into my macros, I'll split it in two and have fibrous veggies before/with each half and I will feel great about it. Long live Chipotle!! (Even if they are spiking it with something).
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,317 Member
    Do they have beer? If so, I'm totally having one. You should, too.:flowerforyou:
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    You *kitten*, now I want one too.
    ^^^^^^^ Ditto

    Try to create one with healthier low cal ingredients
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    then have it.. I have found that if I want something really bad, and don't get it--I end up eating lots of other stuff but still not being satisfied........But only have 1.....
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Not just any burrito. I want a Chipotle chicken burrito with black beans, brown rice, corn salsa, sour cream and cheese. Should I have one?

    Don't mean to tempt anyone, but last year I had 2-3 of these a week. I can't take it anymore, I want out.

    There are no Chipotle in my neck of the woods, but this doesn't sound so bad, What is the calorie count? You could always make your own using reduced fat sour cream and cheese and a whole grain tortilla. Then you could be sure it was a healthy balance meal.
  • eviltwinkie
    eviltwinkie Posts: 153
    Know thyself.

    No matter what people counsel you on not 'denying' yourself, take a serious look your past eating patterns, things that trip you up, and if you're not comfortable with an occasional 'treat' on something you over indulged in before... if it's bothering you, don't go there because other people say 'it's ok, just work it off.'

    There's several foods I love that I've stepped away from on a fairly permanent basis. Because, for me, it too easily triggers the desire to over indulge. And conveniance. It's so much easier to go buy lunch/dinner than make it...

    If it was a high trigger item, and you're worried about falling in that pattern, maybe nows not the time. Or it will never be the time. And you know what? There's nothing wrong with that, either. Saying 'I'm done with you' food wise can have power unto itself.

    Anyway, no matter what we all say, know thyself. :wink:
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    I never knew I wanted one until now. Thanks...Thanks A Lot! Ha Ha
  • ok, try this....buy the ingredients yourself as close to the real thing but healthy like. then make it at home and see if the taste is good enough and the cals/fat low enough...it might not be the real deal but possibly help satisfy your cravings.

    I love chips and salsa and white queso at a Mexican restaurant...I began eating fresh made salsa and laughing cow cheese wedges with reduced fat wheat thins as snacks, and I swear my craving for chips and salsa has decreased.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    now I know what Im cooking tomorrow!
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    If it's all about not wanting to reproduce your previous binging triggers, try ordering your beloved burrito without the sour cream. Before eating it, open it up and add an equivalent amount of nonfat Greek yogurt, then roll 'er back up. It alters the ritual and saves calories too.
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    Not just any burrito. I want a Chipotle chicken burrito with black beans, brown rice, corn salsa, sour cream and cheese. Should I have one?

    Don't mean to tempt anyone, but last year I had 2-3 of these a week. I can't take it anymore, I want out.

    There are no Chipotle in my neck of the woods, but this doesn't sound so bad, What is the calorie count? You could always make your own using reduced fat sour cream and cheese and a whole grain tortilla. Then you could be sure it was a healthy balance meal.

    The way I used to order it it's between 1,000 and 1,100. Not only could I make my own but used to do so frequently. I won't give out the recipe because I've already risked being a bad influence here. Unfortunately, even though I'm a disgustingly good cook, there's no way to recreate the real thing. Those who've frequented Chipotle must know what I mean.

    So tomorrow's my burrito day. I can make room for it macro-wise split between lunch and dinner. Then I'll see if I can be trusted.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Chicken Fajita from Chipotle... OMNOMS!

    And only a measly 1400 calories too! :bigsmile:
  • Cmh1211
    Cmh1211 Posts: 104
    not eating the foods u used to eat before ur diet is setting urself up for failure. ive mentioned this on this site before and will mention it here on this topic again... i lost 130 lbs eating mcdonalds just about every single day. eat in moderation.

    eat ur burrito... eat the whole damn thing and just do it early on in the day... by night time that thing would probably be processed by ur stomach acids and ull be a happier man. dont think of it like u might quit if u eat one... think of it like ull be having one soon again. positive thinking is my number one weight loss tool.

    ex: the week before last i didnt cheat once in my diet NO FAST FOOD AT ALL!!!! i lost 2 lbs.
    last week i had mcdonalds, bk and subway like 3 times during the week and lost 4 lbs,

    u can still eat what u like just dont have 3 burritos and expect to loose weight... lol
  • Cmh1211
    Cmh1211 Posts: 104
    fun fact for those that worry about burning calories and what they eat... it takes 4 hours to naturally (no exercise) burn the calories in a tic tac. if we all lived our lives worried about foolishness like this where does it end... think about it,