need help on 30DS

Today was my first day doing 30DS and I could not keep up with all the moves... especially the jumping jacks in the second half. does it get better every day ? the video was tough !!! I had to take a break in between for approx 1 min. :(

Anyone had the same problem and yet saw results ?


  • jj1983
    jj1983 Posts: 146 Member
    It will get easier, I promise. Keep up with it. You will be sore tomorrow, I think I was the sorest after the 2nd day work out, but I feel SO good now that working out is part of my regular day to day routine.
  • Need some help; I'm loosing the weight, but how do I tone lower part of body?
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    oh man its killer but yeah the second time was easier, it was my third day, lastnite and i switched to the level 2 man its hard but great, push urself to keep up, tell urself you can do it and you will be able to, and yes it gets better...just started so not really seeing results from this yet.
  • Since you will be doing this every day, it will get easier. Take a break as you need and jump right back in. Don't give up, just keep doing the best you can and you definitely will see improvements as far as stamina and ease. It's not meant to be easy.
  • The first day I did it I thought my legs were going to buckle under me! See how your body feels tomorrow. Maybe just a long fast walk would be good for you. Make sure to try it again by Wednesday. Tell yourself you can do it and you WILL. 20 MINUTES. U can do it!!
    I can do the entire thing now with 10lb. weights!
  • You're not alone! Listen to your body and modify as needed. I found that by the time I got to day 6 or 7 it became easier, but this is hard stuff! I modified and I have lost 2.5" off my belly button, 2" of my hips, 2" off my chest and I lost 6.6 lbs. Do what you can do!
  • MommaToFour
    MommaToFour Posts: 106
    Day one of each level you will always feel as if you're day ten you'll be the BOSS!! ;)
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    Don't feel bad today was my 1st day going through the whole 30 min and I had to modify some moves and take water breaks,if you need some support feel free to add me :)
  • Elizadolots
    Elizadolots Posts: 178
    Definitely gets easier! Felt like I was half dead the first few days, but over the weekend decided to go back to level 1 just to check how many calories it burns, and at the end I was rather smugly thinking 'Is that all you got Ms Michaels?' :bigsmile:
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    I'm on day 24 (no days off - yay me!)

    I have never had an issue with the cardio, but the strength training got to me. It does get easier and you'll be amazed at what your body can adjust to. Keep going and push yourself, try to stick to the five second breaks (no longer). If you are pushing yourself out of your comfort zone you will see results (even if you can't keep up right away). If you take a break every time you get a little tired, you won't. I hope that helps... push yourself (don't kill yourself) and you will see results.

    Keep it up, you'll be glad you did! You can do it!
  • jeclpi
    jeclpi Posts: 28
    My first day today too!!! Wasn't feeling great this morning, but thought I'd have a go anyway - had to stop in the middle of the second circuit as I felt nauseous....

    Was feeling a bit better this evening, so thought I'd have a second attempt. I was still feeling a bit nervous after this morning, so I skipped from Warm Up to Circuit 2, then Circuit 3 and then when this was OK, went back on the DVD and did the first one. Seemed easier this way, so probably not good to do all the time, but at least I made it to the end of Day 1....eventually!

    Here's to us both feeling better on Day 2!!! x
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    It gets SOOOO much easier after the 3rd day. By the end of 10 it will almost be easy. And it sure does wonders for removing inches from your body! Be sure to measure before and after, so you have something to show for all that hard work you're embarking on!
  • I agree! It gets easier for sure! I started only being able to do 7 pushups the first round then 5 the next. 6 days in I can do 12 and 8. Take breaks as needed. I am doing each level for 10 days, then moving onto Ripped in 30, then hopefully Insanity. I havn't had much weight loss, but there is a definite improvement in muscle tone. Stay with it! You can do it!
  • vichm
    vichm Posts: 174 Member
    stick with it, at first you think 'oh my god' i'l never be ready to go up a level and you will feel sore for the first few days. I am on day 28 and have progressed through to level 3, it has not been easy but well worth it. The results are great my waist/ legs and tummy are all looking trimmer and i've lost almost 7inches.

    Bite through the pain, you'll get there and feel great for it.... I'm moving onto ripped in 30 next week!! x
  • How did you figure out how many calories it burned?
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    I have been doing Level 1 of the 30DS for awhile, and I still have to stop about 4 times. Don't worry about it. It will get easier, and you will get results. Just stick with it.
    FAVORED1 Posts: 81 Member
    It does get better! Hang in there.... You will be brezzing through in no time. :))
  • Twyla123
    Twyla123 Posts: 47 Member
    It does get better - stick to it and you most definitly will see results! I am now on L2 D5 today! When I started L2 it was like day 1 all over again and I am having troubles keeping up. By the end of level 1 you will feel like it is 'easy'. Keep up the good work and do not get discouraged it will get better
  • hopingslim
    hopingslim Posts: 15 Member
    That makes me feel better.. thanks for all the support ! Hopefully I will be saying "bring it on " to Ms Michaels soon too :)
  • kdruga
    kdruga Posts: 35
    It does get better, like everyone else has been saying. I'm going to finish tomorrow. I tried last year and gave up after only a few days of levels 1 and 2. Take breaks when you need to, and don't be afraid to follow the beginner modifications. Good luck!