Time to lose the "baby" weight!



  • SalubriousGyrl
    SalubriousGyrl Posts: 87 Member
    you know what's funny, i had only 19 pounds to lose after i had my daughter. 19 pounds. After six weeks, i was back into a size 14, with more butt and hips, but no stomach. That 19 pounds tripled after all the stress, not eating until 8pm at night and starving myself during the day since i was never allowed a lunch break. So i can't consider my weight to be baby fat, because it is not. I caused my weight gain, by the way i ate afterwards. i accept this now and since my daughter is 8, i have lost weight, and gained weight over 8 years. I just want to be able to keep the weight off and stay dedicated to my goals. That's my truth.
  • heidivee
    heidivee Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks so much for posting, I'd love to join the thread. I just gave birth to my new baby girl and I can't wait to get clearance from my doctor to exercise! I am afraid to step on that scale to see how much I need to lose! I didn't have problems losing the weight with my first, but that was over 6 years ago. I'm no spring chicken anymore. Any support would be great, Ladies!!
  • Baby weight group sounds fun! I'm in. Are you going to create one?
  • footballmom12
    footballmom12 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi...mine are 14, 12, 4 and 2. The older two are step (but not really). I had severe pre-eclampsia both times and the last one (two years ago) I spent 2 weeks in the hospital in bed retaining water and eating. I don't know if I am happy or sad that I didn't get on the scale the day before I had him to see just how much I weighed....my guess is 300 lbs!! The first 50 fell right off (water).. lost another 20 or so last year...BUT this year really seems to be it..I am more motivated and this site is fabulous!! Anyone who wants to add me go right ahead. I am a great motivator and I eat normal food!!
  • heidivee
    heidivee Posts: 5 Member
    We should definitely create a baby weight group for support! It sounds like there is plenty of interest!
  • Taitiant
    Taitiant Posts: 65
    :flowerforyou: glad Your here.. I was the same way.. 4 years of baby fat... ( LOL ) who am i kidding.. Welcome!! good luck on your journey!!! :drinker:

  • I'm a stay at home mum of a 17 month old..... I joined Myfitnesspal some time ago, but didn't stick with it, but have recently taken the step to be more healthy.... only on my first week, but I'm already feeling the difference.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    The group has been created! Come and join!!
  • Kirsty7Fraser
    Kirsty7Fraser Posts: 55 Member
    Joined : )
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    Add me if you'd like!