Struggle to eat above 1000kcal, help?



  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Agreed on getting more fat. If you struggle to eat more than 1000kcal, your fat intake isn't likely to be a problem. Unless you are taking a lot of vitamins, I can't imagine you're actually getting the nutrition you really need from 1000kcal/day though. Macronutrients are one thing, but look at your vitamin intake.

    Those of us who eat fewer carbohydrates often struggle to get enough calories in, even though we're not that hungry. Some of the folks in the primal/paleo communities swear by a couple Tbsp of coconut oil daily, which seems interesting but I haven't personally tried it. I love a nice avocado for a snack myself :) Or almond butter on apples.
  • bluemorpho1247
    bluemorpho1247 Posts: 300 Member
    Agreed on getting more fat. If you struggle to eat more than 1000kcal, your fat intake isn't likely to be a problem. Unless you are taking a lot of vitamins, I can't imagine you're actually getting the nutrition you really need from 1000kcal/day though. Macronutrients are one thing, but look at your vitamin intake.

    Those of us who eat fewer carbohydrates often struggle to get enough calories in, even though we're not that hungry. Some of the folks in the primal/paleo communities swear by a couple Tbsp of coconut oil daily, which seems interesting but I haven't personally tried it. I love a nice avocado for a snack myself :) Or almond butter on apples.

    I was thinking of trying multi vitamins until i gradually up my intake? never tried avocado before, whats it take like?
  • so a healthier peanut butter? Just not sure what with as bread should be avoided?
    Why should bread be avoided?? :huh:

    Bread isn't bad for you as long as you are eating whole grain breads. and be careful with some of the labeling of bread as it is used to sell the bread and isn't actually made with whole grains. Always check your labels
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    Nuts, avocado, full fat butter/cheese/milk.

    This. Your fat intake is awfully low.
    Nuts, avocado, full fat butter/cheese/milk.

    This. Your fat intake is awfully low.

    I agree. Nuts have been huge for me in healthy eating. I love that your diary is public, but totally agree some days it's very very low in fat. I would just add in some healthy fats or one or two more snacks a day to bump you up. Oh, on the cheese thing i disagree with people that say no dairy or cheese. i would go with a natural cheese though instead of processed. Sargento offers tons of good ones lower in fat/calories.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    String cheese is good as well. I also eat several spoon fulls of peanut butter a day so I can get healthy fats and I need higher calorie foods. Also, cook stuff in extra virgin olive oil (adds 120 calories) and won't affect how full you feel.
  • mcott1012
    mcott1012 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey, I just wanted to let you know that at one point I did a diet that had me eating less then 1000 cal per day. Although I saw results really fast and kept losing the weight (at first), it was quite possibly the worst thing I had ever done in my life. When I was just shy of losing 60lbs my weight loss stopped dead. At the time I was accused of eating too much food and that caused my platuea...which was devistating, because I was still SSOO hungry all the time. Once I got off that unhealthy program and did some research, I realized that it was mainly bacause my metabolism had shut right down, and my body was definitly in starvation mode. Once I started eating like a normal human being again, I put 15lbs on in two weeks, and it has been a struggle ever since. My advice to you would be to keep at that 1200 a day mark and keep your metabolism healthy, so that you can make the changes long term. And good luck on your journey!! :)
  • bluemorpho1247
    bluemorpho1247 Posts: 300 Member
    Nuts, avocado, full fat butter/cheese/milk.

    This. Your fat intake is awfully low.

    I agree. Nuts have been huge for me in healthy eating. I love that your diary is public, but totally agree some days it's very very low in fat. I would just add in some healthy fats or one or two more snacks a day to bump you up. Oh, on the cheese thing i disagree with people that say no dairy or cheese. i would go with a natural cheese though instead of processed. Sargento offers tons of good ones lower in fat/calories.

    Thanks, i like cheese slices, would they count? or should i maybe chose cottage cheese?
  • bluemorpho1247
    bluemorpho1247 Posts: 300 Member
    Hey, I just wanted to let you know that at one point I did a diet that had me eating less then 1000 cal per day. Although I saw results really fast and kept losing the weight (at first), it was quite possibly the worst thing I had ever done in my life. When I was just shy of losing 60lbs my weight loss stopped dead. At the time I was accused of eating too much food and that caused my platuea...which was devistating, because I was still SSOO hungry all the time. Once I got off that unhealthy program and did some research, I realized that it was mainly bacause my metabolism had shut right down, and my body was definitly in starvation mode. Once I started eating like a normal human being again, I put 15lbs on in two weeks, and it has been a struggle ever since. My advice to you would be to keep at that 1200 a day mark and keep your metabolism healthy, so that you can make the changes long term. And good luck on your journey!! :)

    Thanks for the story :) I keep my motab up with exercise anc regular food intake, try to eat every 4 hours if i can, I was worried about it being too low too, but thought i could stay at my caloric intake from now on to avoid it :) Thanks
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member

    I was thinking of trying multi vitamins until i gradually up my intake? never tried avocado before, whats it take like?

    Creamy, almost like a combination of a fruit and vegetable... In Morocco they would make a milkshake from it, jus d'avocat, that was avocado and milk and sugar. Not something to eat every day, but it was oh so good.

    If you've never had avocado, maybe start by putting a couple of slices on a salad, or making some fresh guacamole!
  • bluemorpho1247
    bluemorpho1247 Posts: 300 Member
    Ok, so from this I should add olive oil to food, eat nut butters and nuts, add a little more cheese and egg and keep above 1200! Thanks :) this is so helpful, so happy to have this support! feel free to add me to tell me off when ive done bad! Need the encouragement!
  • bluemorpho1247
    bluemorpho1247 Posts: 300 Member

    I was thinking of trying multi vitamins until i gradually up my intake? never tried avocado before, whats it take like?

    Creamy, almost like a combination of a fruit and vegetable... In Morocco they would make a milkshake from it, jus d'avocat, that was avocado and milk and sugar. Not something to eat every day, but it was oh so good.

    If you've never had avocado, maybe start by putting a couple of slices on a salad, or making some fresh guacamole!

    Yeah i head guacamole is nice! my sister, a veggie, loves it. What could i use to dip into it as i dont like celery, carrots bore me too quickly and mixing apple with savory makes me cringy :)
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    i would go with a natural cheese though instead of processed.


    ALL cheese is processed. It doesn't grow out of the ground that way......:huh:

    Relax, Bluemorpho. You don't have to follow all these rules.

    Aim at 1250-1500 calories every day. Eat foods you like. Ignore crazy rules that cut out major food groups or are difficult or non-tasty to follow. Indulge often enough that you don't go bonkers.

    Eat some bread. Even if you prefer the bleached white Wonder bread. I promise it's OK.

    And most of all, relax.
  • jmsouth5
    jmsouth5 Posts: 138 Member
    so a healthier peanut butter? Just not sure what with as bread should be avoided?

    If you want to avoid bread, just try the peanut butter with a sliced apple. It tastes really good.

    About the nuts: go for whatever you like more, I really enjoy almonds and cashews for ex. Cheese has so many possibilities with very low carb content, but if you don't like it, just go for something different.

    Greek yogurt is, again, a good suggestion - go for the higher fat content.

    Add some olive oil to your salads - it brings very healthy fats to your diet and helps you up the calories.

    I really think that upping those calories is a good idea. Strive to never go under 1200 cals/day.

    Thanks. When i did i gained 3lbs, and my fat % of body went up 10% !

    A really yummy peanut butter is from Trader Joes "BETTER N' PEANUT BUTTER" , only 85 cals per 2 tbl spoon.. Healthy and very creamy!
  • jmsouth5
    jmsouth5 Posts: 138 Member
    so a healthier peanut butter? Just not sure what with as bread should be avoided?

    If you want to avoid bread, just try the peanut butter with a sliced apple. It tastes really good.

    About the nuts: go for whatever you like more, I really enjoy almonds and cashews for ex. Cheese has so many possibilities with very low carb content, but if you don't like it, just go for something different.

    Greek yogurt is, again, a good suggestion - go for the higher fat content.

    Add some olive oil to your salads - it brings very healthy fats to your diet and helps you up the calories.

    I really think that upping those calories is a good idea. Strive to never go under 1200 cals/day.

    Thanks. When i did i gained 3lbs, and my fat % of body went up 10% !

    A really yummy peanut butter is from Trader Joes "BETTER N' PEANUT BUTTER" , only 85 cals per 2 tbl spoon.. Healthy and very creamy!
    Forgot to mention, Orowheat Double Fiber Whole Wheat bread is very good, and low cals too.
  • bluemorpho1247
    bluemorpho1247 Posts: 300 Member
    i would go with a natural cheese though instead of processed.


    ALL cheese is processed. It doesn't grow out of the ground that way......:huh:

    Relax, Bluemorpho. You don't have to follow all these rules.

    Aim at 1250-1500 calories every day. Eat foods you like. Ignore crazy rules that cut out major food groups or are difficult or non-tasty to follow. Indulge often enough that you don't go bonkers.

    Eat some bread. Even if you prefer the bleached white Wonder bread. I promise it's OK.

    And most of all, relax.

    It seems to definitely be the calories, ill try the 1200 minimum and see how it goes with that. :)
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    You could permanently mess up your metabolism by eating too few calories. Be careful!!